304- وأما محمد بن سنان فإنه روي عن علي بن الحسين بن داود قال: سمعت أبا جعفر الثاني عليه السلام يذكر محمد بن سنان بخير ويقول: رضي الله عنه برضائي عنه فما خالفني وما خالف أبي قط.

H 304 - As for Muhammad bin Sinan: Ali bin Husain bin Dawood says: I heard from Abu Ja’far, the second, Imam Jawad (a.s) that he mentioned Muhammad bin Sinan in a positive way, saying: “Because of the fact that I am pleased with him, Almighty Allah is (also) pleased with him. He did not at all oppose me or my father.” [He was always in the service of Ahle Bayt (a.s)]