وأما ما روي من الاخبار من امتحان الشيعة في حال الغيبة، وصعوبة الامر عليهم، واختبارهم للصبر عليه، فالوجه فيها الاخبار عما يتفق من ذلك من الصعوبة والمشاق، لا أن الله تعالى غيب الامام ليكون ذلك، وكيف يريد الله ذلك، وما ينال المؤمنين من جهة الظالمين ظلم منهم لهم ومعصية، والله تعالى لا يريد ذلك. بل سبب الغيبة هو الخوف على ما قلناه، وأخبروا بما يتفق في هذه الحال، وما للمؤمن من الثواب على الصبر على ذلك، والتمسك بدينه إلى أن يفرج الله تعالى عنهم. وأنا أذكر طرفا من الاخبار الواردة في هذا المعنى.

As for the reports that are recorded about the test of the Shia during the period of occultation, and that life will be difficult on them and informing them of the obligation of being patient in this hardship; the reason for issuing these reports is to inform about hardships and trouble that would be caused, and not that the Almighty Allah has concealed the Imam to cause these difficult circumstances. How can the Almighty Allah do this whereas that which is caused by the oppressors and tyrants is injustice and sin, therefore how can the Almighty Allah intend this? On the contrary, the cause of occultation, as we have mentioned, is fear and these reports have informed about that which will occur during occultation and that which would befall the believers during this time and that their being patient in it would be rewarded and that they should remain attached to their faith till the Almighty Allah eases their circumstances. I will only mention a few reports that are recorded about it.