قال أبو علي بن همام كان أحمد بن هلال من أصحاب أبي محمد عليه السلام فاجتمعت الشيعة على وكالة محمد بن عثمان رضي الله عنه بنص الحسن عليه السلام في حياته ولما مضى الحسن عليه السلام قالت الشيعة الجماعة له: ألا تقبل أمر أبي جعفر محمد بن عثمان وترجع إليه وقد نص عليه الإمام المفترض الطاعة؟فقال لهم: لم أسمعه ينص عليه بالوكالة،وليس أنكر أباه-يعني عثمان بن سعيد-فأما أن أقطع أن أبا جعفر وكيل صاحب الزمان فلا أجسر عليه. فقالوا: قد سمعه غيرك. فقال: أنتم وما سمعتم. ووقف على أبي جعفر فلعنوه وتبرءوا منه.ثم ظهر التوقيع على يد أبي القاسم بن روح بلعنه والبراءة منه في جملة من لعن.
H 374 - Abu Ali Ibn Himam said: Ahmad Ibn Hilal was from the companions of Imam Hasan Askari . The Shia were unanimous on the deputization of Abu Ja’far Muhammad Uthman on the account of clear instructions of Hasan
during his lifetime. And when Hasan
passed away, the Shia said to Ibn Hilal, “The community is with him. Will you not accept the leadership of Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Uthman and refer to him, when the Imam, whose obedience is obligatory, has clearly assigned him as his representative?” He said, “I have not heard the Imam mention him as his representative. I do not deny the deputization of his father [meaning, Uthman Ibn Saeed], though. However, if I were certain that Abu Ja’far were the representative of the Master of the Age, I would not defy him.” They said: “If you have not heard, others have.” He said: “You follow what you have heard.” He did not profess the authority of Abu Ja’far, so the Shia beseeched damnation for him and manifested their disdain for him. Then the holy letter came through Abul Qasim Ibn Ruh with oath of damnation for him and denounced him amongst others who were dammed.
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