15 - حدثنا أبي (رحمه الله)، قال: حدثنا سعد بن عبد الله، قال: حدثنا إبراهيم بن هاشم، قال: حدثنا إسماعيل بن مرار، قال: حدثني يونس بن عبد الرحمن، عن يونس بن يعقوب، قال: كان عند أبي عبد الله الصادق (عليه السلام) جماعة من أصحابه فيهم حمران بن أعين، ومؤمن الطاق، وهشام بن سالم، والطيار، وجماعة من أصحابه فيهم هشام بن الحكم وهو شاب، فقال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): يا هشام. قال: لبيك، يا بن رسول الله. قال: ألا تحدثني كيف صنعت بعمرو بن عبيد وكيف سألته. قال هشام: جعلت فداك يا بن رسول الله، إني أجلك وأستحييك، ولا يعمل لساني بين يديك. فقال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): إذا أمرتكم بشئ فافعلوه. قال: هشام: بلغني ما كان فيه عمرو بن عبيد وجلوسه في مسجد البصرة، وعظم ذلك علي، فخرجت إليه ودخلت البصرة في يوم الجمعة، فأتيت مسجد البصرة، فإذا أنا بحلقة كبيرة وإذا أنا بعمرو بن عبيد عليه شملة سوداء متزر بها من صوف، وشملة مرتد بها، والناس يسألونه، فاستفرجت الناس فأفرجوا لي، ثم قعدت في آخر القوم على ركبتي، ثم قلت: أيها العالم، أنا رجل غريب، تأذن لي فاسألك عن مسألة. قال: فقال: نعم. قال: قلت له: ألك عين؟ قال: يا بني، أي شئ هذا من السؤال؟ فقلت: هكذا مسألتي. فقال: يا بني سل، وإن كانت مسألتك حمقاء، فقلت: أجبني فيها. قال: لي: سل. فقلت: ألك عين؟ قال: نعم. قال: قلت: فما ترى بها؟ قال: الالوان والاشخاص. قال: قلت: ألك أنف؟ قال: نعم، قال: قلت: فما تصنع به؟ قال: أتشمم به الرائحة. قال: قلت: ألك فم؟ قال: نعم. قلت: وما تصنع به؟ قال: أعرف به طعم الاشياء. قال: قلت: ألك لسان؟ قال: نعم. قلت: وما تصنع به؟ قال: أتكلم به. قال: قلت: ألك أذن؟ قال: نعم. قلت: وما تصنع بها؟ قال: أسمع بها الاصوات. قال: قلت: ألك يد؟ قال: نعم. قلت وما تصنع بها؟ قال: أبطش بها. قال: قلت: ألك قلب؟ قال: نعم. قلت: وما تصنع به. قال: أميز به كل ما ورد على هذه الجوارح. قال: قلت: أفليس في هذه الجوارح غنى عن القلب؟ قال: لا، قلت: وكيف ذلك وهي صحيحة سليمة؟ قال: يا بني، إن الجوارح إذا شكت في شئ شمته أو رأته أو ذاقته أو سمعته أو لمسته ردته إلى القلب فييقن اليقين ويبطل الشك. قال: فقلت: إنما أقام الله القلب لشك الجوارح؟ قال: نعم. قال: قلت: فلا بد من القلب، وإلا لم تستقم الجوارح؟ قال: نعم. قال: فقلت: يا أبا مروان، إن الله تعالى ذكره لم يترك جوارحك حتى جعل لها إماما، يصحح لها الصحيح وييقن ما تشك فيه، ويترك هذا الخلق كلهم (1) في حيرتهم وشكهم واختلافهم لا يقيم لهم إماما يردون إليه شكهم وحيرتهم، ويقيم لك إماما لجوارحك ترد إليه حيرتك وشكك؟! قال: فسكت ولم يقل شيئا. قال: ثم التفت إلي فقال: أنت هشام؟ فقلت: لا. فقال لي: أجالسته؟ فقلت: لا. قال: فمن أين أنت؟ قلت: من أهل الكوفة. قال: فأنت إذن هو. قال: ثم ضمني إليه وأقعدني في مجلسه، وما نطق حتى قمت. فضحك أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام) ثم قال: يا هشام، من علمك هذا؟ قال: فقلت: يا ابن رسول الله، جرى على لساني. قال: يا هشام، هذا والله مكتوب في صحف إبراهيم وموسى (2).
My father narrated to us. He said: Sa`d b. `Abdullah narrated to us. He said: Ibrahim b. Hashim narrated to us. He said: Isma`il b. Marar narrated to us. He said: Yunus b. `Abd al-Rahman narrated to me from Yunus b. Ya`qub. He said: Abi `Abdillah al-Sadiq
was with a group of his companions, among whom were Humran b. A`yun, Mu’min al-Taq, Hisham b. Salim, and al-Tayyar; and [another] group of his companions, among whom was Hisham b. al-Hakam, who was a youth. So, Abu `Abdillah
said: O Hisham! He said: I am at your service, O son of the Messenger of Allah. He said: Will you not inform me of what happened with `Amr b. `Ubayd and how you questioned him? Hisham said: May I be your sacrifice, O son of the Messenger of Allah. I am yours, and I am shy before you, and so I am tongue-tied when I am in front of you. So, Abu `Abdillah
said: When you are commanded a thing, then do it. Hisham said: I was informed of `Amr b. `Ubayd and his gatherings in the mosque of Basra, and that was weighty [and distressing] for me. So, I set out to him and I entered Basra on Friday and came to the mosque of Basra. I saw a large circle [of people] with `Amr b. `Ubayd, who was wearing a black woollen cloth around his waist and another over his shoulders. The people were posing questions to him. I asked the people to make way for me and they complied. Then, I sat in the back row upon my knees. I then said: O scholar, I am a stranger, will you give me permission to ask you a set of questions? He said: So, he said: Yes. He said: So, I said to him: Do you have eyes? He said: O my son, what kind of question is this? How do you question a thing that you can see? So, I said: This is my question. He said: O my son, ask, even if your question is absurd. He said: Answer me in that. He said: So, he said to me: Ask. He said: I said: Do you have eyes? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you see with it? He said: Colours and persons. He said: I said: Do you have a nose? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with it? He said: I smell scents with it. He said: I said: Do you have a tongue? He said: Yes. He said: I said: Do you have a nose? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with it? He said: I smell scents with it. He said: I said: Do you have a tongue? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with it? He said: I speak with it. He said: I said: Do you have ears? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with them? He said: I hear sounds with them. He said: I said: Do you have hands? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with them? He said: I press with them, and with them I know what is soft from what is coarse. He said: I said: Do you have feet? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with them? He said: I move from place to place with them. He said: I said: Do you have lips? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with them? He said: I distinguish foods by their differences with them. He said: I said: Do you have a heart? He said: Yes. He said: I said: What do you do with it? He said: With it I distinguish between all of that which my body parts detect. He said: I said: With these body parts, are you not needless of a heart? He said: No. I said: How can this be when they are ample? He said: O my son, if a body part doubts anything which it has smelt, tasted, or heard, they refer it to the heart to remove doubt and replace it with certainty. He said: I said: So, therefore, Allah has appointed the heart to [deal with] the doubts of the body parts. He said: Yes. He said: I said: And the heart is necessary, otherwise the body parts would never attain certainty. He said: Yes. He said: I said: O Abu Marwan, surely, Allah would not leave your body parts without appointing a leader (imam) for them so that they may verify the truth and attain certainty in what is doubted. So, how then could He leave all the creatures in their perplexity, doubt, and schisms without appointing an Imam, to whom they may refer their doubts and confusions to, when He has given the parts of your body a leader to whom you can refer your doubts and perplexities to? He said: So, he went silent and did not say anything to me. He said: Then, he looked to me and said: Are you Hisham? So, I said: No. He said: So, he said to me: Have you sat with him? So, I said: No. He said: So where are you from? I said: From the people of Kufa. He said: You, then, are he! He said: Then he embraced me, sat me in his seat, and did not speak until I stood [from it]. So, Abu `Abdillah
laughed. Then, he said: O Hisham, who has taught you this? He said: I said: O son of the Messenger of Allah, it rolled off my tongue. He said: O Hisham, this, by Allah, is written in the scrolls of Ibrahim and Musa.
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