ثم ساق الحديث إلى أن قالا: ثم قلنا بأجمعنا:يا سيدنا! والله إن عثمان لمن خيار شيعتك، ولقد زدتنا علما بموضعه من خدمتك، وأنه وكيلك وثقتك على مال الله تعالى. قال: نعم واشهدوا على أن عثمان بن سعيد العمري وكيلي وأن ابنه محمدا وكيل ابني مهديكم.
The narration is long. The two narrators say: Hasan said to Badr, “Go and bring Uthman Ibn Saeed Amari.” It was not long that Uthman entered. Our master Imam Hasan Askari
said, “O Uthman go, for you are the representative and reliable and entrusted man with respect to God’s money. Take from these Yemeni gentlemen the religious dues they have brought.” Then the two narrators continue their narrative until they say: Then we all said: “O our Master, by Allah, Uthman is best of your Shia. You increased our knowledge with respect to his position in your service and that he is your representative and reliable man in God’s money.” He said: “Yes, and bear witness for me that Uthman Ibn Saeed Amari is my representative and that his son Muhammad is the representative of my son, your Mahdi.”
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