306- أخبرني جماعة، عن التلعكبري، عن أحمد بن علي الرازي، عن الحسين بن علي، عن أبي الحسن البلخي، عن أحمد بن مابندار الاسكافي، عن العلاء النداري، عن الحسن بن شمون قال: قرأت هذه الرسالة على علي بن مهزيار عن أبي جعفر الثاني بخطه: بسـم الله الرحمـن الرحيـم. يـا علي، أحسـن الله جـزاك، وأسكنك جنته، ومنعك مـن الخـزي في الدنيـا والآخـرة، وحشـرك الله معنـا. يـا علي، قد بلوتك وخبرتك في النصيحة والطاعة والخدمة، والتوقير والقيام بما يجب عليك، فلو قلت إني لم أر مثلك لرجوت أن أكون صادقا، فجزاك الله جنات الفردوس نزلا، فما خفي علي مقامك ولا خدمتك في الحر والبرد، في الليل والنهار، فأسأل الله إذا جمع الخلائق للقيامة أن يحبوك برحمة تغتبط بها، إنه سميع الدعاء.

H 306 - A group of scholar has narrated from Talakbari from Ahmad bin Ali Raazi, from Husain bin Ali from Abul Hasan Balkhi from Ahmad bin Mandar Iskafi from Alaa Nadari from Hasan bin Shammun that he said: I read the following letter, which was in the writing of Imam Jawad (a.s) regarding Ali bin Mahziyar. The following is the text of the letter: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O Ali, may Allah give you a good reward and may He settle you in His Paradise. May Allah keep away the degradation of the world and the hereafter away from you and may He raise you on Judgment Day with us. O Ali, I tested you in well wishing, obedience and service and also examined you on that which Almighty Allah has made obligatory on you. If I say that I have not seen a similitude of you, I hope I would have stated the truth. May Almighty Allah reward you by admitting you into the Firdos Paradise. Your position and status as well as your service during summer and winter and during night and day is not concealed from me. I beseech Allah, the Mighty and the High that when He gathers people on Judgment Day, may He bestow His widespread mercy on you and reward you with that which you like. Indeed Almighty Allah is the one who listens to the supplications.”