337- قال: وقال مشايخنا: كنا لا نشك أنه إن كانت كائنة من أمر أبي جعفر لا يقوم مقامه إلا جعفر بن أحمد بن متيل أو أبوه لما رأينا من الخصوصية به وكثرة كينونته في منزله حتى بلغ أنه كان في آخر عمره لا يأكل طعاما إلا ما أصلح في منزل جعفر بن أحمد بن متيل وأبيه بسبب وقع له وكان طعامه الذي يأكله في منزل جعفر وأبيه. وكان أصحابنا لا يشكون إن كانت حادثة لم تكن الوصية إلا إليه من الخصوصية به فلما كان عند ذلك ووقع الاختيار على أبي القاسم سلموا ولم ينكروا وكانوا معه وبين يديه كما كانوا مع أبي جعفر رضي الله عنه ولم يزل جعفر بن أحمد بن متيل في جملة أبي القاسم رضي الله عنه وبين يديه كتصرفه بين يدي أبي جعفر العمري إلى أن مات رضي الله عنه فكل من طعن على أبي القاسم فقد طعن على أبي جعفر وطعن على الحجة صلوات الله عليه.

H 337 - Our teachers (Shaykhs) have reported saying: We did not have any doubt that if something should happen to Abu Ja’far, no one will take his place, but Ja’far Ibn Ahmad Ibn Matil or his father, for he was Abu Ja’far’s confidant and was at his house mostly. It was known that towards the end of his life, Abu Ja’far did not eat any food that was not prepared at the house of Ja’far Ibn Ahmad Ibn Matil and his father, due to an incident that had occurred. His food was at the house of Ja’far and his father. Our scholars did not doubt that if something happened, the position will be handed to him. When he passed away and Abul Qasim was selected, they submitted to him and did not reject him. They were all with him and at his service just as they were with Abu Ja’far. Ja’far Ibn Ahmad Ibn Matil continued to serve Abul Qasim as his deputy until his death as he served Abu Ja’far Amari. Anyone who criticizes Abul Qasim in fact criticizes Abu Ja’far and finally criticizes the Divine Proof (Hujjah).