7 - حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل رحمه الله، قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن الحسين بن الحسن بن أبان، عن محمد بن أرومة، عن علي بن الحسن بن محمد، عن خالد بن يزيد، عن عبد الأعلى، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: اسم الله غير الله، وكل شئ وقع عليه اسم شئ فهو مخلوق ما خلا الله، فأما ما عبرت الألسن عنه أو عملت الأيدي فيه فهو مخلوق والله غاية من غاياه، والمغيى غير الغاية، والغاية موصوفة، وكل موصوف مصنوع، وصانع الأشياء غير موصوف بحد مسمى، لم يتكون فتعرف كينونته بصنع غيره، ولم يتناه إلى غاية إلا كانت غيره، ولا يذل من فهم هذا الحكم أبدا وهو التوحيد الخالص، فاعتقدوه وصدقوه وتفهموه بإذن الله عز وجل ومن زعم أنه يعرف الله بحجاب أو بصورة أو بمثال فهو مشرك لأن الحجاب والمثال والصورة غيره وإنما هو واحد موحد، فكيف يوحد من زعم أنه عرفه بغيره، إنما عرف الله من عرفه بالله فمن لم يعرفه به فليس يعرفه، إنما يعرف غيره، والله خالق الأشياء لا من شئ، يسمى بأسمائه فهو غير أسمائه والأسماء غيره، والموصوف غير الواصف فمن زعم أنه يؤمن بما لا يعرف فهو ضال عن المعرفة، لا يدرك مخلوق شيئا إلا بالله، ولا تدرك معرفة الله إلا بالله، والله خلوا من خلقه، وخلقه خلو منه، إذا أراد الله شيئا كان كما أراد بأمره من غير نطق، لا ملجأ لعباده مما قضى، ولا حجة لهم فيما ارتضى، لم يقدروا على عمل ولا معالجة مما أحدث في أبدانهم المخلوقة إلا بربهم، فمن زعم أنه يقوى على عمل لم يرده الله عز وجل فقد زعم أن إرادته تغلب إرادة الله تبارك الله رب العالمين. قال مصنف هذا الكتاب: معنى ذلك أن من زعم أنه يقوى على عمل لم يرده الله أن يقويه عليه فقد زعم أن إرادته تغلب إرادة الله، تبارك الله رب العالمين.

7. Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Mutawakkil (r.a) said: Muhammad ibn Yahya al-`Attar said, on the authority of al-Husayn ibn al-Hasan ibn Aban, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Auramah, on the authority of `Ali ibn al-Hasan ibn Muhammad, on the authority of Khalid ibn Yazid, on the authority of `Abd al-A`la, that Abu `Abd Allah al-Sadiq (a.s) said: Allah’s name is other than Him. The identifier is always other than the identified. Since very identifier is created, it is other than Allah. Everything which is uttered by tongues or produced by hands is created. Allah is the destination of whoever seeks Him. The aimer is other than the aimed. The aimed is described, and every description is created. The Creator of all Things is not described through the limitations of the named. He is not formed so that His Formation may be known through the creation of others. If He is aimed, what is aimed is other than Him. He is never disregarded by those who understand this conclusion, and that is pure unity. Thus, have faith in Him, accept Him, and try to understand Him with the permission of Allah, the Mighty and High. Whoever claims that he has recognized Allah through a veil, an image or a similarity, is a polytheist because veil, image and similarity are other than Him. Verily, He is One United Being. Therefore, how can one profess to believe in Divine Unity if he claims to have recognized Him by means of other than Him? Only he has recognized Allah who recognizes Him by means of Allah (Himself). Thus, whoever does not recognize Him through Him has not recognized Him, and has certainly recognized other than Him. Allah is the Creator of All Things and is not from a thing. He is named by His Names. Hence, He is other than His Names, and His Names are other than Him. The described is other than the describer. Therefore, whoever claims that he knows what he does not recognize is ignorant. The created do not comprehend anything but by means of Allah, and they do not comprehend the recognition of Allah but by Allah. Allah is free from His Creation, and His Creation is free from Him. If Allah intends something, it is as He intends it by His Command, and without utterance. There is no refuge for His servants from what He decrees. There is no argument for them in what He sanctions. They do not have power over an action or treatment from what He brings forth in their created bodies except by their Lord. Thus, whoever claims that he has strength over an action that Allah, the Mighty and High, does not intend, he has claimed that his intent has overcome the Intent of Allah. Blessed is Allah the lord of the Worlds!