فتزعزع الحجر حتى كاد أن يزول، ثم أنطقه الله تعالى، فقال:يا محمد،سلم الامامة لعلي بن الحسين. فرجع محمد عن منازعته وسلمها إلى علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام. ومنها تواتر الشيعة الامامية بالنص عليه من أبيه وجده وهي موجودة في كتبهم في الاخبار لا نطول بذكرها الكتاب.

After this statement of Imam (a.s) Hajar Aswad moved in such way as if it was alive and by the command and power of Allah started speaking and said: O Muhammad, accept the Imamate of Ali bin Husain (a.s). After this event Muhammad bin Hanfiyyah withdrew his claim and accepted the Imamate of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s). Secondly, Shia narrated an inordinate number (Mutawatir) of traditions from his father and his grandfather explicitly naming Ali Ibne Husain for Imamate. These traditions are present in our books and we will not lengthen the book by presenting them here.