فإن قلتم: يجب جميع ذلك على الله، فإنه ينتقض بحال الغيبة لأنه لم يوجد إمام منبسط اليد، وإن وجب علينا جميعه فذلك تكليف ما لا يطاق، لانا لا نقدر على إيجاده، وإن وجب عليه إيجاده وعلينا بسط يده وتمكينه فما دليلكم عليه، مع أن فيه أنه يجب علينا أن نفعل ما هو لطف للغير، وكيف يجب على زيد بسط يد الإمام لتحصيل لطف عمرو، وهل ذلك إلا نقض الأصول.
1- If you say all of that is necessary for Allah, your assertion will be contradicted by the time of occultation, as He has not created an Imam who is running the society. 2- If it is required of us to do it all, it is a task that we do not have the capacity to perform, for we do not have the ability to create him. 3- If you say that it is obligatory on Him to create him and for us to invest him with power and authority of administration, then first, what is your proof? Also, it proceeds that we should be required to do something, which is actually a grace for someone else. How would it be possible that Zaid be required to empower the Imam so Amr’s grace can be materialized? Is it not violation of principle?
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