335- أخبرني الحسين بن إبراهيم القمي قال:أخبرني أبو العباس أحمد بن علي بن نوح قال: أخبرني أبوعلي أحمد بن جعفر بن سفيان البزوفري رحمه الله قال: حدثني أبوعبد الله جعفر بن محمد المدائني المعروف بابن قزدا في مقابر قريش قال: كان من رسمي إذا حملت المال الذي في يدي إلى الشيخ أبي جعفر محمد بن عثمان العمري قدس سره أن أقول له: ما لم يكن أحد يستقبله بمثله: هذا المال ومبلغه كذا وكذا للإمام عليه السلام، فيقول لي:نعم دعه فأراجعه، فأقول له:تقول لي: إنه للامام؟ فيقول: نعم للإمام عليه السلام فيقبضه. فصرت إليه آخر عهدي به قدس سره ومعي أربعمائة دينار، فقلت له على رسمي، فقال لي: امض بها إلى الحسين بن روح، فتوقفت فقلت: تقبضها أنت مني على الرسم؟ فرد علي كالمنكر لقولي وقال: قم عافاك الله فادفعها إلى الحسين بن روح. فلمـا رأيت في وجـهه غضبا خرجت وركبت دابتي فلما بلغت بعض الطريق رجعت كالشاك فدققت الباب فخرج إلي الخادم فقال من هذا فقلت أنا فلان فاستأذن لي فراجعني وهو منكر لقولي ورجوعي فقلت له ادخل فاستأذن لي فإنه لا بد من لقائه فدخل فعرفه خبر رجوعي وكان قد دخل إلى دار النساء فخرج وجلس على سرير ورجلاه في الأرض وفيهما نعلان يصف حسنهما وحسن رجليه.فقال لي ما الذي جرأك على الرجوع ولم لم تمتثل ما قلته لك فقلت لم أجسر على ما رسمته لي فقال لي وهو مغضب قم عافاك الله فقد أقمت أبا القاسم حسين بن روح مقامي ونصبته منصبي فقلت بأمر الإمام فقال قم عافاك الله كما أقول لك فلم يكن عندي غير المبادرة. فصرت إلى أبي القاسم بن روح وهو في دار ضيقة فعرفته ما جرى فسر به وشكر الله عز وجل ودفعت إليه الدنانير وما زلت أحمل إليه ما يحصل في يدي بعد ذلك من الدنانير.
H 335 - Narrated to me Husain Ibn Ibrahim Qummi that: Narrated to me Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Ali bin Nuh that: Narrated to me Abu Ali Ahmad bin Ja’far bin Sufyan Bazufari that: Narrated to me Abu Abdullah Ja’far bin Muhammad Madayani, known as Ibn Qazda in the cemetery of Quraish that: “It was my practice that when I carried religious dues that were in my hands to Shaykh Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Uthman Amari I would say to him something no one else said its like, This money, the amount of which is such and such, belongs to the Imam . He would say, “Yes, leave it.” I would return and say, “Tell me it belongs to the Imam.” And he would say, “Yes, it belongs to the Imam
,” and then he would take it. The last time I saw him, I went to him with four hundred dinars. I talked to him as my custom was. He said, “Take it to Husain Ibn Rauh.” I paused and said: “You will take it from me like every time.” He turned me down like a stranger to my words and said: “Go, may Allah keep you well, and give them to Husain Ibn Rauh.” As I saw anger on his face, I moved and climbed on my mount. I had gone some distance that I had doubts, so I returned and knocked on the door. The servant came and asked, “Who are you?” I told him my name. He went inside and sought permission for my entry and came back, turning me down. I said, “Go and ask permission for me. I must see him.” He went inside and told him about my return. He had gone to the women’s quarters. He came out and sat over a bunk, while his feet were on the ground. He was wearing Arabian slippers, whose beauty was due to good looks of his feet. He asked, “What prompted you to return? And why didn’t you do what I told you to?” I said: “I did not dare do what you asked me to.” He called on me as he was angry, “Go, may Allah keep you well, for I have raised Abul Qasim Husain Ibn Rauh to my position and have assigned him my chair.” I asked, “By the order of the Imam?” He said: “Go, may Allah keep you well. It is as I told you.” I did not have any option, but to leave. I went to Abul Qasim Ibn Ruh. He was in a narrow house. I related to him what had happened. He was pleased and thanked Allah, the Exalted. I gave him the dinars. I kept submitting all my religious dues to him after that.
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