162- وروى أبو أيوب الخوزي قال: بعث إلي أبو جعفر المنصور في جوف الليلن فدخلت عليه وهو جالس على كرسي وبين يديه شمعة وفي يده كتاب،فلما سلمت عليه رمى الكتاب إلي وهو يبكي وقال: هذا كتاب محمد بن سليمان يخبرنا أن جعفر بن محمد قد مات. فإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون- ثلاثا- وأين مثل جعفر؟! ثم قال لي: اكتب…فكتبت صدر الكتاب. ثم قال: اكتب: إن كان قد أوصى إلى رجل بعينه فقدمه واضرب عنقه. قال: فرجع الجواب إليه أنه قد أوصى إلى خمسة أحدهم أبو جعفر المنصور ومحمد بن سليمان وعبد الله وموسى ابني جعفر وحميدة.فقال المنصور: ليس إلى قتل هؤلاء سبيل.

H 162 - It is narrated from Abu Ayyub Khauzi that he said: Abu Ja’far Mansur Dawaniqi summoned me in the middle of the night. When I came to him, I found him seated on the throne and a candle was burning before him and there was a letter in his hand. When I greeted him, he passed the letter to me while weeping and saying: This is the letter of Muhammad bin Sulaiman, which has informed us that Ja’far bin Muhammad has passed away. And he said thrice: Indeed we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. Where will a like of Ja’far come into being? After that he said: Write: I wrote the heading and he continued: Write that if he has appointed anyone in particular as his successor, you must put him to death. Reply same that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s) has willed in favor of five persons, one of them being Abu Ja’far Mansur Dawaniqi, after Muhammad bin Sulaiman, his two sons: Abdullah and Musa, and his wife Hamida. When he heard this, he remarked: It is not possible to eliminate them.