ومنهم عبد المسيح بن بقيلة الغساني، ذكر الكلبي وأبو عبيدة وغيرهما أنه عاش ثلاثمائة سنة وخمسين سنة، وأدرك الإسلام فلم يسـلم، وكان نصرانيا. وخبره مع خالد بن الوليد لما نزل على الحيرة معروف،حتى قال له: كم أتى لك؟قال: خمسون وثلاثمائة سنة. قال: فما أدركت؟قال: أدركت سفن البحر ترفأ إلينا في هذا الجرف،ورأيت المرأة من أهل الحيرة تضع مكتلها على رأسها لا تزود إلا رغيفا واحدا حتى تأتي الشام وقد أصبحت خرابا.وذلك دأب الله في العباد والبلاد. وهو القائل: والناس أبناء علات فمن علموا أن قد أقل فمجفو ومحقور وهم بنون لأم إن رأوا نشبا فذاك بالغيب محفوظ ومحصور

Abdul Masih bin Baqila Ghassani Kalbi, Abu Ubaidah and others have said that Abdul Masih bin Baqila Ghassani also had a long lifespan and he lived for 350 years. He lived during the Islamic period, but did not accept Islam; on the contrary he remained a Christian. His engagement with Khalid is well known when the latter came to Hira. Till Khalid asked: How old are you? He replied: Three hundred and fifty years. Khalid asked: What did you see during this period? He replied: At this place [in the desert of Hira, which was a sea once upon a time] I saw boats anchored near the coast and a woman of Hira carrying a sack on her head and she had only a piece of bread and she was going to Shaam. Now this area has become arid and barren and this is the practice of God with regard to people and cities. Abdul Masih composed the following couplet: People are children born from different wombs and when they understand that someone is spending a life of difficulty and poverty, they murder and humiliate him. When they see the wealth and prosperity of someone they become his blood brothers and such hypocritical things are written and preserved in the realm of the unseen.