ومنهم الحارث بن مضاض الجرهمي، عاش أربعمائة سنة،وهو القائل: كان لم يكن بين الحجون إلى الصفا أنيس ولم يسمر بمكة سامر ‏ بلى نحن كنا أهلها فأبادنا صروف الليالي والجدود العواثر

Harith bin Mazaz Jurhami also lived for 400 years; he composed the following two lines: As if there was no one on way from Hajun to Safa and in Mecca who was a worshipper, who spent the nights in prayers. Yes, we are from the worshippers of Mecca, who spend their nights in worship. We make the passage of days and nights old.