ومنهم أبو الطمحان القيني من بني كنانة بن القين.قال أبو حاتم: عاش أبو الطمحان القيني من بني كنانة مائتي سنة، وقال في ذلك: حنتني حانيات الدهر حتى كأني خاتل أدنو لصيد قصير الخطو يحسب من رآني ولست مقيدا أني بقيد وأخباره وأشعاره معروفة.

Among those blessed with a long life span was Abu Tamhan Qaini, who belonged to the tribe of Bani Kinana bin Qain. Abu Hatim has said that he lived for 200 years and composed the following lines about himself: Neither prosperity nor the hardships of the age have weakened me; in such a way as if I have crouched to hunt or prey. Due to the severity of old age, I take such short steps that if they see me, they would think that my legs are tied up in chains; whereas it is not so. His reports and poetic compositions are well known.