وخرج (فيه) عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام: ذكرت ما جرى من قضاء الله في الرجل المتوفى رحمه الله تعالى يوم ولد ويوم يموت ويوم يبعث حيا، فقد عاش أيام حياته عارفا بالحق قائلا به، صابرا محتسبا (للحق)، قائما بما يجب لله ولرسوله عليه، ومضى رحمه الله غير ناكث ولا مبدل، فجزاه الله أجر نيته وأعطاه جزاء سعيه.

And from the blessed being of Imam Jawad (a.s) it is mentioned about Zakariya bin Adam that His Eminence said: I remembered that which has been decreed with regard to Zakariya bin Adam, may widespread mercy be on him on the day he was born, the day he passed away and the day he would be resurrected on Judgment Day. He lived a life of awareness and faith and suffered hardships for the sake of truth and observed patience and rose up for that, which is made obligatory on him by Almighty Allah and His Messenger and he departed from the world while he was faithful to his covenant and he did not break it and he did not change his duties [and distorted Islamic laws]; on the basis of this, Allah, the Mighty and the High rewarded his pure intention and struggle.