حدثنا المظفر بن جعفر بن المظفر العلوي، قال: حدثنا جعفر بن محمد بن مسعود، عن أبيه، قال: حدثنا إبراهيم بن علي، عن عبد العظيم بن عبد الله الحسني، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن معاوية بن عمار، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام في قول الله عز وجل: " ثم ليقضوا تفثهم " قال: هو الحفوف والشعث، قال: ومن التفث أن تتكلم في إحرامك بكلام قبيح فإذا دخلت مكة فطفت بالبيت وتكلمت بكلام طيب كان ذلك كفارته.
8. We were told by Mudaffar bin Ja’far bin Mudaffar al-Alawi, that he said: We were told by Ja’far bin Muhammed bin Mas’ud, from his father, that he said: We were told by Ibrahim bin Ali, from Abdul-Adheem bin Abdullah al-Hasani, from Hasan bin Mahbub, from Mu’awiya bin Ammar, from Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, with regards to the saying of Allah, Exalted and Glorious is He: «Then, let them end their tafath» (22:29). He said: It is to trim, and it is untidiness. He said: Among tafath is that you speak during your state of Ihram with horrid speech. If you, then, were to enter Mecca, perform the circling around the House and utter good speech, that would be its expiation.
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