أبي - رحمه الله - قال: حدثنا محمد بن يحيى العطار، عن سهل بن زياد الآدمي، عن علي بن سليمان، عن زياد القندي، عن عبد الله بن سنان. عن ذريح المحاربي، قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله عليه السلام: إن الله أمرني في كتابه بأمر فأحب أن أعلمه. قال: وما ذلك؟ قلت: قول الله عز وجل: " ثم ليقضوا تفثهم وليوفوا نذورهم " قال: " ليقضوا تفثهم " لقاء الامام " وليوفوا نذورهم " تلك المناسك. قال عبد الله بن سنان فأتيت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام فقلت: جعلني الله فداك قول الله عز وجل: " ثم ليقضوا تفثهم وليوفوا نذورهم " قال: أخذ الشارب وقص الأظفار وما أشبه ذلك، قال: قلت: جعلت فداك فإن ذريح المحاربي حدثني عنك أنك قلت له: " ثم ليقضوا تفثهم " لقاء الامام " وليوفوا نذورهم " تلك المناسك؟ فقال: صدق ذريح وصدقت أنت إن للقرآن ظاهرا وباطنا ومن يحتمل ما يحتمل ذريح؟
10. My father, may Allah grant him mercy, said: We were tld by Muhammed bin Yahya al-‘Attar, from Sahl bin Ziyad al-Adami, from Ali bin Sulayman, from Ziyad al-Qindi, from Abdullah bin Sinan, from Dhuraih al-Muharibi, that he said: I said to Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him: Indeed, Allah has ordered me in His Book with an order, and I would like to know (the meaning of) it. He said: And what is that? I said: The saying of Allah, Exalted and Glorious is He: «Then, let them end their tafath, and let them fulfill their vows» (22:29). He said: «let them end their tafath» is the meeting with the Imam, and «let them fulfill their vows» are those rites. Abdullah bin Sinan said: Then I came to Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him, and I said: May Allah make me a sacrifice for you. The saying of Allah, Exalted and Glorious is He: «Then, let them end their tafath, and let them fulfill their vows» (22:29)? He said: It is to take (some off) the mustache, cut the nails, and similar to that. He said: I said: May I be sacrificed for you, Dhuraih al-Muharibi told me of you that you, indeed, said to him that «Then, let them end their tafath» is the meeting with the Imam, and that «and let them fulfill their vows» are those rites. He said: Dhuraih spoke true, and you have spoken true. Indeed, for the Qur’an is an apparent meaning and an internal meaning. And who can handle like what Dhuraih handles?
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