373- قـال سعد: فلمـا اعتل محمد بن نصير العلة التي توفي فيها قيل له وهو مثقل اللسان: لمن هذا الأمر من بعدك؟ فقال بلسان ضعيف ملجلج: أحمد. فلم يدروا من هو، فافترقوا بعده ثلاث فرق؛ قالت فرقة إنه أحمد ابنه، وفرقة قالت هو أحمد بن محمد بن موسى بن الفرات، وفرقة قالت إنه أحمد بن أبي الحسين بن بشر بن ��زيد، فتفرقوا فلا يرجعون إلى شي‏ء.

H 373 - Saad says: When Muhammad Ibn Nasir was inflicted by the malady in which he died, he was asked, “To whom does this order belong?” He said as his tongue was heavy, weak, and stuttering, “Ahmad.” It was not known who this Ahmad was. His followers divided into three groups after him. One group said that it was his son, Ahmad. Another maintained it was Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Musa Ibn Furat. Another group believed that it was Ahmad Ibn Abi Husain Ibn Bushr Ibn Yazid. Their group disintegrated.