344- وأخبرني جماعة عن أبي العباس بن نوح قال: وجدت بخط محمد بن نفيس فيما كتبه بالأهواز أول كتاب ورد من أبي القاسم رضي الله عنه نعرفه عرفه الله الخير كله ورضوانه وأسعده بالتوفيق وقفنا على كتابه وثقتنا بما هو عليه وأنه عندنا بالمنزلة والمحل اللذين يسرانه زاد الله في إحسانه إليه إنه ولي قدير والحمد لله لا شريك له وصلى الله على رسوله محمد وآله وسلم تسليما كثيرا. وردت هذه الرقعة يوم الأحد لست ليال خلون من شوال سنة خمس وثلاثمائة.

H 344 - A number of scholars narrated to me on the authority of Abul Abbas Ibn Nuh, saying: I discovered the first letter that came from Abul Qasim with the handwriting of Muhammad Ibn Nafis, amongst the things he wrote in Ahwaz: “We know him, may Allah let him know all that is good, and His pleasure, and may He render him fortuitous by success. We came across his letter. He is our man of trust on the position he is. He is before us in the position and rank that please him. May Allah increase His favors upon him; He is the All-Mighty Guardian. And praise belongs to Allah; there is no partner for Him. And may Allah bless His Messenger Muhammad and his House and greet them with many greetings.” This letter arrived on Sunday, when six nights were left from Shawwal of the year three hundred and five.