ومنهم أكثم بن صيفي الأسدي، عاش ثلاثمائة سنة وثلاثين سنة، وكان ممن أدرك النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم وآمن به ومات قبل أن يلقاه، وله أخبار كثيرة وحكم وأمثال. وهو القائل: وإن امرأ قد عاش تسعين حجة إلى مائة لم يسأم العيش جاهل خلت مائتان غير ست وأربع وذلك من عد الليالي قلائل وكان والده صيفي بن رياح بن أكثم أيضا من المعمرين،عاش مائتين وسبعين سنة لا ينكر من عقله شي‏ء، وهو المعروف بذي الحلم الذي قال فيه المتلمس اليشكري: لذي الحلم قبل اليوم ما تقرع العصا وما علم الإنسان إلا ليعلما

Aktham bin Saifi from the progeny of Asad bin Amr bin Tameem lived for three hundred and thirty years. He survived till the time of Islam and also embraced Islam, but he died before he could meet the Prophet. Many reports and sayings are recorded about Aktham bin Saifi. For example the following: Certainly, a man should spend ninety years of life. If it is extended by a hundred more years then an ignorant (person) does not become wary of life. If six and four are subtracted from two hundred, one hundred and ninety remain; it is when nights are also counted. His father, Saifi bin Riyah bin Aktham, also had a long life span. He lived for two hundred and seventy years without any reduction in his mental capacities. He is well known for his forbearance, sagacity and wisdom as mentioned by a poet about him: Saifi bin Riyah, who is the owner of forbearance, more than that he is having kindness and compassion; he knew nothing, which he did not teach to others.