ومن المعمرين من العرب يعرب بن قحطان، واسمه ربيعة، أول من تكلم بالعربية، ملك مائتي سنة على ما ذكره أبو الحسن النسابة الأصفهاني في كتاب الفرع والشجر، وهو أبو اليمن كلها وهو منها كعدنان إلا شاذا نادرا.
Similarly, among those who had a long lifespan among the Arabs was Yarab bin Qahtan. His real name was Rabia. He was the first to speak the Arabic language. According to Abal Hasan Nasaba Isfahani and his book, Al Fara wash Shajar (The branch and tree) he ruled for 200 years and he was a Yemenite progenitor. He was as Adnan was in Hijaz with a little difference.
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