ومنهم عمرو بن حممة الدوسي، عاش أربعمائة سنة،وهو الذي يقول: كبرت وطال العمر حتى كأنني سليم أفاع ليلة غير مودع فما الموت أفناني ولكن تتابعت علي سنون من مصيف ومربع ثلاث مئات قد مررن كواملا وها أنا هذا أرتجي منه أربع
Amr bin Hamama Doosi He is also a long lived human being, who lived for 400 years. Following is his own composition: I have become aged and my age is so prolonged as if I have been stung by snake that is not yet dead. Thus death did not destroy me and I was not destroyed? But years of spring and summer passed on me. I have definitely left behind three hundred years and I hope to live for four hundred years.
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