296- أخبرنا الحسين بن عبيد الله، عن أبي جعفر محمد بن سفيان البزوفري، عن أحمد بن إدريس، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن عبدالله بن بكير، عن زرارة قال: قال أبوجعفر عليه السلام-وذكرنا حمران بن أعين- فقال: لا يرتد والله أبدا، ثم أطرق هنيئة، ثم قال: أجل لا يرتد والله أبدا.
H 296- Husain bin Ubaidullah narrates from Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Sufyan Bazufari from Ahmad bin Idris from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Hasan bin Ali Faddal from Abdullah bin Bukair from Zurarah that he said: I spoke about Humran bin Ayyin and Imam Muhammad Baqir said: By Allah, he would definitely never apostatize. Then he paused for sometime and then said: Yes, Humran would definitely never apostatize and become a heretic.
297- بهذا الاسناد، عن أحمد بن إدريس، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن الحسين بن سعيد، عن محمد بن أبي عمير، عن الحسين بن أحمد المنقري، عن أسد بن أبي علاء، عن هشـام بن أحمـر قـال: دخلت على أبي عبدالله عليه السلام وأنا أريد أن أسأله عن المفضل بن المفضل بن عمر، وهو في ضيعة له في يوم شديد الحر والعرق يسيل على صدره فابتدأني فقال: نعم والله الذي لا إله إلا هو، الرجل المفضل بن عمر الجعفي، نعم والله الذي لا إله إلا هو، الرجل(هو) المفضل بن عمر الجعفي. حتى أحصيت بضعا وثلاثين مرة يكررها وقال: إنما هو والد بعد والد.
H 297- It is narrated through the same chain of reporters from Ahmad bin Idris from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Husain from Saeed from Muhammad bin Abu Umair from Husain bin Ahmad Minqari from Asad bin Abi Alaa from Hisham bin Ahmar that he said: I came to Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq and wanted to ask him about Mufaddal Ibn Umar. Imam
was working on his field and he was perspiring excessively. He started the conversation and said: Yes, by the God, except whom there is no god, I swear that only Mufaddal bin Umar Jofi is the man. Yes, by the God, except whom there is no god, I swear that only Mufaddal bin Umar Jofi is the man [having manly qualities]. Imam
repeated this more than thirty times and I also counted upto thirty. After that Imam
said: Indeed, he is father after the father.
298- وروي عن هشام بن أحمر قال:حملت إلى أبي إبراهيم عليه السلام إلى المدينة أموالا فقال: ردها فادفعها إلى المفضل بن عمر، فرددتها إلى جعفي فحططتها على باب المفضل.
H 298 - It is narrated from Hisham bin Ahmar that he said: I carried money for Imam Kadhim , but he said: Hand it over to Mufaddal bin Umar. I took it back to Jofa locality and placed it before the house of Mufaddal.
299- وروي عن موسى بن بكر قال: كنت في خدمة أبي الحسن عليه السلام فلم أكن أرى شيئا يصل إليه إلا من ناحية المفضل، ولربما رأيت الرجل يجئ بالشيء فلا يقبله منه ويقول: أوصله إلى المفضل.
H 299 - It is narrated from Musa bin Bakr that he said: I was in the company of Imam Musa Kadhim and I never saw anything being brought for the Imam, but that it came to Mufaddal and many a times saw people bring something that the Imam did not accept; on the contrary he said: Deliver it to Mufaddal.
ومنهم المعلى بن خنيس، وكان من قوام أبي عبدالله عليه السلام، وإنما قتله داود بن علي بسببه، وكان محمودا عنده، ومضى على منهاجه، وأمره مشهور.
And among them Mualla bin Khunais he was a servant of Imam Ja’far Sadiq and because of that Dawood bin Ali had him eliminated. He was an approved and praised person in view of Imam
and he departed from the world with belief in Wilayat of the Imam and his circumstances are well known in Islamic history.
300- فروي عن أبي بصير قال: لما قتل داود بن (علي) المعلى بن خنيس فصلبه، عظم ذلك على أبي عبد الله عليه السلام واشتد عليه وقال له: يا داود!على ما قتلت مولاي وقيمي في مالي وعلى عيالي؟ والله إنه لأوجه عند الله منك… في حديث طويل.
H 300 - It is narrated from Abu Basir that he said: When Dawood bin Ali had Mualla bin Khunais eliminated and had his body suspended in public view, it was a great tragedy for Imam Ja’far Sadiq , which aggrieved him much. So he said to the killer of Mualla: O Dawood, why have you got my friend and manager of the monetary affairs of my family, killed? By Allah, he is more honorable than you before Almighty Allah. It is a lengthy tradition [but we have just quoted according to our purpose].
301- وفي خبر آخر أنه قال: أما والله لقد دخل الجنة.
H 301 - In another traditional report, it is mentioned that the Imam said: “Know that by Allah, he has entered Paradise.”
302- فروي أنه كان وكيلا لابي عبدالله عشرين سنة، ولم يعلم أنه وكيل، وكان خيرا فاضلا، وكان عبدالرحمن بن الحجاج وكيلا لابي عبدالله عليه السلام، ومات في عصر الرضا عليه السلام على ولايته.
H 302 - It is narrated that he was the representative of Imam Ja’far Sadiq for twenty years and during this period no one came to know that he is an agent of the Imam. He was a very religious and noble man, although Abdur Rahman bin Hajjaj was also the representative of Imam Ja’far Sadiq
and he passed away during the period of Imam Ali Ridha
ومنهم عبدالله بن جندب البجلي، وكان وكيلا لأبي إبراهيم وأبي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام، وكان عابدا رفيع المنزلة لديهما، على ما روي في الأخبار.
And among them Abdullah bin Jundab Bajali he was the representative of Abu Ibrahim Imam Kadhim and Abul Hasan Imam Ridha
and as mentioned in reports, he was a pious gentleman and he held a position of great respect in the view of those two Imams.
303- ومنهم ما رواه أبوطالب القمي قال: دخلت على أبي جعفر الثاني عليه السلام في آخـرعمره فسمعته يقول: جزى الله صفوان بن يحيى، ومحمد بن سنان، وزكريا بن آدم وسعد بن سعد عني خيرا، فقد وفوا لي، وكان زكريا بن آدم ممن تولاهم.
H 303 - One of those reports is that which Abu Talib Qummi has narrated: I came to Imam Jawad in the last period of my life and had the honor of meeting the Imam. I heard him say: Allah, the Mighty and the High may give a good recompense on my behalf to Safwan bin Yahya, Muhammad bin Sinan, Zakariya bin Adam and Saad bin Saad; they have indeed fulfilled their covenant [of Wilayat], and Zakariya bin Adam was of those who had his Wilayat.
وخرج (فيه) عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام: ذكرت ما جرى من قضاء الله في الرجل المتوفى رحمه الله تعالى يوم ولد ويوم يموت ويوم يبعث حيا، فقد عاش أيام حياته عارفا بالحق قائلا به، صابرا محتسبا (للحق)، قائما بما يجب لله ولرسوله عليه، ومضى رحمه الله غير ناكث ولا مبدل، فجزاه الله أجر نيته وأعطاه جزاء سعيه.
And from the blessed being of Imam Jawad it is mentioned about Zakariya bin Adam that His Eminence said: I remembered that which has been decreed with regard to Zakariya bin Adam, may widespread mercy be on him on the day he was born, the day he passed away and the day he would be resurrected on Judgment Day. He lived a life of awareness and faith and suffered hardships for the sake of truth and observed patience and rose up for that, which is made obligatory on him by Almighty Allah and His Messenger and he departed from the world while he was faithful to his covenant and he did not break it and he did not change his duties [and distorted Islamic laws]; on the basis of this, Allah, the Mighty and the High rewarded his pure intention and struggle.
304- وأما محمد بن سنان فإنه روي عن علي بن الحسين بن داود قال: سمعت أبا جعفر الثاني عليه السلام يذكر محمد بن سنان بخير ويقول: رضي الله عنه برضائي عنه فما خالفني وما خالف أبي قط.
H 304 - As for Muhammad bin Sinan: Ali bin Husain bin Dawood says: I heard from Abu Ja’far, the second, Imam Jawad that he mentioned Muhammad bin Sinan in a positive way, saying: “Because of the fact that I am pleased with him, Almighty Allah is (also) pleased with him. He did not at all oppose me or my father.” [He was always in the service of Ahle Bayt
ومنهم عبدالعزيز بن المهتدي القمي الأشعري:
And among them Abdul Aziz bin Mohtadi Qummi Ashari:
305- خرج فيه عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام: قبضت والحمد لله وقد عرفت الوجوه التي صارت إليك منها غفر الله لك ولهم الذنوب ورحمنا وإياكم.
H 305 - The following epistle was issued from Imam Jawad about him: Praise be to Allah, I have received the amount and noticed that you have borne some of the expenses yourself. Almighty Allah would forgive your and their sins and would be merciful to us and you.
وخرج فيه: غفر الله لك ذنبك ورحمنا وإياك ورضي عنك برضائي عنك.
Another epistle was issued with regard to him that Almighty Allah has forgiven your sin and has been merciful to us and you and because I am pleased with you, Almighty Allah is also pleased with you.
ومنهم علي بن مهزيار الاهوازي وكان محمودا:
And among them Ali bin Mahziyar Ahwazi was also praised:
306- أخبرني جماعة، عن التلعكبري، عن أحمد بن علي الرازي، عن الحسين بن علي، عن أبي الحسن البلخي، عن أحمد بن مابندار الاسكافي، عن العلاء النداري، عن الحسن بن شمون قال: قرأت هذه الرسالة على علي بن مهزيار عن أبي جعفر الثاني بخطه: بسـم الله الرحمـن الرحيـم. يـا علي، أحسـن الله جـزاك، وأسكنك جنته، ومنعك مـن الخـزي في الدنيـا والآخـرة، وحشـرك الله معنـا. يـا علي، قد بلوتك وخبرتك في النصيحة والطاعة والخدمة، والتوقير والقيام بما يجب عليك، فلو قلت إني لم أر مثلك لرجوت أن أكون صادقا، فجزاك الله جنات الفردوس نزلا، فما خفي علي مقامك ولا خدمتك في الحر والبرد، في الليل والنهار، فأسأل الله إذا جمع الخلائق للقيامة أن يحبوك برحمة تغتبط بها، إنه سميع الدعاء.
H 306 - A group of scholar has narrated from Talakbari from Ahmad bin Ali Raazi, from Husain bin Ali from Abul Hasan Balkhi from Ahmad bin Mandar Iskafi from Alaa Nadari from Hasan bin Shammun that he said: I read the following letter, which was in the writing of Imam Jawad regarding Ali bin Mahziyar. The following is the text of the letter: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O Ali, may Allah give you a good reward and may He settle you in His Paradise. May Allah keep away the degradation of the world and the hereafter away from you and may He raise you on Judgment Day with us. O Ali, I tested you in well wishing, obedience and service and also examined you on that which Almighty Allah has made obligatory on you. If I say that I have not seen a similitude of you, I hope I would have stated the truth. May Almighty Allah reward you by admitting you into the Firdos Paradise. Your position and status as well as your service during summer and winter and during night and day is not concealed from me. I beseech Allah, the Mighty and the High that when He gathers people on Judgment Day, may He bestow His widespread mercy on you and reward you with that which you like. Indeed Almighty Allah is the one who listens to the supplications.”
307- ذكر عمرو بن سعيد المدائني-وكان فطحيا- قال: كنت عند أبي الحسن العسكري عليه السلام بصري إذ دخل أيوب بن نوح ووقف قدامه فأمره بشيء، ثم انصرف، والتفت إلي أبوالحسن عليه السلام وقال: يا عمرو إن أحببت أن تنظر إلى رجل من أهل الجنة فانظر إلى هذا.
H 307 - Amr bin Saeed Madayani, a follower of Fathi sect, said: I came to see Imam Hadi in a village of Syria. At that time Ayyub bin Nuh entered and stood before Imam
, who ordered something to him and he went away from there. Imam
looked at me and said: O Amr, if you want to see an inmate of Paradise, you should look at this man.
ومنهم علي بن جعفر الهماني، وكان فاضلا مرضيا من وكلاء أبي الحسن وأبي محمد عليهما السلام.
And among them Ali bin Ja’far Hammani, he was an accomplished man with a pleasing personality and was a representative of Imam Hadi and Imam Hasan Askari .
308- روى أحمد بن علي الرازي، عن علي بن مخلد الايادي قال: حدثني أبوجعفر العمري رضي الله عنه قال: حج أبو طاهر بن بلال فنظر إلى علي بن جعفر وهو ينفق النفقات العظيمة، فلما انصرف كتب بذلك إلى أبي محمد عليه السلام فوقع في رقعته: قد كنا أمرنا له بمائة ألف دينار، ثم أمرنا له بمثلها فأبى قبوله إبقاء علينا، ما للناس والدخول في أمرنا فيما لم ندخلهم فيه؟ قال: ودخل على أبي الحسن العسكري عليه السلام فأمر له بثلاثين ألف دينار.
H 308 - Ahmad bin Ali Raazi has narrated from Ali bin Mukhallad Ayyadi that he said: Narrated to me Abu Ja’far Amari that: Abu Tahir Muhammad bin Ali bin Bilal had the honor of performing Hajj and saw that Ali bin Ja’far [Hammani] is spending a lot of money. When he returned, he mentioned this to Imam Hasan Askari in a negative tone. Imam
wrote in reply: We ordered him to take a hundred thousand dinars for himself; again we ordered him to take a hundred thousand dinars, but he refused to accept it and left it all with us. People do not have the right to interfere in matters we have not included them. [After sometime Ali bin Ja’far] came to Imam Hasan Askari
and the Imam told him to take three hundred thousand Dinars.
309- أخبرني ابن أبي جيد، عن محمد بن الحسن بن الوليد، عن الصفار، عن محمد بن عيسى قال: كتب أبوالحسن العسكري عليه السلام إلى الموالي ببغداد والمدائن والسواد وما يليها: قد أقمت أبا علي بن راشد مقام علي بن الحسين بن عبد ربه ومن قبله من وكلائي، وقد أوجبت في طاعته طاعتي، وفي عصيانه الخروج إلى عصياني، وكتبت بخطي.
H 309 - Ibn Abi Jayyid has narrated from Muhammad bin Hasan bin Walid from Saffar from Muhammad bin Isa that he said: Imam Hadi wrote to the Shia of Baghdad, Madayan, Sawad and the surrounding areas: I have appointed Abu Ali bin Rashid as successor to Husain bin Abde Rabb and the representatives before him; and their obedience is my obedience. I have written this letter in my own handwriting.
310- وروى محمد بن يعقوب رفعه إلى محمد بن فرج قال: كتبت إليه أسأله عن أبي علي بن راشد وعن عيسى بن جعفر (بن عاصم) وعن ابن بند، وكتب إلي: ذكرت ابن راشد رحمه الله فإنه عاش سعيدا ومات شهيدا، ودعا لابن بند والعاصمي وابن بند ضرب بعمود وقتل، وابن عاصم ضرب بالسياط على الجسر ثلاثمائة سوط ورمي به في الدجلة.
H 310 - Muhammad bin Yaqub has directly narrated from Muhammad bin Faraj that he said: I wrote to Imam Hadi asking about Ali bin Rashid, Isa bin Ja’far [bin Asim] and Ibn Band. Imam
wrote back: You have mentioned Ibn Rashid, who lived a righteous life and departed as a martyr. And they condemned Ibn Band and Asimi, but Ibn Band was clubbed to death and Ibn Asim was also lashed three hundred times on the Baghdad Bridge and thrown into the Tigris and he passed away.
فهؤلاء جماعة المحمودين، وتركنا ذكر استقصائهم لأنهم معروفون مذكورون في الكتب.
These were some who were praised and approved by the Imams, though we have not mentioned all the companions of the Imams who were as such, because they were well known and their descriptions are present in different books. That is why their mention here as well was not necessary.
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