ومنهم جلهمة بن أدد بن زيد بن يشجب بن عريب بن زيد بن كهلان بن يعرب، ويقال لجلهمة طيئ وإليه تنسب طيئ كلها وله خبر يطول شرحه، وكان له ابن أخ يقال له يحابر بن مالك بن أدد، وكان قد أتى على كل واحد منهما خمسمائة سنة وقع بينهما ملاحاة بسبب المرعى فخاف جلهمة هلاك عشيرته فرحل عنه وطوى المنازل فسمي طيئا،وهو صاحب أجأ وسلمى جبلين بطيئ ولذلك خبر يطول معروف.
Another long-lived ruler of Arabs was Jalhama bin Adad bin Zaid bin Yashjab bin Arib bin Zaid bin Kahlan bin Yarab. He is also known as Lajalmaha Tai and Bani Tai are his descendants. His account is very long. Yahabir bin Malik bin Adad was one of his nephews. Each of them lived for 500 years and there was a battle between them regarding a pasture land. Jalhama thought that in this way his whole clan will be destroyed. So he left that place and traveled a great distance; that is why he began to be called as Tai. He was the owner of two mountains in Tai, named Aja and Salma. He is also having a very lengthy account.
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