343- وبهذا الإسناد عن هبة الله بن محمد ابن بنت أم كلثوم بنت أبي جعفر العمري قال: حدثتني أم كلثوم بنت أبي جعفر رضي الله عنه قالت: كان أبو القاسم الحسين بن روح رضي الله عنه وكيلا لأبي جعفر رضي الله عنه سنين كثيرة ينظر له في أملاكه ويلقي بأسراره الرؤساء من الشيعة وكان خصيصا به حتى أنه كان يحدثه بما يجري بينه وبين جواريه لقربه منه وأنسه. قالت: وكان يدفع إليه في كل شهر ثلاثين دينارا رزقا له غير ما يصل إليه من الوزراء والرؤساء من الشيعة مثل آل الفرات وغيرهم لجاهه ولموضعه وجلالة محله عندهم،فحصل في أنفس الشيعة محصلا جليلا لمعرفتهم باختصاص أبي إياه وتوثيقه عندهم ونشر فضله ودينه وما كان يحتمله من هذا الأمر. فمهدت له الحال في طول حياة أبي إلى أن انتهت الوصية إليه بالنص عليه فلم يختلف في أمره ولم يشك فيه أحد إلا جاهل بأمر أبي أولا مع ما لست أعلم أن أحدا من الشيعة شك فيه. وقد سمعت هذا من غير واحد من بني نوبخت رحمهم الله مثل أبي الحسن بن كبرياء وغيره.
H 343 - Through the same chain of narration from Hibatullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn binte Umme Kulthum binte Abi Ja’far Amari on the authority of Umme Kulthum, daughter of Abu Ja’far: Abul Qasim Husain Ibn Rauh was the representative of Abu Ja’far for good many years. He was watching over his properties and would deliver his secret messages to chiefs of the Shia, like Aale Furat. He was his intimate deputy, so much so that Abu Ja’far would discuss with him things that happened between him and his concubines, thanks to his proximity to him and his affinity with him. She said: He would give him every month thirty dinars as stipend. This was in addition to what he received from the ministers and chiefs of Shia, such as Aale Furat and others, due to his prestige, position and respectability before them. The Shia had a very majestic impression about him due to his intimacy with my father and the latter’s statements endorsing his trustworthiness, excellence, piety and all other qualities that he bore from this creed. So, the affairs were facilitated for him during the lifetime of my father until the final will explicitly pronounced him for that position. No one disputed his authority and no one doubted it. Except someone who must have been ignorant about my father first. Besides, I do not know anyone from the Shia who has questioned his position. Hibatullah says: I heard this from many members from the Naubakht, such as Abu Husain Ibn Kibriya and others.
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