Kitāb al-Ghayba

Book 1, Chapter 34

Evidence of the Birth of the Master of the Age
34 Aḥadīth

فصل: فأما الكلام في ولادة صاحب الزمان وصحتها فأشياء إعتبارية وأشياء إخبارية: فأما الاعتبارية فهو أنه إذا ثبت إمامته بما دللنا عليه من الاقسام، وإفساد كل قسم منها إلا القول بإمامته ثبت إمامته وعلمنا بذلك صحة ولادته إن لم يرد فيه خبر أصلا. وأيضا ما دللنا عليه من أن الائمة اثنا عشر يدل على صحة ولادته، لان العدد لا يكون إلا لموجود. وما دللنا على أن صاحب الامر لابد له من غيبتين يؤكد ذلك، لان كل ذلك مبني على صحة ولادته. وأما تصحيح ولادته من جهة الاخبار فسنذكر في هذا الكتاب طرفا مما روي فيه جملة وتفصيلا، ونذكر بعد ذلك جملة من أخبار من شاهده ورآه، لأن استيفاء ما روي في هذا المعنى يطول به الكتاب.

We will discuss the birth of Imam Mahdi (a.s) and its authenticity in two ways: (1) Rational and (2) Textual. As for the part which is rational - it comprises of the fact that when the birth of Imam is proved from different sayings and reports, through which we proved the Imamate of His Eminence; and all the statements, except belief in his Imamate are proved invalid. From the same aspect, even if no report had been recorded about it, we would have known about the correctness of report of the birth of His Eminence. In the same way, reasoning based on that the Imams are twelve also proved the authenticity of the birth of His Eminence, because the completion of the figure proves validity of this belief. In the same way, reports which say that the Master of the Age (a.s) is having two occultations, is support and verification of the birth of the Imam, because all these secondary matters are based on the validity of the birth of His Eminence. As for proving the birth of Imam (a.s) through traditional reports, we will soon present some of them, which are mentioned in brief or in detail. After that we would mention the reports of those who saw the Imam. We will mention only some, as to mention them all would prolong the book.

195- أخبرنا جماعة، عن أبي محمد هارون بن موسى التلعكبري، عن أحمد بن علي الرازي، قال: حدثني محمد بن علي، عن حنظلة بن زكريا، عن الثقة قال: حدثني عبد الله بن العباس العلوي-وما رأيت أصدق لهجة منه وكان خالفنا في أشياء كثيرة- قال: حدثني أبوالفضل الحسين بن الحسن العلوي، قال: دخلت على أبي محمد عليه السلام بسر من رأى فهنأته بسيدنا صاحب الزمان عليه السلام لما ولد.

H 195 - A group of scholars has narrated for Abi Muhammad Harun bin Musa Talakbari from Ahmad bin Ali Raazi from Muhammad bin Ali from Hanzala bin Zakariya from a reliable person that he said: I have not seen anyone more truthful than Abdullah bin Abbas Alawi, even though he has opposed a large number of our issues – he has narrated from Hasan Ibn Husain Alawi that he said: “I came to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) at Samarrah and felicitated him for the birth of our Master, the Master of the Age.”

196- محمد بن يعقوب الكليني، عن محمد بن جعفر الأسدي، قال: أحمد بن إبراهيم قال: دخلت على حكيمة بنت محمد بن علي الرضا عليهما السلام سنة اثنتين وستين ومائتين فكلمتها من وراء حجاب وسألتها عن دينها، فسمت لي من تأتم بهم، قالت فلان ابن الحسن، فسمته. فقلت لها: جعلني الله فداك معاينة أو خبرا؟ فقالت: خبرا عن أبي محمد عليه السلام كتب به إلى أمه. قلت لها: فأين الولد؟ قالت: مستور. فقلت: إلى من تفزع الشيعة؟ قالت: إلى الجدة أم أي محمد عليه السلام. فقلت: أقتدي بمن وصيته إلى امرأة. فقالت: إقتد بالحسين بن علي عليهما السلام؛ أوصى إلى أخته زينب بنت علي عليهما السلام في الظاهر، وكان ما يخرج من علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام من علم ينسب إلى زينب سترا على علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام. ثم قالت: إنكم قوم أصحاب أخبار. أما رويتم أن التاسع من ولد الحسين عليه السلام يقسم ميراثه وهو في الحياة؟

H 196 - Narrated Muhammad bin Yaqub Kulaini from Muhammad bin Ja’far Asadi: Narrated to me Ahmad bin Ibrahim that: “I went to Lady Hakima, the daughter of Muhammad Ibn Ali Ridha (a.s) and the sister of Abul Hasan of Askar (a.s) in the year two hundred and sixty two. I conversed with her from behind the curtain and asked her about her religion. She named to me the Imams she followed and then she said, “And Hujjat Ibn Hasan Ibn Ali,” and mentioned his name. I said, “May I be sacrificed for you, do you say this on the basis of observation or on the word of the Infallible?” She said, “Words of Abu Muhammad, which he wrote to his mother.” I asked, “Where is then the son?” She said, “He is in hiding,” “To whom are the Shias to turn for guidance?” “To the grandmother, the mother of Abu Muhammad (a.s).” “Who has he emulated in assigning a woman as his deputy?” “He has emulated Husain Ibn Ali (a.s). Husain Ibn Ali (a.s) assigned his sister, Zainab binte Ali in the superficies. The learning and knowledge coming from Ali Ibn Husain (a.s) was attributed to Zainab Ibn Ali in order to maintain secrecy over Ali Ibn Husain (a.s). Then she said, “You are scholars of narrations. Have you not narrated that the inheritance of the ninth from the sons of Husain Ibn Ali will be divided during his lifetime?”

وروى هذا الخبر التلعكبري، عن الحسن بن محمد النهاوندي، عن الحسن بن جعفر بن مسلم الحنفي، عن أبي حامد المراغي قال:سألت حكيمة بنت محمد أخت أبي الحسن العسكري…وذكر مثله.

This report is narrated by Talakbari from Hasan bin Muhammad Nahwandi from Hasan bin Ja’far bin Muslim Hanafi from Abi Hamid Muraghi that he said: I asked Hakima binte Muhammad, sister of Abu Muhammad Hasan Askari and she replied to me as above.

197- وقد تقدمت الرواية من قول أبي محمد عليه السلام حين ولد له: وزعمت الظلمة أنهم يقتلونني ليقطعوا هذا النسل. فكيف رأوا قدرة الله؟ وسماه المؤمل.

H 197 - Previously it was narrated that Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) remarked at the birth of the Master of Affair: The oppressors presumed that they would kill me and cut off this blessed progeny. So how did they witness the might of Allah?” Then he named him Muammal (one in whom hopes rest).

198- وروى محمد بن يعقوب، عن الحسين بن محمد الاشعري، عن المعلى بن محمد، عن أحمد بن محمد قال: خرج عن أبي محمد عليه السلام حين قتل الزبيري: هذا جزاء من افترى على الله وعلى أوليائه. زعم أنه يقتلني وليس لي عقب. فكيف رأى قدرة الله؟ وولد له ولد وسماه محمدا سنة ست وخمسين ومائتين.

H 198 - Narrated Muhammad bin Yaqub from Husain bin Muhammad Ashari from Mualla Ibn Muhammad from Ahmad bin Muhammad that: When Zubairi was killed, a letter came from Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) as follows: “This is the punishment of one who attributes lies to Allah, the Exalted, with respect to His close friends. He presumed that he would kill me while I do not have an offspring. So how did he witness the might of Allah?” He sired a son and named him Muhammad. This was in the year two hundred and fifty-six.

199- أبوهاشم الجعفري قال: قلت لابي محمد عليه السلام:جلالتك تمنعني عن مسألتك فتأذن لي في أن أسألك؟ قال: سل، قلت: يا سيدي هل لك ولد؟ قال: نعم، قلت: فإن حدث حدث فأين أسأل عنه؟ فقال: بالمدينة.

H 199 - It is narrated from Abu Hashim Ja’fari that he said: I said to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), “Your majesty prohibits me from asking you, would you give me permission to inquire from you?” He said: “Ask.” I asked: “My master, do you have a son?” He said: “Yes.” I said: “If something happens, where should I inquire about him?” He said: “In Medina.”

200- وروى محمد بن يعقوب رفعه عن نسيم الخادم، وخادم أبي محمد عليه السلام قال:دخلت على صاحب الزمان عليه السلام بعد مولده بعشر ليال فعطست عنده. فقال: يرحمك الله. ففرحت بذلك، فقال: ألا أبشرك في العطاس؟ هو أمان من الموت ثلاث أيام.

H 200 - Muhammad Ibn Yaqub Kulaini has directly narrated from Nasim, maidservant of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) that she said: “When I came to him on the tenth night after his birth and sneezed in his presence, the Master of the Age (a.s) said, ‘May Allah have mercy on you.’ I became very happy; he said, ‘May I not give you glad tidings about sneezing?’ I said: ‘Please do.’ He said: ‘It is protection from death for three days.”

201- وروى محمد بن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن أبيه، عن أحمد بن هلال، عن أمية بن علي القيسي، عن سالم بن أبي حية، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال: إذا اجتمع ثلاثة أسماء؛ محمد وعلي والحسن، فالرابع القائم.

H 201 - It is narrated from Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari from his father from Ahmad bin Hilal from Umayyah bin Ali Qaisi from Salim bin Abi Hayya from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s) that he said: “When three names, Muhammad, Ali, and Hasan come in consecution, their fourth is the Qaim (a.s).”

202- وروى محمد بن يعقوب بإسناده، عن ضوء بن علي العجلي، عن رجل من أهل فارس- سماه- قال:أتيت سر من رأى ولزمت باب أبي محمد عليه السلام، فدعاني من غير أن أستأذنت، فلما دخلت فسلمت قال لي: يا فلان كيف حالك؟ ثم قال: اقعد يا فلان. ثم سألني عن جماعة من رجال ونساء من أهلي. ثم قال لي: ما الذي أقدمك؟ قلت:رغبة في خدمتك، قال: فالزم الدار. قال:فكنت في الدار مع الخدم ثم صرت أشتري لهم الحوائج من السوق، وكنت أدخل عليه بغير إذن إذا كان في دار الرجال. فدخلت عليه يوما وهو في دار الرجال، فسمعت حركة في البيت وناداني: مكانك لا تبرح! فلم أجسر أخرج ولا أدخل. فخرجت علي جارية معها شيء مغطى، ثم ناداني: أدخل فدخلت، ثم نادى الجارية فرجعت، فقال لها: اكشفي عما معك، فكشفت عن غلام أبيض حسن الوجه، فكشف عن بطنه، فإذا شعر نابت من لبته إلى سرته أخضر ليس بأسود، فقال: هذا صاحبكم. ثم أمرها فحملته، فما رأيته بعد ذلك حتى مضى أبو محمد عليه السلام. فقال ضوء بن علي: قلت للفارسي: كم كنت تقدر له من السنين؟ قال: سنتين. قال العبدي: فقلت لضوء:كم تقدر أنت؟ فقال: أربع عشرة سنة. قال أبوعلي وأبو عبد الله: ونحن نقدر إحدى وعشرين سنة.

H 202 - It is narrated from Muhammad bin Yaqub through his chains from Zau bin Ali Ijli from a man of Fars (whom he named), whom I heard saying: “I reached Surra Man Raa and came to the house of Abu Muhammad (a.s). Before I could seek permission to enter, the Imam called me from inside. I entered and greeted him. He asked me: How are you? Then he told me to sit and inquired about the well being of my family. Then he said: How do you happen to come here? I said: I came to serve you. He said: Then stay here only. I began to live in his house with the servants. One day I returned from the market after buying necessary things. As I was entering, the Imam called me out to stop where I was; that neither should I go out nor come in. Then a maid came out carrying something wrapped in a cloth. Then the Imam called me and also called the maid. When she came back, he told her: Reveal that which you have in your arms. When she removed the cloth, I saw a beautiful child in her arms. I saw his belly on which there was a line of hair from the chest to the navel. The hair was green and not black. The Imam said: This is your Master (after me). Then he told the maid to take him away. After that I did not see the child till the Imam (a.s) passed away. Zau bin Ali says: I asked this Persian: What was the age of the Qaim at that time? He replied: Two years. Abdi says: I asked Zau bin Ali: What would be his age today? He replied: Fourteen years. Abu Ali and Abi Abdullah say: At this time his age must be twenty-one years.”

203- وبهذا الاسناد، عن عمرو الاهوازي قال:أراني أبو محمد عليه السلام إبنه وقال:هذا صاحبكم من بعدي.

H 203 - From the same chains of narrators, it is narrated from Amr Ahwazi that he said: Abu Muhammad (a.s) showed me his son and said: “This is your master after me.”

204- وأخبرني ابن أبي جيد، عن محمد بن الحسن بن الوليد، عن الصفار محمد بن الحسن القمي، عن أبي عبد الله المطهري، عن حكيمة بنت محمد بن علي الرضا قالت:بعث إلي أبو محمد عليه السلام سنة خمس وخمسين ومائتين في النصف من شعبان وقال: يا عمة،اجعلي الليلة إفطارك عندي. فإن الله عز وجل سيسرك بوليه وحجته على خلقه خليفتي من بعدي. قالت حكيمة: فتداخلني لذلك سرور شديد وأخذت ثيابي علي وخرجت من ساعتي حتى انتهيت إلى أبي محمد عليه السلام، وهو جالس في صحن داره، وجواريه حوله فقلت: جعلت فداك يا سيدي! الخلف ممن هو؟ قال: من سوسن. فأدرت طرفي فيهن فلم أر جارية عليها أثر غير سوسن. قالت حكيمة: فلما أن صليت المغرب والعشاء الآخرة أتيت بالمائدة، فأفطرت أنا وسوسن وبايتها في بيت واحد، فغفوت غفوة ثم استيقظت، فلم أزل مفكرة فيما وعدني أبومحمد عليه السلام من أمر ولي الله عليه السلام فقمت قبل الوقت الذي كنت أقوم في كل ليلة للصلاة، فصليت صلاة الليل حتى بلغت إلى الوتر، فوثبت سوسن فزعة وخرجت (فزعة) (وخرجت) وأسبغت الوضوء، ثم عادت فصلت صلاة الليل وبلغت إلى الوتر، فوقع في قلبي أن الفجر (قد) قرب فقمت لأنظر فإذا بالفجر الأول قد طلع، فتداخل قلبي الشك من وعد أبي محمد عليه السلام، فناداني من حجرته: لا تشكي، وكأنك بالأمر الساعة قد رأيته إن شاء الله تعالى. قالت حكيمة: فاستحييت من أبي محمد عليه السلام ومما وقع في قلبي، ورجعت إلى البيت وأنا خجلة فإذا هي قد قطعت الصلاة وخرجت فزعة فلقيتها على باب البيت فقلت:بأبي أنت (وأمي) هل تحسين شيئا؟ قالت: نعم يا عمة! إني لأجد أمرا شديدا. قلت:لا خوف عليك إن شاء الله تعالى، وأخذت وسادة فألقيتها في وسط البيت، وأجلستها عليها وجلست منها حيث تقعد المرأة من المرأة للولادة، فقبضت على كفي وغمزت غمزة شديدة ثم أنَّت أنَّة وتشهدت ونظرت تحتها، فإذا أنا بولي الله صلوات الله عليه متلقيا الارض بمساجده. فأخذت بكتفيه فأجلسته في حجري، فإذا هو نظيف مفروغ منه، فناداني أبو محمد عليه السلام: يا عمة، هلمي فأتيني بابني. فأتيته به، فتناوله وأخرج لسانه فمسحه على عينيه ففتحه، ثم أدخله في فيه فحنكه ثم (أدخله) في أذنيه وأجلسه في راحته اليسرى، فاستوى ولي الله جالسا، فمسح يده على رأسه وقال له: يا بني، انطق بقدرة الله. فاستعاذ ولي الله عليه السلام من الشيطان الرجيم واستفتح: ﴿بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ. وَنُرِيدُ أَنْ نَمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِي الأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّةً وَنَجْعَلَهُمُ الْوَارِثِينَ. وَنُمَكِّنَ لَهُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ وَنُرِيَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَهَامَانَ وَجُنُودَهُمَا مِنْهُمْ مَا كَانُوا يَحْذَرُونَ﴾. وصلى على رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) وعلى أمير المؤمنين والأئمة (عليهم السلام)… واحدا واحدا حتى انتهى إلى أبيه. فناولنيه أبومحمد عليه السلام وقال: يا عمة، رديه إلى أمه حتى ﴿تَقَرَّ عَيْنُهَا وَلاَ تَحْزَنَ وَلِتَعْلَمَ أَنَّ وَعْدَ اللهِ حَقٌّ وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ﴾. فرددته إلى أمه وقد انفجر الفجر الثاني، فصليت الفريضة وعقبت إلى أن طلعت الشمس، ثم ودعت أبا محمد عليه السلام وانصرفت إلى منزلي. فلما كان بعد ثلاث اشتقت إلى ولي الله، فصرت إليهم فبدأت بالحجرة التي كانت سوسن فيها، فلم أر أثرا ولا سمعت ذكرا، فكرهت أن أسأل، فدخلت على أبي محمد عليه السلام فاستحييت أن أبدأه بالسؤال، فبدأني فقال: (هو) يا عمة،في كنف الله وحرزه وستره وغيبه حتى يأذن الله له. فإذا غيب الله شخصي وتوفاني ورأيت شيعتي قد اختلفوا،فأخبري الثقات منهم، وليكن عندك وعندهم مكتوما، فإن ولي الله يغيبه الله عن خلقه ويحجبه عن عباده فلا يراه أحد حتى يقدم له جبرئيل عليه السلام فرسه: ﴿لِيَقْضِيَ اللهُ أَمْراً كَانَ مَفْعُولاً﴾.

H 204 - Ibn Abil Jayyid has narrated from Muhammad bin Hasan bin Walid from Saffar, Muhammad bin Hasan Qummi from Abi Abdullah Mutahhari from Hakima binte Muhammad bin Ali Ridha that she said: “In the year two hundred and fifty-five at mid-Shaban, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) sent for me saying, “Aunt, end your fast (Iftar) with me tonight, for Allah, the Glorious, will make you happy through His favorite (Wali) and His Proof (Hujjah) on His creation and my heir after me.” This made me so very happy. I put on my garments and left at once and reached him at his house. He was sitting in the yard and his concubines were about him. I said: “May I be your ransom, O my Master, from whom would the successor be born?” He said: “From Susan.” I ran my eyes over them and did not see any girl with any sign of pregnancy, except Susan. After I prayed the Isha prayers, I brought the meal and Susan and I ended the fast. Arranging her and myself in one room, I fell asleep for a short while and then woke up. I was constantly thinking about the promise of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) with regard to the Wali of Allah. I got up before the regular time I would wake up every night for prayers. I performed the midnight prayers and when I reached the Watr prayers (last part), Susan rose suddenly and went out and made her ablution with great attention and piety. Then she came back and prayed the midnight prayers and reached Watr. It occurred to me that dawn has neared and I rose up to check it. The first dawn had risen. Doubts entered my heart with regard to the promise of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s). He called me from his room, “Aunt, do not have doubts. It is almost as if you are witnessing the event at this hour and seeing him, God willing.” Lady Hakima says: I felt embarrassed from Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), because of the doubts that had occurred to me. I returned to the room feeling ashamed. Suddenly Susan finished her prayers and came out frightened. I met her at the door and said: “My parents be your ransom, do you feel anything?” She said: “Yes, O aunt. I feel a great happening.” I said to her, “May you have no fears, if Allah wills.” I took a pillow and threw it at the center of the room and sat her on it. I sat in a position with respect to her in which a woman sits with another for the purpose of delivery. She seized my hand and squeezed it very hard. Then she groaned once and recited Kalimah. I looked beneath her, and there I was in the presence of the Wali of Allah, bliss of Allah be for him, who was touching the earth with his forehead, palms of hands, knees, and toes. I held him from his shoulders and sat him on my lap. He was clean and without any need of any attention. Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) called, “O aunt, bring my son to me.” I carried him to his father, who took him and brought out his tongue and touched it against the eyes of the baby, who opened his eyes. He then put his tongue into the blessed baby’s mouth that sucked on it. He then put it into his ears. He sat him on his right palm. The Wali of Allah sat straight. Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) touched his head and said, “My dear son, speak with the power of Allah.” The Wali of Allah sought refuge of Allah from the cursed Satan and began: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. And We desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the Imams, and to make them the heirs. And to grant them power in the land, and to make Firon and Haman and their hosts see from them what they feared.” (28:5-6) And may Allah bless His Messenger and Amirul Momineen (a.s).” He mentioned the Imams one after the other until he reached his father. Then Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) gave him to me and said: “O Aunt, return him to his mother, so her heart may rejoice and may she grieve not and that she may know that the promise of Allah is true, but the majority of the people do not know.” I returned him to his mother while the second dawn had brightened. I performed the Morning (Fajr) prayers and then said my post prayers devotions until sunrise. I bid Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) farewell and returned to my house. After three days passed, I became anxious to see the Wali of Allah. I went to them and started with the room where Susan was. I did not see any trace, nor heard any mention. I did not want to ask, so I came to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s). I felt bashful to begin the conversation with him by asking him. So, he began and said: “Aunt, he is in the protection of Allah, His safeguard, His curtain and His eye, until Allah gives him permission. So when Allah hides my person and transfers me, and you see my Shia disputing, inform the reliable ones of them. This must remain with you and them as a secret, for Allah hides His Wali. Allah hides him from His creation and veils him from His servants. No one will see him until Jibraeel (a.s) offers him his mount, in order that Allah may fulfill the enterprise that must be fulfilled.”

205- وبهذا الاسناد، عن محمد بن الحسن بن الوليد، عن محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن محمد بن حمويه الرازي، عن الحسين بن رزق الله، عن موسى بن محمد بن جعفر قال: حدثتني حكيمة بنت محمد عليه السلام بمثل معنى الحديث الاول، إلا أنها قالت: فقال لي أبومحمد عليه السلام: يا عمة، إذا كان اليوم السابع فأتِنا. فلما أصبحت جئت لأسلم على أبي محمد عليه السلام وكشفت عن الستر لأتفقد سيدي فلم أره، فقلت له: جعلت فداك ما فعل سيدي؟ فقال: يا عمة،استودعناه الذي استودعت أم موسى. فلما كان اليوم السابع جئت فسلمت وجلست فقال:هلموا إبني. فجئ بسيدي وهو في خرق صفر ففعل به كفعله الاول، ثم أدلى لسانه في فيه كأنما يغذيه لبنا وعسلا، ثم قال: تكلم يا بني. فقال عليه السلام: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله… وثنى بالصلاة على محمد وعلى الائمة عليهم السلام حتى وقف على أبيه، ثم قرأ: ﴿بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ. وَنُرِيدُ أَنْ نَمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِي الأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّةً وَنَجْعَلَهُمُ الْوَارِثِينَ. وَنُمَكِّنَ لَهُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ وَنُرِيَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَهَامَانَ وَجُنُودَهُمَا مِنْهُمْ مَا كَانُوا يَحْذَرُونَ﴾.

H 205 - Musa bin Muhammad bin Ja’far said: Hakima binte Imam Jawad (a.s) narrated a tradition similar to the above, except with the difference that she said: Abu Muhammad (a.s) said: O Aunt, come on the seventh day. So when it was morning, I came to greet Abu Muhammad (a.s). I raised the curtain to see my lord and master, but was unable to find him. I asked the Imam: My dear, may I be your ransom, where is my master? Imam (a.s) replied: Aunt dear, I have entrusted him to one whom the mother of Musa (a.s) had. On the seventh day, I came to the Imam, greeted him and took a seat. Imam (a.s) said: Bring my son. So they brought my lord and master wrapped in a yellow cloth. Then the Imam did the same with him, which is mentioned in the above report. After that he placed his tongue in the mouth of the child as if feeding milk or honey. After that he said: Speak up, my son. And His Eminence [the twelfth Imam] said: I testify that there is no god, except Allah and then he invoked blessings on Muhammad and the Holy Imams (a.s) one by one till his father. Then he recited the following verse: “And We desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land, and to make them the Imams, and to make them the heirs, and to grant them power in the land, and to make Firon and Haman and their hosts see from them what they feared.” (28:5-6)

206- أحمد بن علي الرازي، عن محمد بن علي، عن علي بن سميع بن بنان، عن محمد بن علي بـن أبـي الداري، عـن أحمـد بـن محمـد، عن أحمـد بن عبـد الله، عـن أحـمد بـن روح الاهوازي، عن محمد بن إبراهيم، عن حكيمة بمثل معنى الحديث الاول إلا أنه قال:قالت: بعث إلي أبومحمد عليه السلام ليلة النصف من شهر رمضان سنه خمس وخمسين ومائتين… (قالت) وقلت له:يا بن رسول الله من أمه؟ قال: نرجس. (قالت) فلما كان في اليوم الثالث اشتد شوقي إلى ولي الله، فأتيتهم عائدة فبدأت بالحجرة التي فيها الجارية، فإذا أنا بها جالسة في مجلس المرأة النفساء وعليها أثواب صفر، وهي معصبة الرأس،فسلمت عليها والتفت إلى جانب البيت وإذا بمهد عليه أثواب خضر، فعدلت إلى المهد ورفعت عنه الاثواب فإذا أنا بولي الله نائم على قفاه غير محزوم ولا مقموط. ففتح عينيه وجعل يضحك ويناجيني باصبعه، فتناولته وأدنيته إلى فمي لأقبله، فشممت منه رائحة ما شممت قط أطيب منها، وناداني أبومحمد عليه السلام: يا عمتي!هلمي فتاي إلي. فتناوله وقال: يا بني، انطق… وذكر الحديث.

H 206 - Ahmad bin Ali Raazi has narrated from Muhammad bin Ali from Ali bin Sami bin Banan from Muhammad bin Ali bin Abil Dari from Ahmad bin Muhammad from Ahmad bin Abdullah from Ahmad bin Ruh Ahwazi from Muhammad bin Ibrahim from Hakima the like of the previous tradition, however, with this difference that she says: “Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) sent for me on the night of mid-Ramadan of the year two hundred and fifty-five.” “I said to him, O son of Allah’s Messenger, who is his mother? He said: Narjis.” “When it was the third day, my anxiety for the Wali of Allah intensified. So I brought them a repast and began with the room where the slave girl was. There she was sitting like a woman who has delivered a child. She was wearing yellow clothes and her head was wrapped. I greeted her and looked at the side of the room. There was a cradle of a baby covered by green sheets. I turned to the cradle and removed the sheets and saw the Wali of Allah sleeping on his back, neither fastened nor tied. He opened his eyes and began laughing and calling me with his finger. I held him and brought him near my mouth to kiss. I smelt such a fragrance from him that I had never smelt a better one. Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) called, ‘Aunt, come and bring my young man to me.’ I took him to his father. He said to him, my son, speak...” Then the saying of the Wali of Allah is narrated and then she says, “I took him from his father while he was saying, ‘My dear son, I entrust you to the one mother of Musa entrusted. Be in the comfort of Allah, His safeguard, protection and His company.’ He said: ‘Return him to his mother, aunt, and hide the news of this baby and don’t inform anyone till the time arrives.’ I brought him to his mother and bid them farewell.” Then the tradition continues like the previous one.

أحمد بن علي الرازي، عن محمد بن علي، عن حنظلة بن زكريا قال: حدثني الثقة، عن محمد بن علي بن بلال، عن حكيمة بمثل ذلك.

Narrated to me Muhammad bin Ali bin Bilal from Hakima an identical tradition

207- وفي رواية أخرى عن جماعة من الشيوخ أن حكيمة حدثت بهذا الحديث وذكرت أنه كان ليلة النصف من شعبان وأن أمه نرجس،وساقت الحديث إلى قولها: فإذا أنا بحس سيدي وبصوت أبي محمد عليه السلام وهو يقول: يا عمتي، هاتي إبني. فكشفت عن سيدي فإذا هو ساجد متلقيا الارض بمساجده، وعلى ذراعه الايمن مكتوب ﴿جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقاً﴾. فضممته إلي فوجدته مفروغا منه فلففته في ثوب وحملته إلى أبي محمد عليه السلام…وذكروا الحديث إلى قوله: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله وأن عليا أمير المؤمنين حقا، ثم لم يزل يعد السادة الاوصياء إلى أن بلغ إلى نفسه، ودعا لاوليائه بالفرج على يديه ثم أحجم. وقالت: ثم رفع بيني وبين أبي محمد عليه السلام كالحجاب فلم أر سيدي، فقلت لابي محمد: يا سيدي، أين مولاي؟ فقال: أخذه من هو أحق منك ومنا… ثم ذكروا الحديث بتمامه وزادوا فيه: فلما كان بعد أربعين يوما دخلت على أبي محمد عليه السلام فإذا مولانا الصاحب يمشي في الدار، فلم أر وجها أحسن من وجهه ولا لغة أفصح من لغته. فقال أبومحمد عليه السلام: هذا المولود الكريم على الله عز وجل. فقلت: سيدي، أرى من أمره ما أرى وله أربعون يوما! فتبسم وقال: يا عمتي، أما علمت أنا معاشر الائمة ننشؤ في اليوم ما ينشؤ غيرنا في السنة؟ فقمت فقبلت رأسه وانصرفت. ثم عدت وتفقدته فلم أره، فقلت لابي محمد عليه السلام: ما فعل مولانا؟ فقال: يا عمة،استودعناه الذي استودعت أم موسى.

H 207 - In another narration on the authority of a number of great scholars, it says that Lady Hakima narrated this narrative and mentioned that it was the night of mid-Shaban and that his mother was Narjis. The narrative continues like the previous one until her saying, “There I was, sensing my Master and hearing the voice of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) as he was saying, ‘O my aunt, bring my son to me.’ So I removed the curtains from my Master, and there he was, prostrating, touching the earth through his forehead, palms, knees and toes. On his right forearm it was written: “The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; surely falsehood is a vanishing (thing).” (17:81) I pulled him to myself and found him pure and clean. He did not need any sort of attention. I wrapped him in a sheet and carried him to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s). They have mentioned the narrative the same way until his saying, “I bear witness that a god other than Allah is not and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and that Ali is rightfully Amirul Momineen (a.s).” Then he mentioned the Imams one by one until himself. He prayed for the relief of his devotees at his hands. Then he stopped. She says: “Then something like a veil was erected between me and Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) and I did not see my Master. I said to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), ‘My Master, where is my lord?’ He said: ‘Someone who is worthier than you and us took him.” Then they have mentioned the whole narration and added: Forty days later, I came to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) and there was our Master, the Patron. He was walking about the house. I had never seen a face more beautiful than his, nor heard any tongue more eloquent than his. Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) said: “This is the baby who is dignified before Allah, the Glorified.” I said: “My Master, I see him in this condition and he is only forty days old.” He smiled and said: “My aunt, don’t you know that we Imams grow in a day to the extent that others grow in a year.” I arose and kissed his forehead and returned. Then I came back and sought him, but did not see him. I asked Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), “What have you done to our Master?” He said: “Aunt, we have entrusted him to the one mother of Musa entrusted.”

208- أحمد بن علي الرازي، عن محمد بن علي، عن حنظلة بن زكريا قال: حدثني أحمد بن بلال بن داود الكاتب، وكان عاميا بمحل من النصب لأهل البيت عليهم السلام يظهر ذلك ولا يكتمه، وكان صديقا لي يظهر مودة بما فيه من طبع أهل العراق، فيقول- كلما لقيني- لك عندي خبر تفرح به ولا أخبرك به، فأتغافل عنه إلى أن جمعني وإياه موضع خلوة، فاستقصيت عنه وسألته أن يخبرني به، فقال: كانت دورنا بسر من رأى مقابل دار ابن الرضا-يعني أبا محمد الحسن بن علي عليهما السلام- فغبت عنها دهرا طويلا إلى قزوين وغيرها، ثم قضي لي الرجوع إليها، فلما وافيتها وقد كنت فقدت جميع من خلفته من أهلي وقراباتي إلا عجوزا كانت ربتني ولها بنت معها، وكانت من طبع الاول مستورة صائنة لا تحسن الكذب وكذلك مواليات لنا بقين في الدار. فأقمت عندهن أياما ثم عزمت الخروج، فقالت العجوزة: كيف تستعجل الانصراف وقد غبت زمانا؟ فأقم عندنا لنفرح بمكانك. فقلت لها على جهة الهزء: أريد أن أصير إلى كربلاء. وكان الناس للخروج في النصف من شعبان أو ليوم عرفة، فقالت: يا بني، أعيذك بالله أن تستهين ما ذكرت أو تقوله على وجه الهزء، فإني أحدثك بما رأيته- يعني بعد خروجك من عندنا– بسنتين: كنت في هـذا البيت نائـمة بالقرب من الدهليـز ومعي ابنتي وأنـا بين النائمة واليقظانة، إذ دخل رجل حسن الوجه نظيف الثياب طيب الرائحة، فقال:يا فلانة،يجيئك الساعة من يدعوك في الجيران، فلا تمتنعي من الذهاب معه ولا تخافي. ففزعت فناديت ابنتي وقلت لها:هل شعرت بأحد دخل البيت؟ فقالت: لا. فذكرت الله وقرأت ونمت. فجاء الرجل بعينه وقال لي مثل قوله، ففزعت وصحت بابنتي فقالت:لم يدخل البيت (أحد) فاذكري الله ولا تفزعي. فقرأت ونمت. فلما كان في (الليلة) الثالثة جاء الرجل وقال: يا فلانة، قد جاء‌ك من يدعوك ويقرع الباب فاذهبي معه. وسمعت دق الباب فقمت وراء الباب وقلت:من هذا؟ فقال: افتحي ولا تخافي. فعرفت كلامه وفتحت الباب فإذا خادم معه إزار فقال: يحتاج إليك بعض الجيران لحاجة مهمة، فادخلي. ولف رأسي بالملاء‌ة وأدخلني الدار وأنا أعرفها، فإذا بشقاق مشدودة وسط الدار ورجل قاعد بجنب الشقاق، فرفع الخادم طرفه فدخلت وإذا امرأة قد أخذها الطلق وامرأة قاعدة خلفها كأنها تقبلها. فقالت المرأة:تعينيني فيما نحن فيه؟ فعالجتها بما يعالج به مثلها فما كان إلا قليلا حتى سقط غلام فأخذته على كفي وصحت: غلام غلام! وأخرجت رأسي من طرف الشقاق أبشر الرجل القاعد، فقيل لي: لا تصيحي. فلما رددت وجهي إلى الغلام قد كنت فقدته من كفي فقالت لي المرأة القاعدة: لا تصيحي. وأخذ الخادم بيدي ولف رأسي بالملاء‌ة وأخرجني من الدار وردني إلى داري وناولني صرة وقال (لي): لا تخبري بما رأيت أحدا. فدخلت الدار ورجعت إلى فراشي في هذا البيت وابنتي نائمة (بعد) فأنبهتها وسألتها: هل علمت بخروجي ورجوعي؟ فقالت: لا، وفتحت الصرة في ذلك الوقت وإذا فيها عشرة دنانيرعددا، وما أخبرت بهذا أحدا إلا في هذا الوقت لما تكلمت بهذا الكلام على حد الهزء فحدثتك إشفاقا عليك، فإن لهؤلاء القوم عند الله عز وجل شأنا ومنزلة، وكل ما يدعونه حق. قال: فعجبت من قولها وصرفته إلى السخرية والهزء ولم أسألها عن الوقت غير أني أعلم يقينا أني غبت عنهم في سنة نيف وخمسين ومائتين ورجعت إلى سر من رأى في وقت أخبرتني العجوزة بهذا الخبر في سنة إحدى وثمانين ومائتين في وزارة عبيدالله بن سليمان لما قصدته.

H 208 - It is narrated from Ahmad bin Ali Raazi from Muhammad bin Ali from Hanzala bin Zakariya that he said: “Ahmad bin Bilal bin Dawood, the scribe, who was a Sunni and a Nasibi, having contempt to Ahle Bayt, which he did not hide, narrated this to me. He was my friend and would express his affection to me, as it is in the spirit of the people of Iraq. He would say every time he met me, “I have news for you to rejoice, but I will not give it to you.” I would pretend to care less until one day we were brought together at a secluded spot. With much fervor, I asked him to tell me about what news he had. He said: Our houses were at Samarrah, facing the house of Ibn Ridha, (meaning the house of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s). For a very long time, I stayed away from the locality, going to Qazwin and other cities. Then destiny brought me back to Samarrah. When I returned, I saw that I had lost all whom I had left behind from my family and relatives, except an old woman who had raised me and she had a daughter. She was of the original disposition, veiling, protective and did not know lying. Also there were some of our cousins who had stayed at the house. I stayed with them for some days and then decided to leave. The old woman said: “Why do you make haste to return after such a long absence? Stay with us, so we may take the pleasure of your stay.” I said to her in jest, “I want to go to Kerbala.” This was a season when great many people were leaving either for mid-Shaban or the day of Arafa. “I seek refuge of Allah for you, my son, to blaspheme through this talk of ridicule.” She said: “I am going to tell you what I have seen. This happened two years after you left us. I was in this house, sleeping near the main entry hall. My daughter was with me. I was in a condition somewhere between sleep and wakefulness, when entered a man of handsome face, clean clothes, fragrant smell and said: So and so, someone will come at this hour to you to call you to your neighbor. Do not refuse to go with him and don’t be scared. I was afraid and called out to my daughter, ‘Did you notice someone entering the house?’ She said: ‘No.’ I called Allah to my heart and recited some verses and went to sleep. The same man came again and repeated what he had said earlier. I cried out to my daughter. She said: ‘No one came. Remember Allah and don’t be scared.’ I recited some verses and went to sleep again. Then it happened the third time; the man came and said: So and so, the one who is calling you is here and is knocking the door. Go with him.’ I heard the knock and went to the door. ‘Who is this?’ I asked. ‘Open and fear not,’ someone said. I recognized his word and opened the door. It was a servant in a lower garment sheet on him. He said: ‘A neighbor needs you for a very important matter. Please come.’ He covered my head with the sheet and took me to the house, which I knew. There were sets of curtains fixed in the middle. A man was seated on the side of the curtains. The servant gestured to me with his eye and I entered. There was a woman in labor and another lady was behind her as if she was delivering her. The woman asked: ‘Would you help us in this?’ I helped them in the delivery. It was but a moment that a boy was born. I held him and shouted, ‘It is a boy! It is a boy!’ I put my head out from the side of the curtains to give glad tiding to the man seated there. ‘Don’t shout,’ someone said. When I returned inside, the boy was not in my hands. The woman who was seated told me, ‘Don’t shout.’ The servant took my hand and wrapped my head with the sheet and took me out of the house. He took me to my house and gave me a bag and said: ‘Don’t tell anyone of what you saw.’ I entered the house and returned to my bed. My daughter was still sleeping. Waking her up, I asked, ‘Did you see me going out and coming back?’ She replied: ‘No.’ I opened the bag at that hour and there were ten dinars in it. I have not told this to anyone until today when you spoke these words derisively. I narrated this to you to commiserate over you, for these people (Ahle Bayt) have a lofty status and high position before Allah, the Glorified, and everything they pray for is fulfilled.” I was astonished by her narrative, but passed on with ridicule and jest. I did not ask her of its time; however, I know for sure that I had left them in two hundred and fifty and some odd year and returned to Samarrah in two hundred and eighty-one. The time when the old woman narrated this to me was during the ministry of Ubaidullah bin Sulaiman.

قال حنظلة: فدعوت بأبي الفرج المظفر بن أحمد حتى سمع معي (منه) هذا الخبر.

Hanzala, the narrator of this report says: I called Abul Faraj Muzaffar bin Ahmad and he also heard this story with me.

209- محمد بن يعقوب، عن بعض أصحابنا، عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، قال: اجتمعت والشيخ أبو عمرو عند أحمد بن إسحاق بن سعد الأشعري فغمزني أحمد بن إسحاق أن أسأله عن الخلف. فقلت له: يا أبا عمرو، إني لأريد أن أسألك عن شيء وما أنا بشاكٍّ فيما أريد أن أسألك عنه، فإن اعتقادي وديني أن الارض لا تخلو من حجة إلا إذا كان قبل القيامة بأربعين يوما رفع الحجة وغلق باب التوبة: فلم يكن ﴿يَنْفَعُ نَفْساً إِيمَانُهَا لَمْ تَكُنْ آمَنَتْ مِنْ قَبْلُ أَوْ كَسَبَتْ فِي إِيمَانِهَا خَيْراً.﴾ فأولئك شرار (من) خلق الله عز وجل وهم الذين تقوم عليهم القيامة. ولكن أحببت أن أزداد يقينا، فإن إبراهيم عليه السلام سأل ربه أن يريه كيف يحيى الموتى ﴿قَالَ: أَوَلَمْ تُؤْمِنْ؟ قَالَ: بَلَى، وَلَكِنْ لِيَطْمَئِنَّ قَلْبِي﴾. وقد أخبرني أبوعلي أحمد بن إسحاق أنه سأل أبا الحسن صاحب العسكر عليه السلام وقال: من أعامل وعمن آخذ وقول من أقبل؟ فقال (له): العمري ثقتي، فما أدى إليك عني فعني يؤدي، وما قال لك فعني يقول، فاسمع له وأطع، فإنه الثقة المأمون. وأخبرني أبوعلي: سأل أبا محمد عليه السلام عن مثل ذلك، فقال له:العمري وإبنه ثقتان، فما أدَّيا إليك فعني يؤديان، وما قالا فعني يقولان، فاسمع لهما وأطعهما فإنهما الثقتان المأمونان. فهذا قول إمامين قد مضيا فيك. (قال) فخر أبوعمرو ساجدا وبكى ثم قال: سل(حاجتك). فقلت له:أنت رأيت الخلف من أبي محمد عليه السلام؟ فقال: إي والله ،ورقبته مثل هذا- وأومأ بيده-. فقلت: بقيت واحدة. فقال: هات! قلت: الاسم. قال: محرم عليكم أن تسألوا عن ذلك، ولا أقول هذا من عندي فليس لي أن أحلل ولا أحرم، ولكن عنه صلوات الله عليه، فإن الامر عند السلطان أن أبا محمد عليه السلام مضى ولم يخلف ولدا، وقسم ميراثه وأخذ من لا حق له، فصبر على ذلك وهو ذا عماله يجولون، فليس أحد يجسر أن يتقرب إليهم ويسألهم شيئا، وإذا وقع الاسم وقع الطلب. فالله الله! اتقوا الله وأمسكوا عن ذلك.

H 209 - Muhammad Ibn Yaqub narrates from some of our associates from Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Himyari, saying, I and Shaykh Abu Amr were with Ahmad Ibn Ishaq Ashari Qummi. Ahmad Ibn Ishaq made a gesture to me to ask him about the successor. So, I asked him, “O Abu Amr, I want to ask you a question; however, I am not unsure about what I want to ask you, for my faith and my belief is that the earth does not remain without a Divine Proof (Hujjah), unless it is forty days prior to Judgment Day. And when that happens, the Divine Proof (Hujjah) is raised up and the door of repentance is shut. And it will not benefit any soul has it not already believed and earned good in its belief. They are the wicked of God’s creation and they are the ones that Judgment Day shall stand against them. However, I desire to increase my certitude, as Ibrahim (a.s) asked his Lord to show him how He brings the dead back to life. He said: ‘Do you believe not? He said: Indeed; rather, for my heart to satisfy. Abu Ali Ahmad Ibn Ishaq has narrated to me from Abul Hasan (a.s). He said: I asked the Imam, ‘With whom should I transact and from whom should I learn and whose word should I accept?’ The Imam said to him, Amari is my trustworthy man. Whatever he delivers to you, he does so from me. And whatever he says to you, he does so from me. So listen to him and obey him, for he is a trustworthy and honest man.’ Also Abu Ali narrated to me that he asked Abu Muhammad Hasan Ibn Ali the same question and the Imam said, Amari and his son are two trustworthy men. Whatever they deliver to you, they deliver from me; and whatever they say to you, they say from me. Listen to them and obey them, for they are two trustworthy and honest men.’ These are the words of two Imams of the past about you.” Abu Amr fell into prostration and tears rolled from his eyes and then he said: “Ask.” I asked, “Have you seen the successor of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s)?” He said: “Yes, by Allah, and his neck is like this,” and he gestured. I said, “I have one more question.” He said: “Bring it forth.” I said: “His name?” He said: “That is forbidden to you to ask for. I am not saying this from myself, nor am I permitted to allow or disallow. Rather, this prohibition is from the Imam himself (a.s). The ruler’s impression is that Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) passed away without leaving a son and that his bequeathals were divided and taken over by persons not entitled to them. He was patient on that. There is his household, wandering about and there is no one who has the courage to recognize them or offer them something. Should the name come out, search will be on. So fear God and hold back from that.”

210- وروي أن بعض أخوات أبي الحسن عليه السلام كانت لها جارية ربتها تسمى نرجس،فلما كبرت دخل أبومحمد عليه السلام فنظر إليها فقالت له:أراك يا سيدي تنظر إليها؟ فقال: إني ما نظرت إليها إلا متعجبا. أما إن المولود الكريم على الله تعالى يكون منها. ثم أمرها أن تستأذن أبا الحسن عليه السلام في دفعها إليه ففعلت فأمرها بذلك.

H 210 - It is narrated that a sister of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s) had a slave girl, whom she had raised, called Narjis. When she grew up, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) entered and looked at her. She said to him, “I see, my Master, you are looking at her.” He said: “I did not look at her, but wondering: Lo, the baby that is dignified before Allah will be from her.” Then he ordered her to seek permission of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s) to offer her to him. She did that and Imam Ali Naqi (a.s) ordered her to do so.

211- وروى علان الكليني، عن محمد بن يحيى، عن الحسين بن علي النيشابوري الدقاق، عن إبراهيم بن محمد بن عبد الله بن موسى بن جعفر عليهما السلام، عن السياري قال:حدثني نسيم ومارية قالت: لما خرج صاحب الزمان عليه السلام من بطن أمه سقط جاثيا على ركبتيه، رافعا سبابته نحو السماء، ثم عطس فقال: الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله على محمد وآله عبدا داخرا لله غير مستنكف ولا مستكبر. ثم قال: زعمت الظلمة أن حجة الله داحضة، ولو أذن لنا في الكلام لزال الشك.

H 211 - Allaan Kulaini has narrated from Muhammad bin Yahya from Husain bin Ali Nishaburi Daqqaq from Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Musa bin Ja’far (a.s) from Sayyari from Nasim and Mariya that: “When the Master of the Age fell from the abdomen of his mother, he fell hobbling on his knees, while raising his two forefingers towards the heavens. He then sneezed and said: ‘Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may Allah bless Muhammad and his household. The oppressors assumed that the Proof of Allah has expired. Should we be allowed to talk, doubts would disappear.’”

212- وروى علان بإسناده أن السيد عليه السلام ولد في سنة ست وخمسين ومائتين من الهجرة بعد مضي أبي الحسن بسنتين.

H 212 - It is narrated from Allaan Razi that he said: “The Master (a.s) was born in the year two hundred and fifty-six after Hijrat, two years after the demise of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s).”

213- وروى محمد بن علي الشلمغاني في كتاب الاوصياء قال:حدثني حمزة ابن نصر غلام أبي الحسن عليه السلام عن أبيه قال:لما ولد السيد عليه السلام تباشر أهل الدار بذلك، فلما نشأ خرج إلي الامر أن أبتاع في كل يوم مع اللحم قصب مخ،وقيل: إن هذا لمولانا الصغير عليه السلام.

H 213 - It is narrated from Muhammad bin Ali Shalmaghani in the book of Al-Awsiya on the authority of Hamza Ibn Nasr, the slave of Abul Hasan (a.s), who narrates from his father that: “When the Master was born, people of the house felicitated each other and rejoiced. When he grew, I was ordered to buy every day a bone with marrow and it was said: ‘It is for our young Master.’”

214- وعنه قال: حدثني الثقة، عن إبراهيم بن إدريس قال: وجه إلي مولاي أبومحمد عليه السلام بكبش وقال: عقه عن ابني فلان، وكل وأطعم أهلك. ففعلت، ثم لقيته بعد ذلك فقال لي: المولود الذي ولد لي مات. ثم وجه إلي بكبشين وكتب: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. عق هذين الكبشين عن مولاك وكل، هنأك الله، وأطعم إخوانك. ففعلت، ولقيته بعد ذلك فما ذكر لي شيئاً.

H 214 - Shalmaghani narrates that Ibrahim Ibn Idris said: Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) sent me a sheep and said: “Offer this as Aqiqah of my son. Eat and feed your family.” I did that and met him afterwards, he said: “The son of mine that was born, died.” Later, he sent me two sheep and wrote, “In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate. Offer these two sheep as Aqiqah of your Master. Eat, may Allah bless it for you, and feed your brothers.” I did that and saw him afterwards. He did not say anything.

215- وروى علان قال:حدثني ظريف أبو نصر الخادم قال:دخلت عليه-يعني صاحب الزمان عليه السلام- فقال لي: علي بالصندل الاحمر. (قال) فأتيته به، فقال عليه السلام: أتعرفني؟ قلت:نعم. قال: من أنا؟ فقلت:أنت سيدي وابن سيدي. فقال: ليس عن هذا سألتك. قال ظريف: فقلت: جعلني الله فداك، فسر لي. فقال: أنا خاتم الاوصياء، وبي يدفع الله البلاء عن أهلي وشيعتي.

H 215 - It is narrated from Allaan Razi from the servant, Dharif Abu Nasr: “I came to the Master of the time (a.s) and he told me to bring red sandalwood, which I did. Then he asked: Do you know me? I said: Yes. He asked: Who am I? I said: My master, and the son of my master. He said: I did not ask you this. Tareef said: I said: May I be sacrificed on you, tell me. He said: I am the seal of the successors; and through me will Allah, the Mighty and Sublime ward off calamities from my family and my Shia.”

216- جعفر بن محمد بن مالك قال: حدثني محمد بن جعفر بن عبد الله عن أبي نعيم محمد بن أحمد الانصاري قال: وجه قوم من المفوضة والمقصرة كامل بن إبراهيم المدني إلى أبي محمد عليه السلام. قال كامل:فقلت في نفسي: أسأله لا يدخل الجنة إلا من عرف معرفتي وقال بمقالتي. (قال) فلما دخلت على سيدي أبي محمد عليه السلام نظرت إلى ثياب بياض ناعمة عليه، فقلت في نفسي:ولي الله وحجته يلبس الناعم من الثياب ويأمرنا نحن بمواساة الاخوان وينهانا عن لبس مثله!فقال متبسما: يا كامل، وحسر عن ذراعيه، فإذا مسح أسود خشن على جلده، فقال: هذا لله وهذا لكم. فسلمت وجلست إلى باب عليه ستر مرخى، فجاء‌ت الريح فكشفت طرفه فإذا أنا بفتى كأنه فلقة قمر من أبناء أربع سنين أو مثلها. فقال لي: يا كامل بن إبراهيم. فاقشعررت من ذلك وألهمت أن قلت:لبيك يا سيدي. فقال: جئت إلى ولي الله وحجته وبابه تسأله هل يدخل الجنة إلا من عرف معرفتك وقال بمقالتك؟ فقلت: إي والله. قال: إذن والله يقل داخلها. والله إنه ليدخلها قوم يقال لهم الحقية. قلت: يا سيدي ومن هم؟ قال: قوم من حبهم لعلي يحلفون بحقه ولا يدرون ما حقه وفضله. ثم سكت صلوات الله عليه عني ساعة ثم قال: وجئت تسأله عن مقالة المفوضة. كذبوا! بل قلوبنا أوعية لمشيئة الله، فإذا شاء شئنا، والله يقول:﴿وَمَا تَشَآؤُونَ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَشَآءَ اللهُ﴾. ثم رجع الستر إلى حالته فلم أستطع كشفه، فنظر إلي أبومحمد عليه السلام متبسما فقال: يا كامل، ما جلوسك وقد أنبأك بحاجتك الحجة من بعدي؟ فقمت وخرجت ولم أعاينه بعد ذلك.

H 216 - It is narrated from Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Malik from Muhammad bin Ja’far bin Abdullah from Abi Naeem Muhammad bin Ahmad Ansari that he said: “A group of Mufawweza (extremists) sent Kamil bin Ibrahim Madani to His Eminence, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s). Kamil bin Ibrahim says: I said to myself: I will ask the Imam if only those who have the same beliefs as us will enter Paradise? He says: When I met the Imam, I saw that he was wearing a rich garment. I said to myself: The Wali of Allah and the proof of Allah is himself wearing such garments and prohibits us from them; and he also tells us to be equitable with our brothers in faith. As I was engrossed in these thoughts, the Imam said smiling and turned up his sleeve: O Kamil, look here. I found that below the rich garment was a coarse shirt that was in contact with his body. “See this coarse garment is for the Almighty Allah and the rich dress is for you people.” Thus I greeted him and sat down near a door across which a curtain hung. Just then a gust of wind moved the curtain away. I saw a four-year-old handsome boy, who called out: O Kamil bin Ibrahim. I began to tremble and automatically said: Here I am, O my master. The boy said: You have come to the Wali of Allah and proof of Allah with to ask if those who don’t have the same belief as us will enter Paradise. I said: By Allah, I wanted to ask this only. He said: If it is so, very few people will enter Paradise. No, by Allah, even the Haqqiya will enter Paradise. I asked: Who are Haqqiya? He replied: Who love Imam Ali (a.s) and who swear by his right, but they don’t know what his rights and merits are. Then that boy was quiet for sometime and then said: You also wanted to ask about the belief of Mufawweza (extremists). So you should know that they are liars; and our hearts are abodes of divine intention and when Allah intends something, we are also ready for it. “And you do not please except that Allah please…” Then the curtain, which had moved away by the breeze, returned to its position and I did not dare move it away again. After that Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) smiled at me and said: O Kamil, why are you sitting here. Your questions were answered by the one who will be the divine proof and the Imam after me. Kamil says: After that I came out from there and never saw him again.

قال أبونعيم: فلقيت كاملا فسألته عن هذا الحديث فحدثني به.

Abu Naeem says: I met Kamil and asked him about this tradition and he narrated the same to me.

وروى هذا الخبر أحمد بن علي الرازي، عن محمد بن علي، عن علي بن عبد الله بن عائذ الرازي، عن الحسن بن وجناء النصيبي قال: سمعت أبا نعيم محمد بن أحمد الانصاري…وذكر مثله.

This report is also narrated by Ahmad bin Ali Raazi from Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Ayedh Raazi from Hasan bin Wajna Naseebi that he said: I heard Abu Naeem Muhammad bin Ahmad Ansari narrate the same.

217- محمد بن يعقوب، عن أحمد بن النضر، عن القنبري- من ولد قنبر الكبير- مولى أبي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام قال: جرى حديث جعفر فشتمه، فقلت: فليس غيره فهل رأيته؟ قال: لم أره ولكن رآه غيري. قلت:ومن رآه؟ قال: رآه جعفر مرتين، وله حديث.

H 217 - It is narrated from Muhammad bin Yaqub from Ahmad bin Nadhr that he asked Qambari, a descendant of Qambar senior, servant of Imam Ali Ridha (a.s): The incident of Ja’far, the liar was mentioned. Qambari scolded him and spoke against it. I asked: No one other than him is eligible for Imamate; have you seen someone else [Master of the Age (a.s)]? He replied: Not me, but someone else has. I asked: Who is that? He replied: Ja’far, and he saw him twice, and he is aware of it.

218- وحدث عن رشيق صاحب المادراي قال:بعث إلينا المعتضد ونحن ثلاثة نفر فأمرنا أن يركب كل واحد منا فرسا ونجنب آخر ونخرج مخفين لا يكون معنا قليل ولا كثير إلا على السرج مصلى، وقال (لنا): الحقوا بسامرة. ووصف لنا محلة ودارا وقال: إذا أتيتموها تجدون على الباب خادما أسود فاكبسوا الدار، ومن رأيتم فيها فأتوني برأسه. فوافينا سامرة فوجدنا الامر كما وصفه، وفي الدهليز خادم أسود وفي يده تكة ينسجها، فسألناه عن الدار ومن فيها، فقال: صاحبها. فوالله ما التفت إلينا وقل اكتراثه بنا، فكبسنا الدار كما أمرنا، فوجدنا دارا سرية ومقابل الدار ستر ما نظرت قط إلى أنبل منه، كأن الايدي رفعت عنه في ذلك الوقت، ولم يكن في الدار أحد. فرفعنا الستر فإذا بيت كبير كأن بحرا فيه (ماء)، وفي أقصى البيت حصير قد علمنا أنه على الماء، وفوقه رجل من أحسن الناس هيئة قائم يصلي،فلم يلتفت إلينا ولا إلى شيء من أسبابنا. فسبق أحمد بن عبد الله ليتخطى البيت فغرق في الماء، وما زال يضطرب حتى مددت يدي إليه فخلصته وأخرجته وغشي عليه وبقي ساعة، وعاد صاحبي الثاني إلى فعل ذلك الفعل فناله مثل ذلك، وبقيت مبهوتا. فقلت لصاحب البيت:المعذرة إلى الله وإليك، فو الله ما علمت كيف الخبر ولا إلى من أجئ وأنا تائب إلى الله. فمـا التفـت إلى شـيء ممـا قلنـا، ومـا انفتـل عمـا كـان فيه فهالنا ذلك، وانصرفنا عنه، وقد كان المعتضد ينتظرنا وقد تقدم إلى الحجاب إذا وافيناه أن ندخل عليه في أي وقت كان. فوافيناه في بعض الليل فأدخلنا عليه فسألنا عن الخبر، فحكينا له ما رأينا، فقال: ويحكم! لقيكم أحد قبلي وجرى منكم إلى أحد سبب أو قول؟ قلنا: لا. فقال: أنا نفي من جدي. وحلف بأشد أيمان له أنه رجل إن بلغه هذا الخبر ليضربن أعناقنا، فما جسرنا أن نحدث به إلا بعد موته.

H 218 - It is narrated from Rashiq of Madarai that he said: Motazid sent a messenger to the three of us and ordered us to mount our horses and not to take anything with us, except the prayer mat and reach so and so house in such and such locality of Samarrah. “There you will find a black servant. You should besiege that house and apprehend anyone you see there and bring him to me.” Thus we reached Samarrah and made way to the house Motazid had specified. On the doorstep was a black servant spinning threads. We asked him who was present there. He replied: ‘The owner.’ By Allah, he did not stop us in any way. We entered the house as we had been ordered. The house was absolutely clean and there was a curtain in the front; so beautiful as we had never seen before, as if it was just made at that moment. There was no one in the house and we pulled the curtain aside. We saw a huge room with a stream of water and at the end of which was a mat, which seemed to be floating on the water. Upon the mat stood the most handsome man engrossed in prayers. He neither paid attention to us nor to our means. At that moment Ahmad bin Abdullah, from among us stepped in the water in order to enter the room, but he began to drown. He struggled with all his might to keep himself from drowning till we stretched our hands and pulled him out. He fell down unconscious for sometime. Then another member of our group also tried to step in water to enter the room and he also fell down in the same condition. I was shocked and awed. Then I addressed the owner of the house: I seek forgiveness for you in the court of Allah, by Allah I don’t know what the matter is and to whom we have come and indeed I beg Allah for forgiveness. However, he did not give any response to what I had said and did not come out of his condition. Due to this a terrible awe struck us and we came out of there. Motazid was waiting for us and had instructed the sentry that as soon as we returned, we should be taken to him immediately. We reached him in the middle of the night. He asked us about what had passed. We related to him everything in detail. He cried: Woe be unto you, did anyone see you before me? And did anyone else hear this from you? We said: No. He said: I am not the grandson of my grandfather – and he took a great oath – if I ever hear it, I shall cut off your heads. We also did not dare to relate this matter to anyone as long as Motazid was alive.

219- وأخبرني جماعة، عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي بن الحسين بن بابويه رحمه الله قال: حدثنا علي بن الحسن بن الفرج المؤذن قال: حدثني محمد بن حسن الكرخي قال: سمعت أبا هارون- رجلا من أصحابنا- يقول: رأيت صاحب الزمان عليه السلام ووجهه يضيء كأنه القمر ليلة البدر، ورأيت على سرته شعرا يجري كالخط، وكشف الثوب عنه فوجدته مختونا، فسألت أبا محمد عليه السلام عن ذلك، فقال: هكذا ولد وهكذا ولدنا، ولكنا سنمر الموسى عليه لاصابة السُّنّة.

H 219 - Narrated to me a group of scholars from Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain bin Babawayh that he said: Narrated to us Ali bin Hasan bin Faraj Muezzin that he said: Narrated to me Muhammad bin Hasan Karkhi: “Abu Harun – a person belonging to our school of thought – said: “I saw His Eminence, the Master of the Age, while his face shone like a full moon and I saw a line of hair on his navel. When I removed the cover, I saw that he was circumcised. When I asked Abu Muhammad (a.s) about it, he said: This is the way he was born and this is the way we all (Imams) are born, but we passed the knife over him just in keeping up with the practice.”

220- أخبرنا جماعة، عن أبي المفضل الشيباني، عن أبي نعيم نصر بن عصام بن المغيرة الفهري المعروف بقرقارة قال: حدثني أبوسعيد المراغي، قال: حدثنا أحمد بن إسحاق أنه سأل أبا محمد عليه السلام عن صاحب هذا الأمر، فأشار بيده، أي إنه حي غليظ الرقبة.

H 220 - It is narrated from a group from Abi Mufaddal Shaibani from Abu Naeem Nasr bin Isaam bin Mughira Fahri alias Qarqaara from Abu Saeed Muraghi from Ahmad bin Ishaq Qummi that he asked Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) about the Master of this Affair, in reply to which the Imam made a gesture, meaning he is alive and his neck has hardened.

221- أخبرني ابن أبي جيد القمي، عن محمد بن الحسن بن الوليد، عن عبد الله بن العباس بن عبد الله بن الحسن بن علي بن علي بن الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب عليهم السلام، عن أبي الفضل الحسين بن الحسن بن الحسين بن الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام، قال :وردت على أبي محمد الحسن بن علي عليهما السلام بسر من رأى فهنأته بولادة ابنه عليه السلام.

H 221 - Narrated to me Ibn Abil Jayyid Qummi from Muhammad bin Hasan bin Walid from Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdullah bin Hasan bin Ali bin Husain bin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s) from Abul Fadhl Husain bin Hasan bin Husain bin Hasan bin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s) that he said: “I came to Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) at Samarrah and congratulated him for the birth of his son, Qaim (a.s).”

222- وأخبرني جماعة، عن محمد بن علي بن الحسين قال: أخبرنا أبي ومحمد بن الحسن ومحمد بن موسى بن المتوكل، عن عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، أنه قال: سألت محمد بن عثمان رضي الله عنه فقلت له: رأيت صاحب هذا الامر؟ فقال: نعم، وآخرعهدي به عند بيت الله الحرام وهو يقول: اللهم، أنجز لي ما وعدتني. قال محمد بن عثمان رضي الله عنه: ورأيته صلوات الله عليه متعلقا بأستار الكعبة في المستجار وهو يقول: اللهم انتقم لي من أعدائك.

H 222 - Narrated to me a group from Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain that he said: Narrated to me Abi Muhammad Hasan and Muhammad bin Musa bin Mutawakkil from Abdullah bin Ja’far Himyari that: I asked Muhammad bin Uthman Amari: “Have you the seen the master of this affair? He replied: “Yes, and the last time I saw him, he was besides the House of Allah and praying: O my Lord, fulfill the promise that You made to me.” Muhammad bin Uthman said: And I saw him holding the curtain of the Kaaba below the spout and praying: O my Lord, take revenge from my enemies.