ومنهم ضبيرة بن سعيد بن سعد بن سهم بن عمرو، عاش مائتي سنة وعشرين سنة ولم يشب قط، وأدرك الإسلام ولم يسلم. وروى أبو حاتم والرياشي عن العتبي عن أبيه قال: مات ضبيرة السهمي وله مائتا سنة وعشرون سنة، وكان أسود الشعر صحيح الأسنان، ورثاه ابن عمه قيس بن عدي فقال: من يأمن الحدثان بعـ ـد ضبيرة السهمي ماتا سبقت منيته المشيـ ـب وكان ميتته افتلاتا فتزودوا لا تهلكوا من دون أهلكم خفاتا
Zabira bin Saeed bin Saad bin Saham bin Amr is also included among people with long life spans. He lived for 220 years and no signs of senility were visible in him; although he lived during the period of Islam, he did not accept faith. Abu Hatim and Rayashi have written on the authority of Atba that he lived for 220 years. His hair had not grayed and his teeth were also intact. Qays bin Adi, his cousin, has composed the following regarding him: Who is it that should be safe through the accidents of time after Zabira bin Sahmi, who lived for two hundred years? He took precedence in old age, lived as a youth and died an accidental death. Thus O people, gather your provisions as you would die and you have to go away without your families.
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