389- وحكي أنه توكل لليزيدي بالبصرة فبقي في خدمته مدة طويلة وجمع مالا عظيما فسعي به إلى اليزيدي فقبض عليه وصادره وضربه على أم رأسه حتى نزل الماء في عينيه فمات أبو بكر ضريرا.

H 389 - It is narrated that he became the deputy of Yazidi at Basra and remained at his service a long while and collected large amounts of money. This was reported to Yazidi, who arrested him and confiscated the money and gave him a blow at the top of his head, so hard that fluids of his brain came to his eyes. Abu Bakr died in this way.