251- (و) قال أبوجعفر بن بابويه في الخبر الذي روي فيمن أفطر يوما في شهر رمضان متعمدا أن عليه ثلاث كفارات: فإني أفتي به فيمن أفطر بجماع محرم عليه أو بطعام محرم عليه، لوجود ذلك في روايات أبي الحسين الاسدي فيما ورد عليه من الشيخ أبي جعفر بن عثمان العمري رضي الله عنه.
H 251 - Abu Ja’far bin Babawayh says that in a report that is based on the fact that if someone intentionally omits a fast during Ramadhan, all three penalties become obligatory on him and he has to fulfill all of them: I, on the basis of the reply of Imam Mahdi to the question of Abul Hasan Asadi, which was received through Shaykh Abu Ja’far [Muhammad bin Uthman Amari] rule that all three penalties are applicable on one who breaks the fast through unlawful coition or through unlawful food.
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