368- أخبرنا جماعة عن أبي محمد التلعكبري عن أبي علي محمد بن همام قال كان الشريعي يكنى بأبي محمد قال هارون: وأظن اسمه كان الحسن، وكان من أصحاب أبي الحسن علي بن محمد ثم الحسن بن علي بعده عليهم السلام، وهو أول من ادعى مقاما لم يجعله الله فيه ولم يكن أهلا له، وكذب على الله وعلى حججه عليهمالسلام ونسب إليهم ما لا يليق بهم وما هم منه براء. فلعنته الشيعة وتبرأت منه وخرج توقيع الإمام عليه السلام بلعنه والبراءة منه. قال هارون: ثم ظهر منه القول بالكفر والإلحاد. قال: وكل هؤلاء المدعين إنما يكون كذبهم أولا على الإمام وأنهم وكلاؤه، فيدعون الضعفة بهذا القول إلى موالاتهم، ثم يترقى الأمر بهم إلى قول الحلاجية كما اشتهر من أبي جعفر الشلمغاني ونظرائه عليهم جميعا لعائن الله تترى.
H 368 - A group of scholars narrated to us from Abu Muhammad Talakbari on the authority of Abu Ali Muhammad Ibn Himam, saying, Shari’s patronymic was Abu Muhammad. Harun said: I think his name was Hasan and he was from the companions of Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad and then after him from the companions of Hasan Ibn Ali. He is the first to claim a position that Allah did not assign to him and he was not qualified for it. He blasphemed Allah and his Proofs (Hujjah), peace be on them, and attributed to them what is not worthy of them and they are disdainful thereof. The Shia cursed him and turned away from him in dislike. Harun says: Then words of disbelief and sacrilege were uttered by him. All such claimants, first, attribute lies to the Imam and claim that they are his representatives, calling the weak to believe in them through such pervert claims. Then they graduate up to the claims of self deification, like the words of Hallaj as expressed by Abu Ja’far Shalmaghani and his like. On all of them be the constant curse of Allah.
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