أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ عَنْ مُعَمَّرِ بْنِ خَلَّادٍ عَنْ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ ( عليه السلام ) قَالَ قُلْتُ لَهُ مَا يَرْوِي النَّاسُ فِي أَكْلِ الطِّينِ وَ كَرَاهِيَتِهِ فَقَالَ إِنَّمَا ذَاكَ الْمَبْلُولُ وَ ذَاكَ الْمَدَرُ .
7. Ahmad ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mu’ammar ibn Khallad who has said the following: “I once asked abu al-Hassan , about what people narrate as regards eating clay and that it is undesirable. He (the Imam) said, ‘It is clay and chunks of dirt.’”
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