4- وروى محمد بن خالد البرقي، عن محمد بن عباد المهلبي قال:لما حبس هارون الرشيد أبا إبراهيم موسى عليه السلام وأظهر الدلائل والمعجزات وهو في الحبس تحير الرشيد، فدعا يحيى بن خالد البرمكي فقال له:يا أبا علي أما ترى ما نحن فيه من هذه العجائب، ألا تدبر في أمر هذا الرجل تدبيرا يريحنا من غمه؟ فقال له يحيى بن خالد البرمكي:الذي أراه لك يا أمير المؤمنين أن تمنن عليه وتصل رحمه، فقد- والله- أفسد علينا قلوب شيعتنا. وكان يحيى يتولاه، وهارون لا يعلم ذلك. فقال هارون: انطلق إليه وأطلق عنه الحديد، وأبلغه عني السلام، وقل له: يقول لك ابن عمك: إنه قد سبق مني فيك يمين أني لا أخليك حتى تقر لي بالاساءة، وتسألني العفو عما سلف منك، وليس عليك في إقرارك عار، ولا في مسألتك إياي منقصة. وهذا يحيى بن خالد (هو) ثقتي ووزيري، وصاحب أمري، فسله بقدر ما أخرج من يميني وانصرف راشد.
H 4 - Muhammad bin Khalid Barqi has narrated from Muhammad bin Ibad Muhallabi that when Harun Rashid imprisoned Imam Kadhim and His Eminence also displayed miracles in the prison itself in order to prove his rightfulness, Harun Rashid was bewildered; till he summoned Yahya bin Khalid Barmaki and said: “O Abu Ali, do you not see the wonders in which we are? Do you not consider the affair of this man (Imam Musa) and relieve us from his worry?” So he advised correctly and guided him to a good deed, saying to him: “Commander of the faithful, I think that you have to be kind to him and to link to his womb relatives. For, by Allah, he has spoiled the hearts of our followers against us.” Harun Rashid responded to his advice, saying to him: “Go to him, remove the iron from him, give him my regards, and say: ‘Your cousin says: I have sworn by Allah concerning you that I will not release you unless you admit that you have mistreated me. You must ask me to forgive your past deeds. There is no disgrace in your admitting (that), nor is there any defect in your asking me for that. This is Yahya bin Khalid, my trustworthy one, minister and head of my affairs. So ask him in as much as I get rid of my oath and you would also be able to return to Medina safely.”’
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