7- وروى محمد بن يعقوب عن علي بن إبراهيم، عن محمد بن عيسى بن عبيد، عن الحسن بن محمد بن بشار قال حدثني شيخ من أهل قطيعة الربيع من العامة ممن كان يقبل قوله، قال:جمعنا السندي بن شاهك ثمانين رجلا من الوجوه المنسوبين إلى الخير فأدخلنا على موسى بن جعفر عليه السلام، وقال لنا السندي:يا هؤلاء انظروا إلى هذا الرجل هل حدث به حدث؟ فإن أمير المؤمنين لم يرد به سوء، وإنما ننتظر به أن يقدم ليناظره وهو صحيح موسع عليه في جميع أموره فسلوه وليس لنا هم إلا النظر إلى الرجل في فضله وسمته. فقال موسى بن جعفر عليه السلام:أما ما ذكره من التوسعة وما أشبهها فهو على ما ذكر، غير أني أخبركم أيها النفر إني قد سقيت السم في سبع تمرات وأنا غدا أخضر وبعد غد أموت. فنظرت إلى السندي بن شاهك يضطرب ويرتعد مثل السعفة. فموته عليه السلام أشهر من أن يحتاج إلى ذكر الرواية به، لأن المخالف في ذلك يدفع الضرورات، والشك في ذلك يؤدي إلى الشك في موت كل واحد من آبائه وغيرهم فلا يوثق بموت أحد. على أن المشهور عنه عليه السلام أنه وصى إلى ابنه علي بن موسى عليه السلام وأسند إليه أمره بعد موته، والأخبار بذلك أكثر من أن تحصى، نذكر منها طرفا ولو كان حيا باقيا لما احتاج إليه.

7 - Muhammad bin Yaqub has narrated from Ali bin Ibrahim and he from Muhammad bin Isa bin Ubaid and he from Hasan bin Muhammad bin Bashar and he from an old man from Qatiatur Rabi (a Baghdad locality) from Ahle Sunnat and from those who commanded influence and their statements are reliable; they have narrated that he said: Sandi bin Shahik gathered us eighty persons from the respectable and noble class and took us to Musa Ibn Ja’far (a.s) and said: ‘Look at this man. Has anything happened to him? That is because people claim that a detested thing has been done to him. They say that many times. This is his house and this is his bed. We entertained him and did not harass him. The Commander of the faithful (Harun) does not intend to do evil to him; he is waiting for him to debate with him. He is entertained in all his affairs. So ask him.’” That Shaykh said: “We had no concern, except that we intended to see and meet the Imam. When we approached him, we did not see the like of him in virtue and worship. He said to us: ‘As for the entertainment and the like he mentioned, they are other than what he mentioned. However, people, I will tell you: I have been given poison in seven fresh dates. I will turn yellow tomorrow and die after tomorrow.’” When Sandi heard that, his strength collapsed, and he shook all over. That is because the Imam refuted his claims of being innocent of assassinating him. On the basis of this, the martyrdom of the Imam (a.s) is so well known that it does not need the mention of traditional reports; because denial of the martyrdom of the Imam in the meaning of opposing the necessities and facts, and on one side doubt in his martyrdom leads to doubt in the death and martyrdom of each of his Infallible forefathers and even others, Therefore, one will not be certain of the death of any of them. In addition to what has passed, it is well known that the Imam made a bequest to his son, Ali bin Musa (a.s) and after the martyrdom, entrusted the matter of Imamate to him and there are more traditional reports on this subject than they can be computed; we mention some of them to show that if he had been alive, there would have been no need for him to make a bequest to Imam Ali Ridha (a.s).