Kitāb al-Ghayba

Book 1, Chapter 24

Stories of people with long lifespans from Arabs and non-Arabs are famous and chronicled in books and history.
29 Aḥadīth

85- وروى أصحاب الأخبار أن سلمان الفارسي رضي الله عنه لقي عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام وبقي إلى زمان نبينا صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، وخبره مشهور.

H 85 - Some scholars of tradition have narrated that Salman Farsi met Isa Ibn Maryam and lived until the time of our Prophet (s). His story is famous.

وروى أصحاب الحديث أن الدجال موجود وأنه كان في عصر النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وأنه باق إلى الوقت الذي يخرج فيه، وهو عدو الله.

H 86 - Tradition scholars have narrated that Dajjal is alive and that he was present during the time of the Prophet (s). Dajjal is the enemy of God.

وروى من ذكر أخبار العرب أن لقمان بن عاد كان أطول الناس عمرا وأنه عاش ثلاثة آلاف سنة وخمسمائة سنة، ويقال إنه عاش عمر سبعة أنسر وكان يأخذ فرخ النسر الذكر فيجعله في الجبل فيعيش النسر ما عاش، فإذا مات أخذ آخر فرباه حتى كان آخرها لبد، وكان أطولها عمرا،

H 87 - Luqman bin Aad lived the longest and he lived for 3500 years. It is said that he lived with seven eagles in such a manner that he used to catch an eagle chick and rear it under his care on the mountain till it became old and died. Then he took up another chick and trained it till the seventh eagle, which was named as Labad and it had a longer lifespan than others.

ومنهم ربيع بن ضبع بن وهب بن بغيض بن مالك بن سعد بن عيس بن فزارة، عاش ثلاثمائة سنة وأربعين سنة،فأدرك النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ولم يسلم.

Rabi bin Zaba is among those who lived for a long time; he lived for 340 years and saw the Holy Prophet (s); however he did not embrace Islam.

وروي أنه عاش إلى أيام عبد الملك بن مروان،وخبره معروف فإنه قال له: فصل لي عمرك. قال: عشت مائتي سنة في فترة عيسى، وعشرين ومائة سنة في الجاهلية، وستين في الإسلام. فقال له: لقد طلبك جد غير عاثر. وأخباره معروفة، وهو الذي يقول وقد طعن في ثلاثمائة سنة: أصبح مني الشباب قد حسرا إن يناعني فقد ثوى عصرا والأبيات معروفة. وهو الذي يقول: إذا كان الشتاء فأدفئوني فإن الشيخ يهدمه الشتاء فأما حين يذهب كل قر فسربال خفيف أو رداء إذا عاش الفتى مائتين عاما فقد أودى المسرة والفتاء

It is narrated that Rabi lived till the time of Abdul Malik bin Marwan and it is a well known report that Marwan said to him: Explain how you spent your life. He replied: I lived comfortably as a Christian for two hundred years and lived for one hundred and twenty years during the period of ignorance and sixty years in Islam. Afterwards Abdul Malik said to him: Luck was with you. His story is well known. When he reached the age of three hundred years, he composed the following poem: When it is winter, you must warm me up, because winter definitely proves lethal for the aged. But when the winter goes away, only a thin trouser and cloak is sufficient. When a person lives for two hundred years, his desires and youth disappear.

ومنهم المستوغر بن ربيعة بن كعب بن زيد بن مناة، عاش ثلاثمائة وثلاثين سنة حتى قال: ولقد سئمت من الحياة وطولها وعمرت من بعد السنين سنينا مائة أتت من بعدها مائتان لي وعمرت من عدد الشهور سنينا هل ما بقي إلا كما قد فاتنا يوم يكر وليلة تحدونا

Mustaughar bin Rabia bin Kaab bin Zaid Munah bin Tameem was also of those who had long life spans. He lived for three hundred and thirty years and composed the following couplets: I am fed up of life and a long lifespan as I lived for years after years. After two hundred years, I lived for a hundred years more - I counted years like people count months. Is that which is to come different from that which has passed? Days continue to repeat and nights with their repetition limit my lifespan.

ومنهم أكثم بن صيفي الأسدي، عاش ثلاثمائة سنة وثلاثين سنة، وكان ممن أدرك النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وآمن به ومات قبل أن يلقاه، وله أخبار كثيرة وحكم وأمثال. وهو القائل: وإن امرأ قد عاش تسعين حجة إلى مائة لم يسأم العيش جاهل خلت مائتان غير ست وأربع وذلك من عد الليالي قلائل وكان والده صيفي بن رياح بن أكثم أيضا من المعمرين،عاش مائتين وسبعين سنة لا ينكر من عقله شي‏ء، وهو المعروف بذي الحلم الذي قال فيه المتلمس اليشكري: لذي الحلم قبل اليوم ما تقرع العصا وما علم الإنسان إلا ليعلما

Aktham bin Saifi from the progeny of Asad bin Amr bin Tameem lived for three hundred and thirty years. He survived till the time of Islam and also embraced Islam, but he died before he could meet the Prophet. Many reports and sayings are recorded about Aktham bin Saifi. For example the following: Certainly, a man should spend ninety years of life. If it is extended by a hundred more years then an ignorant (person) does not become wary of life. If six and four are subtracted from two hundred, one hundred and ninety remain; it is when nights are also counted. His father, Saifi bin Riyah bin Aktham, also had a long life span. He lived for two hundred and seventy years without any reduction in his mental capacities. He is well known for his forbearance, sagacity and wisdom as mentioned by a poet about him: Saifi bin Riyah, who is the owner of forbearance, more than that he is having kindness and compassion; he knew nothing, which he did not teach to others.

ومنهم ضبيرة بن سعيد بن سعد بن سهم بن عمرو، عاش مائتي سنة وعشرين سنة ولم يشب قط، وأدرك الإسلام ولم يسلم. وروى أبو حاتم والرياشي عن العتبي عن أبيه قال: مات ضبيرة السهمي وله مائتا سنة وعشرون سنة، وكان أسود الشعر صحيح الأسنان، ورثاه ابن عمه قيس بن عدي فقال: من يأمن الحدثان بعـ ـد ضبيرة السهمي ماتا سبقت منيته المشيـ ـب وكان ميتته افتلاتا فتزودوا لا تهلكوا من دون أهلكم خفاتا

Zabira bin Saeed bin Saad bin Saham bin Amr is also included among people with long life spans. He lived for 220 years and no signs of senility were visible in him; although he lived during the period of Islam, he did not accept faith. Abu Hatim and Rayashi have written on the authority of Atba that he lived for 220 years. His hair had not grayed and his teeth were also intact. Qays bin Adi, his cousin, has composed the following regarding him: Who is it that should be safe through the accidents of time after Zabira bin Sahmi, who lived for two hundred years? He took precedence in old age, lived as a youth and died an accidental death. Thus O people, gather your provisions as you would die and you have to go away without your families.

ومنهم دريد بن الصمة الجشمي، عاش مائتي سنة وأدرك الإسلام فلم يسلم،وكان أحد قواد المشركين يوم حنين ومقدمتهم. حضر حرب النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم فقتل يومئذ.

Duraid bin Sama Jashami lived for 200 years and witnessed the period of Islam, without accepting faith. He was a chief of polytheists during the Battle of Hunain and was at the forefront in fighting the Messenger of Allah (s). He was killed in that same battle.

ومنهم محصن بن غسان بن ظالم الزبيدي،عاش مائتي سنة وستا وخمسين سنة.

Mohsin bin Ghassan He was also a person who had a long life span. He lived for 256 years.

ومنهم عمرو بن حممة الدوسي، عاش أربعمائة سنة،وهو الذي يقول: كبرت وطال العمر حتى كأنني سليم أفاع ليلة غير مودع ‏فما الموت أفناني ولكن تتابعت علي سنون من مصيف ومربع ‏ثلاث مئات قد مررن كواملا وها أنا هذا أرتجي منه أربع

Amr bin Hamama Doosi He is also a long lived human being, who lived for 400 years. Following is his own composition: I have become aged and my age is so prolonged as if I have been stung by snake that is not yet dead. Thus death did not destroy me and I was not destroyed? But years of spring and summer passed on me. I have definitely left behind three hundred years and I hope to live for four hundred years.

ومنهم الحارث بن مضاض الجرهمي، عاش أربعمائة سنة،وهو القائل: كان لم يكن بين الحجون إلى الصفا أنيس ولم يسمر بمكة سامر ‏ بلى نحن كنا أهلها فأبادنا صروف الليالي والجدود العواثر

Harith bin Mazaz Jurhami also lived for 400 years; he composed the following two lines: As if there was no one on way from Hajun to Safa and in Mecca who was a worshipper, who spent the nights in prayers. Yes, we are from the worshippers of Mecca, who spend their nights in worship. We make the passage of days and nights old.

ومنهم عبد المسيح بن بقيلة الغساني، ذكر الكلبي وأبو عبيدة وغيرهما أنه عاش ثلاثمائة سنة وخمسين سنة، وأدرك الإسلام فلم يسـلم، وكان نصرانيا. وخبره مع خالد بن الوليد لما نزل على الحيرة معروف،حتى قال له: كم أتى لك؟قال: خمسون وثلاثمائة سنة. قال: فما أدركت؟قال: أدركت سفن البحر ترفأ إلينا في هذا الجرف،ورأيت المرأة من أهل الحيرة تضع مكتلها على رأسها لا تزود إلا رغيفا واحدا حتى تأتي الشام وقد أصبحت خرابا.وذلك دأب الله في العباد والبلاد. وهو القائل: والناس أبناء علات فمن علموا أن قد أقل فمجفو ومحقور وهم بنون لأم إن رأوا نشبا فذاك بالغيب محفوظ ومحصور

Abdul Masih bin Baqila Ghassani Kalbi, Abu Ubaidah and others have said that Abdul Masih bin Baqila Ghassani also had a long lifespan and he lived for 350 years. He lived during the Islamic period, but did not accept Islam; on the contrary he remained a Christian. His engagement with Khalid is well known when the latter came to Hira. Till Khalid asked: How old are you? He replied: Three hundred and fifty years. Khalid asked: What did you see during this period? He replied: At this place [in the desert of Hira, which was a sea once upon a time] I saw boats anchored near the coast and a woman of Hira carrying a sack on her head and she had only a piece of bread and she was going to Shaam. Now this area has become arid and barren and this is the practice of God with regard to people and cities. Abdul Masih composed the following couplet: People are children born from different wombs and when they understand that someone is spending a life of difficulty and poverty, they murder and humiliate him. When they see the wealth and prosperity of someone they become his blood brothers and such hypocritical things are written and preserved in the realm of the unseen.

ومنهم النابغة الجعدي من بني عامر بن صعصعة،يكنى أبا ليلى.قال أبو حاتم السجستاني: كان النابغة الجعدي أسن من النابغة الذبياني.

Nabigha Jodi was among the long lived personalities among the Arabs. His real name was Qays bin Kaab bin Abdullah bin Aamir bin Rabia bin Joda bin Kaab bin Rabia bin Aamir bin Saasa. His patronymic was Abu Laila. Abu Hatim Sajistani, a prominent scholar of language and poetry says that Nabigha attained an age more than that of Zabyani.

وروي أنه كان يفتخر ويقول: أتيت النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم فأنشدته: بلغنا السماء مجدنا وجدودنا وإنا لنرجو فوق ذلك مظهرا فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: أين المظهر يا أبا ليلى؟ فقلت: الجنة يا رسول الله. فقال: أجل إن شاء الله تعالى. ثم أنشدته: ولا خير في حلم إذا لم يكن له بوادر تحمي صفوه أن يكدرا ولا خير في جهل إذا لم يكن له حليم إذا ما أورد الأمر أصدرا فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: لا يفضض الله فاك.

He proudly says: I recited the following verses to the Messenger of Allah (s): Our greatness and nobility has reached to the skies and we hope that it will go beyond them. The Messenger of Allah (s) asked: “Till where, O Abu Laila?” I replied: “In Paradise, O Messenger of Allah (s).” The Holy Prophet (s) remarked: “All right, if Allah so wills.” After that I presented the following couplets to the Messenger of Allah (s): There is no goodness in forbearance and magnanimity, when they are not accompanied with evil and anger, till purity does not stain the period of forbearance or period of anger. And there is no goodness in ignorance also, when it is not accompanied with forbearance and severity does not make amends for it with kindness and tolerance. At that moment the Holy Prophet (s) said: May Allah bless you.

وقيل أنه عاش مائة وعشرين سنة ولم يسقط من فيه سن ولا ضرس. وقال بعضهم: رأيته وقد بلغ الثمانين تزف غروبه. وكان كلما سقطت له ثنية تنبت له أخرى مكانها. وهو من أحسن الناس ثغرا.

It is said that Nabigha Jodi lived for 120 years without losing any of his teeth. A person says that his teeth were intact till he was eighty; when he lost a set of teeth, another one grew in its stead. He was best with regard to teeth.

ومنهم أبو الطمحان القيني من بني كنانة بن القين.قال أبو حاتم: عاش أبو الطمحان القيني من بني كنانة مائتي سنة، وقال في ذلك: حنتني حانيات الدهر حتى كأني خاتل أدنو لصيد قصير الخطو يحسب من رآني ولست مقيدا أني بقيد وأخباره وأشعاره معروفة.

Among those blessed with a long life span was Abu Tamhan Qaini, who belonged to the tribe of Bani Kinana bin Qain. Abu Hatim has said that he lived for 200 years and composed the following lines about himself: Neither prosperity nor the hardships of the age have weakened me; in such a way as if I have crouched to hunt or prey. Due to the severity of old age, I take such short steps that if they see me, they would think that my legs are tied up in chains; whereas it is not so. His reports and poetic compositions are well known.

ومنهم ذو الإصبع العدواني. قال أبو حاتم: عاش ثلاثمائة سنة، وهو أحد حكام العرب في الجاهلية، وأخباره وأشعاره وحكمه معروفة.

Zu Asbah Adwani According to Abul Hatim, he attained an age of 300 years. He was an Arab king during the period of Jahiliyya. His reports, poems and judgments are well known.

ومنهم زهير بن جناب الحميري،لم نذكر نسبه لطوله.قال أبو حاتم: عاش زهير بن جناب مائتي سنة وعشرين سنة، وواقع مائتي وقعة، وكان سيدا مطاعا، عاش شريفا في قومه.ويقال: كانت فيه عشر خصال لم يجتمعن في غيره من أهل زمانه: كان سيد قومه، وشريفهم، وخطيبهم، وشاعرهم، ووافدهم إلى الملوك، وطبيبهم، والطب في ذلك الزمان شرف، وحازى قومه، وهو الكاهن، وكان فارس قومه وله البيت فيهم والعدد منهم،وأوصى إلى بنيه فقال: يا بني إني كبرت سني وبلغت حرسا من دهري أي دهرا فأحكمتني التجارب والأمور تجربة واختبار فاحفظوا عني ما أقول وعوا، وإياكم والخور عند المصائب والتواكل عند النوائب،فإن ذلك داعية الغم وشماتة العدو وسوء الظن بالرب. وإياكم أن تكونوا بالأحداث مغترين ولها آمنين ومنها ساخرين، فإنه ما سخر قوم قط إلا ابتلوا، ولكن توقعوها فإنما الإنسان في الدنيا غرض تعاوره الزمان فمقصر دونه ومجاوز موضعه وواقع عن يمينه وشماله،ثم لا بد أن يصيبه. وأقواله معروفة وكذلك أشعاره.

Zuhair bin Janab also had a long lifespan and he lived for 220 years and participated in 200 battles. He was the leader of his tribe. It is said that he possessed ten extraordinary qualities: He was a chief of his tribe, he was of noble lineage and an eloquent speaker and a poet. He used to visit other kings as a diplomat; he was an accomplished physician, a soothsayer and a brave warrior. He was a wise advisor. In his will, he said to his children: My sons, indeed I have become old; I have been given a very long life, I have got good experience and have become an expert. Thus remember what I say. Lest in times of hardships you are degraded, lest when you are faced with difficult situations you forgive each other [and do not fulfill the desires of others] since for you this matter causes great anxiety and sorrow and brings condemnation of enemies and makes you suspicious of Almighty Allah. Lest you become arrogant and careless in face of hardships and think that you are in security and you ridicule it. Every nation that took tragedies lightly got involved in them; therefore take tragedies seriously as in the world, man is a target in such a way that archers have targeted the tragedies and they shoot arrows in its directions. Arrows are shot at it from right and left and finally the arrows of tragedies injure him. Statements and poetic compositions of Zuhair are also famous.

ومنهم دويد بن نهد بن زيد بن أسود بن أسلم بن ألحاف بن قضاعة.قال أبو حاتم: عاش دويد بن زيد أربعمائة وستا وخمسين سنة، ووصيته معروفة وأخباره مشهورة. ومن قوله: ألقى علي الدهر رجلا ويدا والدهر ما أصلح يوما أفسدا يفسد ما أصلحه اليوم غـــدا

He is Duwaid bin Nahad bin Zaid bin Aswad bin Aslam bin Haaf bin Qaza-a. Abu Hatim has said with regard to him: He lived for 456 years. His bequests and reports are famous and well known and a sample of his couplets is as follows: The passage of time has rendered my limbs useless and whatever is improved by this period, another day will corrupt it, because that which it has improved today, tomorrow it would destroy it.

ومنهم الحارث بن كعب بن عمرو بن وعلة المذحجي، ومذحج هي أم مالك بن أدد،وسميت مذحجا لأنها ولدت على أكمة تسمى مذحجا. قال أبو حاتم: جمع الحارث بن كعب بنيه لما حضرته الوفاة فقال: يا بني قد أتت علي ستون ومائة سنة ما صافحت يميني يمين غادر ولا قنعت نفسي بحلة فاجر ولا صبوت بابنة عم ولا كنة ولا طرحت عندي مومسة قناعها ولا بحت لصديق بسر. وإني لعلى دين شعيب النبي عليه السلام وما عليه أحد من العرب غيري وغير أسد بن خزيمة وتميم بن مر،فاحفظوا وصيتي وموتوا على شريعتي. إلهكم فاتقوه يكفكم المهم من أموركم ويصلح لكم أعمالكم وإياكم ومعصيته لا يحل بكم الدمار ويوحش منكم الديار.يا بني كونوا جميعا ولا تتفرقوا فتكونوا شيعا، فإن موتا في عز خير من حياة في ذل وعجز. وكل ما هو كائن كائن، وكل جمع إلى تباين. الدهر ضربان؛ فضرب رجاء وضرب بلاء. واليوم يومان؛فيوم حبرة ويوم عبرة. والناس رجلان؛ فرجل لك ورجل عليك. تزوجوا الأكفاء وليستعملن في طيبهن الماء،وتجنبوا الحمقاء فإن ولدها إلى أفن ما يكون إلا أنه لا راحة لقاطع القرابة.وإذا اختلف القوم أمكنوا عدوهم، وآفة العدد اختلاف الكلمة، والتفضل بالحسنة يقي السيئة، والمكافأة بالسيئة الدخول فيها، والعمل بالسوء يزيل النعماء، وقطيعة الرحم تورث الهم، وانتهاك الحرمة يزيل النعمة، وعقوق الوالدين يورث النكد ويمحق العدد ويخرب البلد، والنصيحة تجر الفضيحة، والحقد يمنع الرفد، ولزوم الخطيئة يعقب البلية، وسوء الرعة يقطع أسباب المنفعة. الضغائن تدعو إلى التباين. ثم أنشأ يقول: أكلت شبابي فأفنيته وأفنيت بعد دهور دهورا ثلاثة أهلين صاحبتهم فبادوا فأصبحت شيخا كبيرا قليل الطعام عسير القيام قد ترك الدهر خطوي قصيرا أبيت أراعي نجوم السماء أقلب أمري بطونا ظهورا فهذا طرف من أخبار المعمرين من العرب، واستيفاؤه في الكتب المصنفة في هذا المعنى موجود.

Among the long lived persons of the world is Harith bin Kaab bin Amr bin Waala Madh-haji. Madh-haj was the mother of Malik bin Adad and the reason of her being named thus was that she was born on a hill named as Madh-haj. Abu Hatim says: When the death of Harith approached, he gathered his children and said: My children, I have reached an age of a hundred and sixty years, but so far I have neither made peace with any traitor nor befriended any transgressor or infidel, nor flirted with cousins and sisters-in-law. I have never kept a woman of loose character in my house. I have never exposed the secrets of my friends. I follow the religion of Prophet Shuaib (a.s) and except for me, Asad bin Khuzaima and Tamim bin Murrah, no one in the Arab Peninsula follows this faith. So remember my will and live on my religion. Continue to fear the Almighty Allah as He is sufficient for you in every way. Never disobey Him as you would be destroyed and your city and abode would be terrified of your destruction [It is an allusion of divine chastisement]. My sons, be united and never should you fall into discord. Without any doubt, a death of honor is better than a life of degradation and helplessness. What is destined would come to pass. Everything is of two different types. Thus time is also of two kinds: A time of prosperity and a time of troubles. People are also of two types: One kind will benefit you and another will harm you. Also remember that you should take in marriage, a woman who is compatible to your status and is chaste. Avoid foolish girls as their issues will be useless. Those who cut off relations will never get peace. There is enmity in discord with the people of your community. That is if you oppose them, they will become inimical to you. No matter how numerous you may be; if you have no unity, you are in great trouble. Goodness erases evil. To reciprocate evil with evil is to participate in evil. Sins destroy good deeds. Breaking off relations creates sorrow. Disrespect destroys blessings. Disowning of parents leads to destruction. It reduces population and houses are destroyed. Bad behavior cuts off benefits. Mutual enmity causes separations. He had composed the following couplets: I spent my youth and I wasted it; and I destroyed one day with another. I lived with three wives and all of them passed away and I have also become an old man. My food is less and my getting up is with difficulty and the long life span has shortened my steps. I remain awake the nights and observe the stars and contemplate on the hidden and apparent aspects of my life. These were some examples of Arabs who had the good fortune of having long life spans and their accounts are preserved in books of history.

وأما الفرس فإنها تزعم أن فيما تقدم من ملوكها جماعة طالت أعمارهم، فيروون أن الضحاك صاحب الحيتين عاش ألف سنة ومائتي سنة وأفريدون العادل عاش فوق ألف سنة،ويقولون إن الملك الذي أحدث المهرجان عاش ألفي سنة وخمسمائة سنة استتر منها عن قومه ستمائة سنة.وغير ذلك مما هو موجود في تواريخهم وكتبهم لا نطول بذكرها. فكيف يقال إن ما ذكرناه في صاحب الزمان خارج عن العادات؟

As for the Persians: According to them, in the past, there were some rulers, who got long life spans. Therefore they have narrated that Zahhak, the owner of two snakes [a couple of snakes perched on his shoulders] lived for 1200 years; or Faridoon the Just, lived for more than a thousand years. In the same way they say: A king initiated the celebration of Meherjan festival (spring feast). He lived for 2500 years after which he disappeared from his people for 600 years. In addition, there are those mentioned in the history of Iranians and their books and we will not prolong this book by quoting them. Thus [with attention to all these long-lived persons] how can it be said that the long lifespan of the Master of the Age (a.s) is extraordinary?

ومن المعمرين من العرب يعرب بن قحطان، واسمه ربيعة، أول من تكلم بالعربية، ملك مائتي سنة على ما ذكره أبو الحسن النسابة الأصفهاني في كتاب الفرع والشجر، وهو أبو اليمن كلها وهو منها كعدنان إلا شاذا نادرا.

Similarly, among those who had a long lifespan among the Arabs was Yarab bin Qahtan. His real name was Rabia. He was the first to speak the Arabic language. According to Abal Hasan Nasaba Isfahani and his book, Al Fara wash Shajar (The branch and tree) he ruled for 200 years and he was a Yemenite progenitor. He was as Adnan was in Hijaz with a little difference.

ومنهم عمرو بن عامر مزيقيا. روى الأصفهاني عن عبد المجيد بن أبي عيس الأنصاري والشرقي بن قطامي أنه عاش ثمانمائة سنة أربعمائة سنة سوقة في حياة أبيه وأربعمائة سنة ملكا، وكان في سني ملكه يلبس في كل يوم حلتين،فإذا كان بالعشي مزقت الحلتان عنه لئلا يلبسهما غيره فسمي مزيقيا.وقيل إنما سمي بذلك لأن على عهده تمزقت الأزد فصاروا إلى أقطار الأرض،وكان ملك أرض سبإ فحدثته الكهان بأن الله يهلكها بالسيل العرم فاحتال حتى باع ضياعه وخرج فيمن أطاعه من أولاده وأهله قبل السيل العرم ومنه انتشرت الأزد كلها والأنصار من ولده.

Amr Aaamir Maziqiya He was also a long lived Arab. Isfahani has narrated from Abi Ais Ansari and Sharqi bin Qattami that he lived for 800 years. Four hundred years during the lifetime of his father and another four hundred years afterwards, when he was a ruler. His practice was to wear two kinds of garments everyday. Every night he tore up his clothes, so that no one else may wear them. That’s why he is known as Maziqiya (one who tears). It is said that he was called Maziqiya, because during his reign, people of Azd migrated to various parts of the world. Amr was a king of the Saba kingdom. Soothsayers told him that his country would be destroyed by the floods of Iram. So he sold his land and migrated to some other place with his subjects. Therefore all the tribes of Azd and Ansar are his descendants.

ومنهم جلهمة بن أدد بن زيد بن يشجب بن عريب بن زيد بن كهلان بن يعرب، ويقال لجلهمة طيئ وإليه تنسب طيئ كلها وله خبر يطول شرحه، وكان له ابن أخ يقال له يحابر بن مالك بن أدد، وكان قد أتى على كل واحد منهما خمسمائة سنة وقع بينهما ملاحاة بسبب المرعى فخاف جلهمة هلاك عشيرته فرحل عنه وطوى المنازل فسمي طيئا،وهو صاحب أجأ وسلمى جبلين بطيئ ولذلك خبر يطول معروف.

Another long-lived ruler of Arabs was Jalhama bin Adad bin Zaid bin Yashjab bin Arib bin Zaid bin Kahlan bin Yarab. He is also known as Lajalmaha Tai and Bani Tai are his descendants. His account is very long. Yahabir bin Malik bin Adad was one of his nephews. Each of them lived for 500 years and there was a battle between them regarding a pasture land. Jalhama thought that in this way his whole clan will be destroyed. So he left that place and traveled a great distance; that is why he began to be called as Tai. He was the owner of two mountains in Tai, named Aja and Salma. He is also having a very lengthy account.

ومنهم عمرو بن لحي وهو ربيعة بن حارثة بن عمرو مزيقيا في قول علماء خزاعة كان رئيس خزاعة في حرب خزاعة وجرهم، وهو الذي سن السائبة والوصيلة والحام ونقل صنمين-وهما هبل ومناة- من الشام إلى مكة فوضعهما للعبادة فسلم هبل إلى خزيمة بن مدركة، فقيل هبل خزيمة، وصعد على أبي قبيس ووضع مناة بالمسلل وقدم بالنرد،وهو أول من أدخلها مكة فكانوا يلعبون بها في الكعبة غدوة وعشية.

One of them is Amr bin Lohi, whose real name was Rabia bin Haritha bin Amr Maziqiya. According to scholars of Khaza, he was the chief of the Khaza during the battle between Khaza and Jurham. He had initiated the customs of Saiba, Wasila and Haam. He brought the idols of Hubal and Manat from Syria to Mecca. He entrusted Hubal to Khazima bin Mudrika and that is why it began to be referred to as the Hubal Khazima. Then he placed Manat on Mt. Abu Qubais and he was the first to bring Nard (a dice game) to Mecca, which people played all the time in Kaaba and its vicinity.

88- فروي عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أنه قال: رفعت إلى النار فرأيت عمرو بن لحي رجلا قصيرا أحمر أزرق يجر قصبة في النار. فقلت: من هذا؟قيل: عمرو بن لحي.

H 88 - It is narrated from the Messenger of Allah (s) that he said: I was shown Hell during my journey of Meraj. I saw a short stature man, Amr bin Lahih paying with his baton in Hell. I asked: Who is this? I was told: He is Amr bin Lahih.

فإن كان المخالف لنا في ذلك من يحيل ذلك من المنجمين وأصحاب الطبائع فالكلام معهم في أصل هذه المسألة وأن العالم مصنوع وله صانع أجرى العادة بقصر الأعمار وطولها وأنه قادر على إطالتها وعلى إفنائها فإذا بين ذلك سهل الكلام. وإن كان المخالف في ذلك من يسلم ذلك غير أنه يقول هذا خارج عن العادات فقد بينا أنه ليس بخارج عن جميع العادات. ومتى قالوا خارج عن عادتنا،قلنا وما المانع منه.فإن قيل ذلك لا يجوز إلا في زمن الأنبياء، قلنا نحن ننازع في ذلك وعندنا يجوز خرق العادات على يد الأنبياء والأئمة والصالحين،وأكثر أصحاب الحديث يجوزون ذلك وكثير من المعتزلة والحشوية وإن سموا ذلك كرامات كان ذلك خلافا في عبارة وقد دللنا على جواز ذلك في كتبنا وبينا أن المعجز إنما يدل على صدق من يظهر على يده ثم نعلمه نبيا أو إماما أو صالحا لقوله وكلما يذكرونه من شبههم قد بينا الوجه في كتبنا لا نطول بذكره هاهنا.

If our opponent considers this impossible from astrologers and physicists, then the inquiry is about the basis of this question. The world is a creation and it has a Creator, Who has set the ordinary norms of short and long lives and He is capable of lengthening lives and taking lives. If this is clarified, then the inquiry becomes easy. If our opponent accepts this, but says this is out of the ordinary norms, we have already responded that it is not out of all of the ordinary events. If he says it is out of the bounds of our ordinary events, we will ask: What is wrong with that? If it is said that such events are not possible, except during the times of the prophets, we will say that we dispute this assertion. We believe that extraordinary events can be worked by prophets, Imams and even virtuous servants of God. The majority tradition scholars and many Mutazalites and Hashawiyya accept this. And if they call them “Karamat,” that is a difference only in words. We have proved the possibility of these events in our books and explained that extraordinary events prove the truth of the person, who brings them forth; and we discern he is either prophet, Imam or a virtuous man. We have responded to all the doubts they raise with this regard in our books and will not prolong the discussion by bringing them here again.

89- ووجدت بخط الشريف الأجل الرضي أبي الحسن محمد بن الحسين الموسوي رضي الله عنه تعليقا في تقاويم جمعها مؤرخا بيوم الأحد الخامس عشر من المحرم سنة إحدى وثمانين وثلاثمائة أنه ذكر له حال شيخ في باب الشام قد جاوز المائة وأربعين سنة، فركبت إليه حتى تأملته وحملته إلى القرب من داري بالكرخ وكان أعجوبة شاهد الحسن بن علي بن محمد بن علي الرضا عليهم السلام أبا القائم عليه السلام ووصف صفته… إلى غير ذلك من العجائب التي شاهدها،هذه حكاية خطه بعينها.

H 89 - I saw a writing of Sharif Ajal Razi Abul Hasan Muhammad bin Husain Musawi dated Sunday, 15th Mohurrum 331 A.H. in which he has mentioned the account of a long-lived man in Syria, who had crossed the age of 140 years. He says: I mounted my beast and went to him and found him after much endeavour. I met him near my house in Karkh and he was a wonder and had met Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), father of Imam Mahdi (a.s). Therefore he described the fine qualities of Imam (a.s). A wonder that was seen is an incident, which he has written in his own handwriting.