379- وقال أبو الحسن محمد بن أحمد بن داود: كان محمد بن علي الشلمغاني المعروف بابن أبي العزاقر لعنه الله يعتقد القول بحمل الضد ومعناه أنه لا يتهيأ إظهار فضيلة للولي إلا بطعن الضد فيه لأنه يحمل سامعي طعنه على طلب فضيلته فإذا هو أفضل من الولي إذ لا يتهيأ إظهار الفضل إلا به. وساقوا المذهب من وقت آدم الأول إلى آدم السابع لأنهم قالوا سبع عوالم وسبع أوادم ونزلوا إلى موسى وفرعون ومحمد وعلي مع أبي بكر ومعاوية. وأما في الضد فقال بعضهم: الولي ينصب الضد ويحمله على ذلك كما قال قوم من أصحاب الظاهر إن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام نصب أبا بكر في ذلك المقام. وقال بعضهم: لا ولكن هو قديم معه لم يزل.قالوا: والقائم الذي ذكروا أصحاب الظاهر أنه من ولد الحادي عشر فإنه يقوم معناه إبليس لأنه قال: ﴿فَسَجَدَ الْمَلائِكَةُ كُلُّهُمْ أَجْمَعُونَ إِلَّا إِبْلِيسَ﴾فلم يسجد ثم قال: ﴿لَأَقْعُدَنَّ لَهُمْ صِراطَكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ﴾فدل على أنه كان قائما في وقت ما أمر بالسجود ثم قعد بعد ذلك. وقوله يقوم القائم إنما هو ذلك القائم الذي أمر بالسجود فأبى وهو إبليس لعنه الله. وقال شاعرهم لعنهم الله: يا لاعنا للضد من عدي ما الضد إلا ظاهر الولي ولا حجامي ولا جغدي ‏قد فقت من قول على الفهدي نعم وجاوزت مدى العبدي فوق عظيم ليس بالمجوسي ‏لأنه الفرد بلا كيفي متحد بكل أوحدي مخالط النوري والظلمي يا طالبا من بيت هاشمي وجاحدا من بيت كسروي قد غاب في نسبة أعجمي ‏في الفارسي الحسب الرضي كما التوى في العرب من لوي

H 379 - Abul Hasan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Dawood said: Muhammad bin Ali Shalmaghani, alias Ibn Abi Azaqir – curse of Allah be on him – believed that whoever is in opposition to the Wali of Allah is better than the Imam; therefore this belief means that any excellence and precedence is not counted for the Wali, but through the criticism and ridicule of his opponent. In such a way that whoever heard the ridicule of that Wali, would immediately run after the Imam and the Wali; in this way the opponent and rival of the Wali is better and superior to Wali and Imam, because the expression of excellence of Wali is possible only in this way. Other beliefs of his and his followers were that they believed that this manner of religion and religiosity continues from the time of the first Adam to the time of the seventh Adam, because they had faith in seven worlds and seven Adams; so much so they reached upto Musa and his opponent, Firon; and Muhammad and Ali (a.s) and their opponent Abu Bakr and Muawiyah. But with regard to the opposite of Wali and Imam, their belief is that some of them said: The opposite and opponent should be considered as ones Wali and he should be compelled to take up opposition. Thus the people of the Zahir said: Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s) himself appointed Abu Bakr to Caliphate and some said: It is not so; on the contrary the opposite and rival is eternal and is always with the Wali. Another belief of that group is that they say that with regard to Imam Qaim (a.s) that which the people of Zahir say that he is the son of the eleventh Imam and that he would stage an uprising one day, it implies that it is Iblis (we seek the refuge of Allah), because the Almighty Allah said: So the angels made obeisance, all of them together, but Iblis (did it not); he refused to be with those who made obeisance. After that the Holy Quran said about Iblis: “I will certainly lie in wait for them in Thy straight path.” Therefore, this verse proves that when the Satan was commanded to prostrate, he staged an uprising and arose against Almighty Allah and after that he sat in ambush. Therefore, according to Zahiraya sect, the Qaim who would stage an uprising (Allah’s refuge!) implies the same Qaim who was commanded to prostrate before Adam (a.s) and he refused; and he is Iblis. A poet of that group (may Allah curse them all) has composed some couplets in this regard: O one who curses the opposite and rival, which is from Adi tribe [that is Umar bin Khattab], do not curse him. Opposite of anything is not except Wali and Zahir; that is (we seek refuge of Allah) opposite is the apparent Wali and Wali is the inner aspect of the opposite. Praise is only for creator of the universe who fulfills His promise and my condition is not like that of a pigeon. And in the same way one who is not like a barber; and I have defeated Mahdi in debate and discussion about religious faith. Yes, I have also overlooked him for the excellence and merit of servitude; higher than the status of one who was not a Majus. It is because according to my faith, Allah is One without any change of circumstances and in this way is one with every unity (unconditionally). O supporters of the Hashemite family you have become imbued with every luminosity and darkness. And O deniers of the family of Kisra and family of Sasan; who is a favorite from the aspect of Ajami and Farsi, like the group of Bani Loih remained concealed among the Arabs.