حدثنا محمد بن موسى بن المتوكل - رضي الله عنه - قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن جعفر الحميري، عن يعقوب بن يزيد، قال: حدثنا الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن عبد الرحمن بن الحجاج، عن سدير الصيرفي، عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد، عن أبيه، عن جده عليهم السلام قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: خلق نور فاطمة عليها السلام قبل أن تخلق الأرض والسماء.فقال بعض الناس: يا نبي الله فليست هي إنسية؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وآله: فاطمة حوراء إنسية قال: يا نبي الله وكيف هي حوراء إنسية؟ قال: خلقها الله عز وجل من نوره قبل أن يخلق آدم إذ كانت الأرواح فلما خلق الله عز وجل آدم عرضت على آدم. قيل: يا نبي الله وأين كانت فاطمة؟ قال: كانت في حقة تحت ساق العرش، قالوا: يا نبي الله فما كان طعامها؟ قال: التسبيح، والتهليل، والتحميد. فلما خلق الله عز وجل آدم و أخرجني من صلبه أحب الله عز وجل أن يخرجها من صلبي جعلها تفاحة في الجنة و أتاني بها جبرئيل عليه السلام فقال لي: السلام عليك ورحمة الله وبركاته يا محمد، قلت: وعليك السلام ورحمة الله حبيبي جبرئيل. فقال: يا محمد إن ربك يقرئك السلام. قلت: منه السلام وإليه يعود السلام. قال: يا محمد إن هذه تفاحة أهداها الله عز وجل إليك من الجنة فأخذتها وضممتها إلى صدري. قال: يا محمد يقول الله جل جلاله: كلها. ففلقتها فرأيت نورا ساطعا ففزعت منه فقال: يا محمد مالك لا تأكل؟ كلها ولا تخف، فإن ذلك النور المنصورة في السماء وهي في الأرض فاطمة، قلت: حبيبي جبرئيل، ولم سميت في السماء " المنصورة " وفي الأرض " فاطمة "؟ قال: سميت في الأرض " فاطمة " لأنها فطمت شيعتها من النار وفطم أعداءها عن حبها، وهي في السماء " المنصورة " وذلك قول الله عز وجل: " يومئذ يفرح المؤمنون * بنصر الله ينصر من يشاء " يعني نصر فاطمة لمحبيها.

52. Narrated to us Muhammad bin Musa bin al-Mutawakkil (r.a), who said: Narrated to us Abdullah bin Ja'far al-Humayri, from Ya'qub bin Yazid, who said: Narrated to us al-Hasan bin Ali bin Fudail, from Abdul Rahman bin al-Hajjaj, from Sudeir al-Sayrafi, from al-Sadiq Ja'far bin Muhammad (a.s), from his father (a.s), from his grandfather (a.s) that Rasulullah ﷺ said: "The light of Fatimah (a.s) was created before the creation of the heavens and the earth." Some people said, "O Prophet of Allah, isn't she a human being?" He ﷺ said, "Fatimah is a heavenly, human being." They asked, "O Prophet of Allah, how is she a heavenly, human being?" He said, "Allah, the Almighty, created her from His light before creating Adam when the souls were created. When Allah created Adam, the souls were presented to him." It was asked, "O Prophet of Allah, where was Fatimah at that time?" He said, "She was in a special place beneath the Throne." They asked, "O Prophet of Allah, what was her sustenance?" He said, "Her sustenance was glorification, praise, and exaltation." When Allah, the Almighty, created Adam and took me out from his loins, Allah loved to bring her out from my loins, so He made her a fruit in Paradise. Gabriel came to me with it and said, "Peace be upon you, O Muhammad, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings." I said, "And upon you be peace and the mercy of Allah and His blessings, O beloved Gabriel." He said, "O Muhammad, your Lord sends you greetings." I said, "From Him is peace, and to Him returns peace." He said, "O Muhammad, this is a fruit that Allah, the Almighty, has sent to you from Paradise." So, I took it and placed it on my chest. He said, "O Muhammad, Allah, the Majestic and Mighty, says, 'Eat it all.' So, I split it, and I saw a radiant light. I was startled by it, and he said, 'O Muhammad, why do you not eat? Eat all of it and do not be afraid. This light is victorious in the heavens, and on earth, it is Fatimah.'" I asked, "O beloved Gabriel, why is she called 'Al-Mansurah' in the heavens and 'Fatimah' on earth?" He said, "She is called 'Fatimah' on earth because she protects her followers from the fire and keeps her enemies away from her love. In the heavens, she is called 'Al-Mansurah,' and that is what Allah, the Almighty, says, 'On that day, the believers will rejoice in Allah's victory. He grants victory to whom He wills.' It means the victory of Fatimah for her lovers."