ومنهم زهير بن جناب الحميري،لم نذكر نسبه لطوله.قال أبو حاتم: عاش زهير بن جناب مائتي سنة وعشرين سنة، وواقع مائتي وقعة، وكان سيدا مطاعا، عاش شريفا في قومه.ويقال: كانت فيه عشر خصال لم يجتمعن في غيره من أهل زمانه: كان سيد قومه، وشريفهم، وخطيبهم، وشاعرهم، ووافدهم إلى الملوك، وطبيبهم، والطب في ذلك الزمان شرف، وحازى قومه، وهو الكاهن، وكان فارس قومه وله البيت فيهم والعدد منهم،وأوصى إلى بنيه فقال: يا بني إني كبرت سني وبلغت حرسا من دهري أي دهرا فأحكمتني التجارب والأمور تجربة واختبار فاحفظوا عني ما أقول وعوا، وإياكم والخور عند المصائب والتواكل عند النوائب،فإن ذلك داعية الغم وشماتة العدو وسوء الظن بالرب. وإياكم أن تكونوا بالأحداث مغترين ولها آمنين ومنها ساخرين، فإنه ما سخر قوم قط إلا ابتلوا، ولكن توقعوها فإنما الإنسان في الدنيا غرض تعاوره الزمان فمقصر دونه ومجاوز موضعه وواقع عن يمينه وشماله،ثم لا بد أن يصيبه. وأقواله معروفة وكذلك أشعاره.
Zuhair bin Janab also had a long lifespan and he lived for 220 years and participated in 200 battles. He was the leader of his tribe. It is said that he possessed ten extraordinary qualities: He was a chief of his tribe, he was of noble lineage and an eloquent speaker and a poet. He used to visit other kings as a diplomat; he was an accomplished physician, a soothsayer and a brave warrior. He was a wise advisor. In his will, he said to his children: My sons, indeed I have become old; I have been given a very long life, I have got good experience and have become an expert. Thus remember what I say. Lest in times of hardships you are degraded, lest when you are faced with difficult situations you forgive each other [and do not fulfill the desires of others] since for you this matter causes great anxiety and sorrow and brings condemnation of enemies and makes you suspicious of Almighty Allah. Lest you become arrogant and careless in face of hardships and think that you are in security and you ridicule it. Every nation that took tragedies lightly got involved in them; therefore take tragedies seriously as in the world, man is a target in such a way that archers have targeted the tragedies and they shoot arrows in its directions. Arrows are shot at it from right and left and finally the arrows of tragedies injure him. Statements and poetic compositions of Zuhair are also famous.
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