قلنا: الذي نقوله أن وجود الإمام المنبسط اليد إذا ثبت أنه لطف لنا على ما دللنا عليه ولم يكن إيجاده في مقدورنا لم يحسن أن نكلف إيجاده لأنه تكليف ما لا يطاق، وبسط يده وتقوية سلطانه قد يكون في مقدورنا وفي مقدور الله، فإذا لم يفعل الله تعالى علمنا أنه غير واجب عليه وأنه واجب علينا، لانه لابد من أن يكون منبسط اليد ليتم الغرض بالتكليف، وبينا بذلك أن بسط يده لو كان من فعله تعالى لقهر الخلق عليه، والحيلولة بينه وبين أعدائه وتقوية أمره بالملائكة ربما أدى إلى سقوط الغرض بالتكليف، وحصول الالجاء، فإذا يجب علينا بسط يده على كل حال وإذا لم نفعله أتينا من قبل نفوسنا.

We would reply: Since the existence of an Imam with authority to administer the society is proved to be a grace, due to the arguments we have established for this purpose, and as his creation is not in our power, it would not be right that we should be required to create him, for it would be assigning a duty that is beyond our capacity. As for empowering him with administrative affairs and strengthening his rule, many a time it is within our capacity and the capacity of Allah. However, when He does not do that, we infer that it is not necessary for Him to do so and that it is necessary for us, because he must be in charge of the affairs so the purpose of the divinely-ordained duties is materialized. We explained that should investing administrative powers be the work of Allah, the Exalted, He would compel the creation to that purpose. However, coming between him and his enemies, strengthening his command through angels would lose the purpose of the divinely-ordained duties and lead to compulsion. Therefore, it is our duty to empower him in every condition and should we not do that, it is something that we have done ourselves.