وأما الواقفة الذين وقفوا على موسى بن جعفر عليهماالسلام وقالوا هو فقد أفسدنا أقوالهم بما دللنا عليه من موته واشتهار الأمر فيه وثبوت إمامة ابنه الرضا عليه السلام وفي ذلك كفاية لمن أنصف.
As for the Waqifa, who stop at the Imamate of Musa Ibn Ja’far , saying that he is the Mahdi, we have invalidated their belief by proving that Imam Musa Kadhim
passed away and that his death was a well-known historical reality and that his son, Imam Ridha
was the Imam after him, and this much is sufficient for people of reason.
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