ومنهم دويد بن نهد بن زيد بن أسود بن أسلم بن ألحاف بن قضاعة.قال أبو حاتم: عاش دويد بن زيد أربعمائة وستا وخمسين سنة، ووصيته معروفة وأخباره مشهورة. ومن قوله: ألقى علي الدهر رجلا ويدا والدهر ما أصلح يوما أفسدا يفسد ما أصلحه اليوم غـــدا

He is Duwaid bin Nahad bin Zaid bin Aswad bin Aslam bin Haaf bin Qaza-a. Abu Hatim has said with regard to him: He lived for 456 years. His bequests and reports are famous and well known and a sample of his couplets is as follows: The passage of time has rendered my limbs useless and whatever is improved by this period, another day will corrupt it, because that which it has improved today, tomorrow it would destroy it.