256 - أخبرني جماعة، عن أبي عبد الله أحمد بن محمد بن عياش، عن أبي غالب الزراري قال:قدمت من الكوفة وأنا شاب إحدى قدماتي ومعي رجل من إخواننا قد ذهب على أبي عبد الله اسمه، وذلك في أيام الشيخ أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح رحمه الله واستتاره ونصبه أبا جعفر محمد بن علي المعروف بالشلمغاني، وكان مستقيما لم يظهر منه ما ظهر (منه)من الكفر والإلحاد، وكان الناس يقصدونه ويلقونه لأنه كان صاحب الشيخ أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح سفيرا بينهم وبينه في حوائجهم ومهماتهم.فقال لي صاحبي: هل لك أن تلقى أبا جعفر وتحدث به عهدا، فإنه المنصوب اليوم لهذه الطائفة، فإني أريد أن أسأله شيئا من الدعاء يكتب به إلى الناحية، قال: فقلت: [له] نعم، فدخلنا إليه فرأينا عنده جماعة من أصحابنا فسلمنا عليه وجلسنـا، فأقبل على صـاحبي فقـال: من هذا الفتى معك؟ فقال له: رجل من آل زرارة بن أعين، فأقبل علي فقال: من أي زرارة أنت؟ فقلت: يا سيدي أنا من ولد بكير بن أعين أخي زرارة، فقال: أهل بيت جليل عظيم القدر في هذا الأمر، فأقبل عليه صاحبي فقال له: يا سيدنا أريد المكاتبة في شئ من الدعاء، فقال: نعم. قال: فلما سمعت هذا اعتقدت أن أسأل أنا أيضا مثل ذلك، وكنت اعتقدت في نفسي ما لم أبده لاحد من خلق الله حال والدة أبي العباس ابني، وكانت كثيرة الخلاف والغضب علي، وكانت مني بمنزلة، فقلت في نفسي أسأل الدعاء لي في أمر قد أهمني ولا أسميه، فقلت أطال الله بقاء سيدنا وأنا أسأل حاجة، قال: وما هي؟ قلت: الدعاء لي بالفرج من أمر قد أهمني، قال: فأخذ درجا بين يديه كان أثبت فيه حاجة الرجل فكتب: (و) الزراري يسأل الدعاء له في أمر قد أهمه، قال: ثم طواه فقمنا وانصرفنا.فلما كان بعد أيام قال لي صاحبي:ألا نعود إلى أبي جعفر فنسأله عن حوائجنا التي كنا سألناه، فمضيت معه ودخلنا عليه فحين جلسنا عنده أخرج الدرج، وفيه مسائل كثيرة قد أجيب في تضاعيفها، فأقبل على صاحبي فقرأ عليه جواب ما سأل، ثم أقبل علي وهو يقرأ [فقال:].وأما الزراري وحال الزوج والزوجة فأصلح الله ذات بينهما، قال فورد علي أمر عظيم، وقمنا فانصرفت ، فقال لي: قد ورد عليك هذا الامر فقلت:أعجب منه قال:مثل أي شئ؟ فقلت: لأنه سر لم يعلمه إلا الله تعالى وغيري فقد أخبرني به، فقال: أتشك في أمر الناحية؟ أخبرني الآن ما هو فأخبرته فعجب منه. ثم قضى أن عدنا إلى الكوفة فدخلت داري وكانت أم أبي العباس مغاضبة لي في منزل أهلها فجاءت إلي فاسترضتني واعتذرت ووافقتني ولم تخالفني حتى فرق الموت بيننا.
H 256 - A group narrated from Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ayyash from Abu Ghalib Zurari that he said: “I reached Kufa. I was a young man and one of our brothers [whose name Abu Abdullah had forgotten], was with me. This was during the period of Shaykh Abul Qasim Husain Ibn Rauh, when he went into hiding and appointed Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Ali known as Shalmaghani, who was at that time a righteous man and had not evinced heresy and blasphemy, which he later did. People visited him and met him, because he was a comrade of Shaykh Abul Qasim Husain Ibn Rauh and his emissary amongst the people with regard to their needs and necessities. My friend said to me, “Do you wish to meet Abu Ja’far and make a covenant with him, for he is the appointed man today amongst this congregation?” I wanted to ask him to request a Dua from the Imam of the Age?” I said: “Yes.” We went to him and saw a group of our faithful brethren there with him. We offered him our greetings and sat there. He turned to my comrade and asked, “Who is this young man?” He said: “A man from the house of Zurarah.” He turned to me and asked, “Which Zurarah?” I said: “My master, I am from the children of Bukair Ibn Ayyin, brother of Zurarah.” He said: “This is a majestic household, dignified in this Order.” My comrade turned to him and said: “Our master, I want to request a Dua.” He said: “Yes.” When I heard this, I also desired to request the same. I intended in my heart not to disclose it to anyone the condition of my wife, the mother of my son Abul Abbas. She and I had many differences and she was very angry at me, while I was greatly fond of her. I said in my heart that I will ask him a Dua for this problem that has been troubling me much. So I said: “May Allah prolong the life of our Master, I have a wish as well.” Shalmaghani said: “What is your wish?” I said: “I want a Dua for relief from a problem that has troubled me.” Shalmaghani took the paper that was in front of him on which he registered people’s requests and wrote, “And the man from Zurarah has a request for Dua about a matter that has troubled him.” Then he folded the paper. We rose and left. After a few days, my friend said to me, “Shouldn’t we go to Abu Ja’far and ask him about the requests we made?” I went with him and we entered Shalmaghani’s place. As we sat down, he took out a paper that had many requests on it, which had been answered at their sides. He turned to my friend and read to him the answer of his query. Then he turned to me as he was reading, “As for the man from Zurarah and the condition between the husband and wife, may Allah rectify their relationship.” I was overwhelmed by this great incident. We got up and left. My friend said to me, “You are overwhelmed by this?” I said: “I am amazed.” “By what?” I said: “It was a secret that no one, but God and me knew and he informed me about it.” He said: “Are you doubting the capacity of the Imam? Tell me what the story is?” I told him what had happened and he was also much amazed. Then we returned to Kufa and I went to my house. My wife, who had been angry at me and was living with her family, came and sought my pleasure and apologized to me. She remained very agreeable to me and never disagreed with me until death separated us.
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