1 - أخبرني أبو الحسين طاهر بن محمد بن يونس بن حياة الفقيه ببلخ، قال: حدثنا محمد بن عثمان الهروي، قال: حدثنا أبو محمد الحسن بن الحسين بن مهاجر قال: حدثنا هشام بن خالد، قال: حدثنا الحسن بن يحيى الحنيني قال حدثنا صدقة بن عبد الله، عن هشام، عن أنس عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، عن جبرئيل، عن الله عز وجل، قال: قال الله تبارك وتعالى: من أهان وليا لي فقد بارزني بالمحاربة وما ترددت في شئ أنا فاعله مثل ما ترددت في قبض نفس المؤمن يكره الموت وأكره مساءته ولا بد له منه، وما تقرب إلي عبدي بمثل أداء ما افترضت عليه، ولا يزال عبدي يتنفل لي حتى أحبه، ومتى أحببته كنت له سمعا وبصرا ويدا ومؤيدا، إن دعاني أجبته، وإن سألني أعطيته، وإن من عبادي المؤمنين لمن يريد الباب من العبادة فأكفه عنه لئلا يدخله عجب فيفسده ذلك، وإن من عبادي المؤمنين لمن لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالفقر ولو أغنيته لأفسده ذلك، وإن من عبادي المؤمنين لمن لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالغناء ولو أفقرته لأفسده ذلك، وإن من عبادي المؤمنين لمن لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالسقم ولو صححت جسمه لأفسده ذلك وإن من عبادي المؤمنين لمن لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالصحة ولو أسقمته لأفسده ذلك، إني أدبر عبادي لعلمي بقلوبهم، فإني عليم خبير.
1. Abu al-Husayn Tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Yunus ibn Hayat the Jurist in Balkh reported to us that Muhammad ibn `Uthman al-Hirawi said: Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn al-Husayn ibn Muhajir said: Hisham ibn Khalid said: al-Hasan ibn Yahya al-Hunayni said: Sadaqah ibn `Abdillah said, on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of Anas that the Prophet ﷺ said: Jibra’il said: Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, said: Whoever insults My Beloved one has declared war on Me. I do not hesitate in anything like I do when I seize the soul of a believer. He abhors death, and I abhor his evil deeds. However, there is no escape from it. My Servant is never so close to Me as when he fulfils all that I have made obligatory on him. My servant continues to perform superogatory prayers until I star to love him. And when I love him, I become his hearing, his seeing, his hand, and his supporter. When he calls Me, I answer him. And if he asks Me for something, I bestow it upon him.
Verily, among My believing servants is one that intends an act of service, but I prevent him from it so self-admiration does not enter him, as this would lead to his destruction. Among My believing servants is one whose faith will not be proper unless he remains poor, for if I made him wealthy, it would lead to his destruction. Among My believing servants is one whose faith will not be proper unless he is wealthy, for if I made him poor it would lead to his destruction. Among My believing servants is one whose faith will not be proper unless he is ill, for if I made him healthy, it would lead to his destruction. Among My believing servant sis one whose faith would not be proper unless he was healthy, for if I made him ill, it would lead to his destruction. Verily, I mange My Servants though my Knowledge of what is in their hearts. Verily, I am the All-Knowing, the All-informed.
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