ومنهم المستوغر بن ربيعة بن كعب بن زيد بن مناة، عاش ثلاثمائة وثلاثين سنة حتى قال: ولقد سئمت من الحياة وطولها وعمرت من بعد السنين سنينا مائة أتت من بعدها مائتان لي وعمرت من عدد الشهور سنينا هل ما بقي إلا كما قد فاتنا يوم يكر وليلة تحدونا
Mustaughar bin Rabia bin Kaab bin Zaid Munah bin Tameem was also of those who had long life spans. He lived for three hundred and thirty years and composed the following couplets: I am fed up of life and a long lifespan as I lived for years after years. After two hundred years, I lived for a hundred years more - I counted years like people count months. Is that which is to come different from that which has passed? Days continue to repeat and nights with their repetition limit my lifespan.
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