377- وأخبرني جماعة عن أبي عبد الله الحسين بن علي بن الحسين بن موسى بن بابويه أن ابن الحلاج صار إلى قم وكاتب قرابة أبي الحسن يستدعيه ويستدعي أبا الحسن أيضا ويقول: أنا رسول الإمام ووكيله. قال: فلما وقعت المكاتبة في يد أبي رضي الله عنه خرقها وقال لموصلها إليه: ما أفرغك للجهالات! فقال له الرجل-وأظن أنه قال إنه ابن عمته أو ابن عمه- :فإن الرجل قد استدعانا فلم خرقت مكاتبته. وضحكوا منه وهزءوا به،ثم نهض إلى دكانه ومعه جماعة من أصحابه وغلمانه. قال: فلما دخل إلى الدار التي كان فيها دكانه نهض له من كان هناك جالسا غير رجل رآه جالسا في الموضع فلم ينهض له ولم يعرفه أبي، فلما جلس وأخرج حسابه ودواته كما يكون التجار أقبل على بعض من كان حاضرا فسأله عنه، فأخبره،فسمعه الرجل يسأل عنه فأقبل عليه وقال له: تسأل عني وأنا حاضر؟فقال له أبي: أكبرتك أيها الرجل وأعظمت قدرك أن أسألك. فقال له: تخرق رقعتي وأنا أشاهدك تخرقها. فقال له أبي: فأنت الرجل إذا. ثم قال: يا غلام برجله وبقفاه. فخرج من الدار العدو لله ولرسوله. ثم قال له: أتدعي المعجزات عليك لعنة الله. أو كما قال،فأخرج بقفاه فما رأيناه بعدها بقم.
H 377 - A number of scholars narrated to me from Abu Abdullah Ibn Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Musa Ibn Babawayh that Ibn Hallaj went to Qom and wrote to the relatives of Abul Hasan, the father of Shaykh Saduq, calling them and Abul Hasan, saying, “I am the messenger of the Imam and his representative.” The narrator says: When the letters reached my father, he tore them and said to the messenger, “How free are you for such misguidance!” The man, who I think said was his cousin, said: “The man has made a call to himself. Why did you tear his letters?” People laughed and made jests at him. My father went to his store with his disciples and servants. When he entered his store, everyone arose for my father, except one man sitting there. My father did not know him. As my father sat and took out his register of accounts and his pen and ink, as is the custom of the merchants, he asked one of the people who were present about the man sitting there. He told my father about him. The man heard that my father had asked about him, so he came to my father and said: “You inquire about me while I am present?” My father said: “Sir, observing respect and reverence, I did not ask yourself directly.” He said: “You tear my letter while I am watching you?” My father asked, “So you are the man then.” Then he called his servant, “By his feet and his hind! Kick the enemy of Allah and His Messenger out of the house.” Then he said to him, “You claim miracles? May Allah curse you.” The slave grabbed him from his hind and kicked him out. We did not see him in Qom afterwards.
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