375- وحكى أبو غالب الزراري قال: حدثني أبو الحسن محمد بن محمد بن يحيى المعاذي قال: كان رجل من أصحابنا قد انضوى إلى أبي طاهر بن بلال بعد ما وقعت الفرقة ثم إنه رجع عن ذلك وصار في جملتنا فسألناه عن السبب قال: كنت عند أبي طاهر بن بلال يوما وعنده أخوه أبو الطيب وابن حرز وجماعة من أصحابه إذ دخل الغلام فقال: أبو جعفر العمري على الباب. ففزعت الجماعة لذلك وأنكرته للحال التي كانت جرت وقال: يدخل. فدخل أبو جعفر رضي الله عنه فقام له أبو طاهر والجماعة وجلس في صدر المجلس وجلس أبو طاهر كالجالس بين يديه فأمهلهم إلى أن سكتوا. ثم قال: يا أبا طاهر نشدتك الله- أو نشدتك بالله-ألم يأمرك صاحب الزمان عليه السلام بحمل ما عندك من المال إلي؟ فقال: اللهم نعم. فنهض أبو جعفر رضي الله عنه منصرفا ووقعت على القوم سكتة فلما تجلت عنهم قال له أخوه أبو الطيب: من أين رأيت صاحب الزمان؟ فقال أبو طاهر: أدخلني أبو جعفر رضي الله عنه إلى بعض دوره فأشرف علي من علو داره فأمرني بحمل ما عندي من المال إليه. فقال له أبو الطيب: ومن أين علمت أنه صاحب الزمان؟ قال: قد وقع علي من الهيبة له ودخلني من الرعب منه ما علمت أنه صاحب الزمان عليه السلام، فكان هذا سبب انقطاعي عنه.
H 375 - Abu Ghalib Zurari says: Abul Hasan Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yahya Maadhi said: One of our men followed Abu Tahir Ibn Bilal after the dispute had occurred. Then he turned away from him and returned to our group. I asked him about the reason. He said: One day, I was with Abu Tahir. His brother Abul Tayyib and Ibn Khizr and a group of his followers were present when a servant entered and said: “Abu Ja’far Amari is on the door.” The party was terrified. I asked him what was happening? He said to the slave, “He comes in.” Abu Ja’far came in and the party and Abu Tahir stood for him. He sat at the presidency of the session and Abu Tahir sat humbly before him. Abu Ja’far remained silent until his awe silenced them. Then he said: “Abu Tahir, I call on you by the oath of Allah, did not the Master of the Age order you to deliver to me the goods, which are in your hands?” He said: “By Allah, yes.” Abu Ja’far rose and left. A mortal silence had seized the party. When they regained their bearings, his brother Abul Tayyib said: “From where did you see the Master of the Age?” He replied, “Abu Ja’far took me to one of his houses. He appeared to me from the heights of his house and ordered me to deliver the goods, which I am holding, to Abu Ja’far.” Abul Tayyib asked: “How did you know he was the Master of the Age?” “His awe and imposing charisma overwhelmed me and I was overtaken by apprehension from him,” he said: “I did not know he was the Master of the Age
.” This was the reason of my disassociation from them.
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