384- أخبرنا جماعة عن أبي محمد هارون بن موسى قال: حدثنا محمد بن همام قال: خرج على يد الشيخ أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح رضي الله عنه في ذي الحجة سنة اثنتي عشرة وثلاثمائة في لعن ابن أبي العزاقر والمداد رطب لم يجف. وأخبرنا جماعة عن ابن داود قال: خرج التوقيع من الحسين بن روح في الشلمغاني وأنفذ نسخته إلى أبي علي بن همام في ذي الحجة سنه اثنتي عشره وثلاثمائة. قال ابن نوح: وحدثنا أبو الفتح أحمد بن ذكا مولى علي بن محمد بن الفرات رحمه الله قال:أخبرنا أبو علي بن همام بن سهيل بتوقيع خرج في ذي الحجة سنة اثنتي عشرة وثلاثمائة. قال محمد بن الحسن بن جعفر بن إسماعيل بن صالح الصيمري أنفذ الشيخ الحسين بن روح رضي الله عنه من محبسة في دار المقتدر إلى شيخنا أبي علي بن همام في ذي الحجة سنة اثنتي عشرة وثلاثمائة وأملأه أبو علي عليّ وعرفني أن أبا القاسم رضي الله عنه راجع في ترك إظهاره فإنه في يد القوم وحبسهم فأمر بإظهاره وأن لا يخشى ويأمن فتخلص وخرج من الحبس بعد ذلك بمدة يسيرة،والحمد لله. التوقيع عرف -قال الصيمري: عرفك الله الخير وأطال الله بقاءك وعرفك الخير كله وختم به عملك-من تثق بدينه وتسكن إلى نيته من إخواننا أسعدكم الله -وقال ابن داود: أدام الله سعادتكم من تسكن إلى دينه وتثق بنيته-جميعا بأن محمد بن علي المعروف بالشلمغاني-زاد بن داود: وهو ممن عجل الله له النقمة ولا أمهله-قد ارتد عن الإسلام وفارقه-اتفقوا-وألحد في دين الله وادعى ما كفر معه بالخالق -قال هارون: فيه بالخالق-جل وتعالى وافترى كذبا وزورا وقال بهتانا وإثما عظيما -قال هارون: وأمرا عظيما - كذب العادلون بالله وضلوا ضلالا بعيدا وخسروا خسرانا مبينا وإننا قد برئنا إلى الله تعالى وإلى رسوله وآله صلوات الله وسلامه ورحمته وبركاته عليهـم بمنه ولعنّـاه عليه لعائن الله - اتفقوا،زاد بن داود تترى- في الظاهر منا والباطن في السر والجهر وفي كل وقت وعلى كل حال وعلى من شايعه وتابعه أو بلغه هذا القول منا وأقام على توليه بعده وأعلمهم- قال الصيمري: تولاكم الله. قال ابن ذكا: أعزكم الله-أنا من التوقي -وقال ابن داود: اعلم أننا من التوقي له. قال هارون: وأعلمهم أننا في التوقي- والمحاذرة منه. قال ابن داود وهارون: على مثل ما كان من تقدمنا لنظرائه. قال الصيمري: على ما كنا عليه ممن تقدمه من نظرائه. وقال ابن ذكا: على ما كان عليه من تقدمنا لنظرائه. اتفقوا- من الشريعي والنميري والهلالي والبلالي وغيرهم وعادة الله- قال ابن داود وهارون: جل ثناؤه،واتفقوا- مع ذلك قبله وبعده عندنا جميلة، وبه نثق، وإياه نستعين،وهو حسبنا في كل أمورنا ونعم الوكيل. قال هارون: وأخذ أبو علي هذا التوقيع ولم يدع أحدا من الشيوخ إلا وأقرأه إياه وكوتب من بعد منهم بنسخته في سائر الأمصار فاشتهر ذلك في الطائفة فاجتمعت على لعنه والبراءة منه. وقتل محمد بن علي الشلمغاني في سنة ثلاث وعشرين وثلاثمائة.

H 384 - A group of scholars narrated to us from Abu Muhammad Harun bin Musa, saying: Muhammad Ibn Himam said: In the Dhul Hijja of the year three hundred and twelve, a letter came through Shaykh Abul Qasim Husain Ibn Rauh about Ibn Abul Azaqir. The ink was still wet and had not dried. A group of scholars narrated to us on the authority of Ibn Dawood saying, the holy letter came through Husain Ibn Rauh about Shalmaghani. He sent a copy thereof to Abu Ali Ibn Himam in the Dhul Hijja of three hundred and twelve. Ibn Nuh said: Abul Fath Ahmad Ibn Zakka, the ally of Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Furat said: Abu Ali Ibn Himam Ibn Suhail informed us about the holy letter that came in Dhul Hijja of three hundred and twelve. Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn Ja’far Ismail Ibn Salih Saymoori said: Shaykh Husain Ibn Rauh sent it from the house of Muqtadir to our Shaykh Abu Ali Ibn Himam in the Dhul Hijja of three hundred and twelve. Abu Ali dictated the letter to me and told me that Abul Qasim is no longer bound not to express denunciation of Shalmaghani. He is in the hands of the people and their captive. He was ordered to denounce and not to fear and will be safe. He was released soon after that. All praise belongs to Allah. Reminder: There are minor differences in different versions of this epistle and while translating it, we have reconciled them. The opening lines of the epistle quoted through someone other than Saymoori are as follows: Inform our brothers, may the Almighty Allah make them succeed, about whose faith you are assured… Following is mentioned in the report of Saymoori: “May Allah prolong your life, and may He let you know all good, and may He eventuate your actions with a good end. In the report of Ibn Dawood it is mentioned: Let everyone from our brothers know, whose religiosity you trust and whose sincerity you are confident to know, may Allah make you all fortuitous: The epistle continues, which is same in all versions as follows: Muhammad Ibn Ali known as Shalmaghani, may God hasten His punishment to him and may He respite him not, has abandoned and deserted Islam. He has blasphemed the religion of Allah and made claims that amount to disbelief and denial of the Creator. He has weaved lies and falsehood. He has spoken dishonestly and committed a grave sinister act. Those who associate with God are liars; they have trodden far in misguidance and have sustained a palpable loss. We have turned away with repulsion from this person to Allah, the High, and to His Messenger and household, unto them be the blessings of Allah and His peace, mercy and grace. We have, in public and private, in secrecy and in open, and in every time and condition, invoked continuous damnations of God for him and for anyone who follows him and pledges allegiance to him, or hears this word of ours and remains steadfast in his devotion to him. Let them know that we shun him. After ‘Let them know’ Saymoori has mentioned ‘may Allah enhance your honor’ and Ibn Dawood has instead mentioned ‘we shun his friendship’. Harun says: The last sentence was as follows: Inform that we shun him and stay away with disdain from this person. Ibn Dawood and Harun say: After that is the sentence: We shun him like we had previously shunned others like them. Saymoori in place of this sentence has narrated as follows: ‘On the basis of that which we previously did with regard to those like him and condemned them’, and Ibn Zaka has quoted like Saymoori. The blessed epistle continues as follows and is same in all versions: [We curse him] He is like Shari, ­Numairi, Hilali, Bilali and others. The practice of Allah, the Mighty and the High is that He accepts our supplication or curse. And Ibn Dawood and Harun have said: After ‘practice of Allah’ it is mentioned ‘majestic His praise is’ but the words of ‘practice of Allah’ is mentioned in all versions. After that it is mentioned ‘the practice of the Almighty Allah with this, prior to this and after this, is beautiful to us. In Him we have trust, from Him we seek help, and He is sufficient for us in all our affairs and He is the best caretaker.” Harun says: Abu Ali took this epistle and read it out to all the elders of society. After that he made copies of the same and sent to all the towns. Due to this, it became well known among Shia and all of them reached consensus in cursing him. He was killed in 323 A.H.