وكانت توقيعات صاحب الامر عليه السلام تخرج على يدي عثمان بن سعيد وابنه أبي جعفر محمد بن عثمان إلى شيعته وخواص أبيه أبي محمد عليه السلام بالامر والنهي والاجوبة عما يسأل الشيعة عنه إذا احتاجت إلى السؤال فيه بالخط الذي كان يخرج في حياة الحسن عليه السلام، فلم تزل الشيعة مقيمة على عدالتهما إلى أن توفي عثمان بن سعيد رحمه الله ورضي عنه وغسله ابنه أبوجعفر وتولى القيام به وحصل الامر كله مردودا إليه، والشيعة مجتمعة على عدالته وثقته وأمانته، لما تقدم له من النص عليه بالامانة والعدالة والامر بالرجوع إليه في حياة الحسن عليه السلام وبعد موته في حياة أبيه عثمان رحمة الله عليه.

Epistles arrived from Master of Age (a.s) regarding Islamic commands and prohibitions and replies to queries of Shia about that which they were in need of, through Uthman bin Saeed and his son, Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Uthman in same handwriting in which they came during the period of Imam Askari (a.s). Thus the Shia always trusted the honesty of these two gentlemen till Uthman bin Saeed passed away and his son, Abu Ja’far performed his last rites. After that all responsibilities of the father were transferred to the son and all Shia were confident of his integrity since clear directions had come from Imam (a.s) regarding his honesty and also command for Shia to refer to him, whether during the time of Imam Askari (a.s) or after his martyrdom and even during the time of his father, Uthman.