345- أخبرنا جماعة عن أبي الحسن محمد بن أحمد بن داود القمي قال: وجدت بخط أحمد بن إبراهيم النوبختي وإملاء أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح رضي الله عنه على ظهر كتاب فيه جوابـات ومسـائل أنفذت من قـم يسأل عنها هل هي جوابات الفقيه عليه السلام أو جوابات محمد بن علي الشلمغاني لأنه حكي عنه أنه قال: هذه المسائل أنا أجبت عنها. فكتب إليهم على ظهر كتابهم: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. قد وقفنا على هذه الرقعة وما تضمنته فجميعه جوابنا عن المسائل ولا مدخل للمخذول الضال المضل المعروف بالعزاقري لعنه الله في حرف منه، وقد كانت أشياء خرجت إليكم على يدي أحمد بن بلال وغيره من نظرائه وكان من ارتدادهم عن الإسلام مثل ما كان من هذا، عليهم لعنة الله وغضبه، فاستثبت قديما في ذلك. فخرج الجواب: ألا من استثبت فإنه لا ضرر في خروج ما خرج على أيديهم وأن ذلك صحيح وروي قديما عن بعض العلماء عليهم السلام والصلاة والرحمة أنه سئل عن مثل هذا بعينه في بعض من غضب الله عليه، وقال عليه السلام: العلم علمنا ولا شيء عليكم من كفر فقد كفر فما صح لكم مما خرج على يده برواية غيره له من الثقات رحمهم الله، فاحمدوا الله واقبلوه، وما شككتم فيه أو لم يخرج إليكم في ذلك إلا على يده فردوه إلينا لنصححه أو نبطله،والله تقدست أسماؤه وجل ثناؤه ولي توفيقكم وحسبنا في أمورنا كلها ونعم الوكيل.
H 345 - A group of scholars has narrated from Abul Hasan Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Dawood Qummi that he said: “I found the following in the manuscript of Ahmad bin Ibrahim Naubakhti, dictated by Abul Qasim Husain bin Rauh. It was mentioned behind the book that contained replies to questions sent from Qom and it was asked if the replies were written by the Faqih (Imam Qaim) or Muhammad bin Ali Shalmaghani? The reason of this query is that people say: Shalmaghani says: I have written replies to these questions, so it was mentioned behind it: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. We were informed about this letter and its matter and all these are our replies. Not a single letter belongs to the condemned, deviated and the deviating one. Before this, some points reached you through Ahmad bin Hilal and other people like him, but all of them also apostasied like Shalmaghani and may Allah send chastisement on them. The inquirer wrote at the end: I have had this verified before also. Thus, in its reply it was mentioned that the epistle that was verified to you if you have received the same from those people, there is no harm in it; and it is correct.” And regarding some scholars of Ahle Bayt , it is an old practice that they were asked in the same manner about someone who was condemned by Allah. So they replied that knowledge is with us and whoever denies it may continue to do so. How does it affect you? If you receive some traditional report through him, which has been verified by your authorities, you must thank Allah and accept it and that in which you doubt or that traditional report, which has reached you through a trustworthy authority, you must refer to us about it. We will inform you whether it is right or wrong. And there are many names of the Almighty Allah. His praise and glorification is majestic and He is sufficient for us in all matters and He is the best of the helpers.
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