402- وروى أبوعبيدة معمر بن المثنى البصري التيمي قال: كانت في غطفان خلة أشهرتهم بها العرب، كان منهم نصر بن دهمان، وكان من سادة غطفان وقادتها حتى خرف وحناه الاكبر، وعاش تسعين ومائة سنة، فاعتدل بعد ذلك شابا وأسود شعره، فلا يعرب في العرب أعجوبة مثله.
H 402 - It is narrated that Abu Ubaidah Moammar bin Muthanna Basri Teemi said: It was the quality of Bani Ghitfan that it was the most famous of the Arab tribes. Among its members was Nasr bin Dahman who was considered to be an elder and noble person of his tribe. He lived for 190 years and became extremely aged and weak, but after this period, his youth returned and his hair became black and no wonder was seen in Arabs like him.
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